Chapter 133: Tsunade (please subscribe automatically!)

Lin Feng only felt that there was a vast expanse of whiteness around him, and he could no longer see Xiang Yu's figure, but Lin Feng knew that she must be nearby.

In order to avoid the last oolong situation, Lin Feng opened the system panel for a closer look when the dragon veins were transmitted:

"Congratulations to players for completing the mission."

"It is detected that the player has gained 10,000 experience points."

"Option 1: Save it for later use."

"Option 2: Improve ability level."

"Choice 3: Redemption in the mall."

Lin Feng first saw the completion prompt of the "return task", and then he continued to jump out of the changing transmission process:

"The player has been detected to trigger a special item: Dragon Vessel."

"Restart the special mission of the chain: Exploring the root of the local villain!"

"According to the mission, the system will conduct the space-time positioning of the third Ninja World War."

Seeing this, Lin Feng was stunned for a moment: "Huh? This time the teleportation does not require the Flying Thunder God Temporal and Space Technique?"

He still remembered that when the dragon vein teleportation was carried out a few years ago, the special props indicated in the prompt of the transmission process had both the "dragon vein" and the "flying thunder **** temporal and spatial technique" at the same time.

However, Lin Feng didn't bother to study things that he didn't know for the time being. He continued to read:

"It was discovered that the player was carrying'Uchiha Muyu' as a follower!"

"Data error! Data error!"

"The single coordinate positioning of the player by the system conflicts with the plural teleportation, and the coordinate positioning is invalid!"

"The player's entourage'Uchiha Toyu' will be randomly dropped into the country of ignition related to the chain mission!"

"Fuck!" Lin Feng looked very painful, "The data is wrong again!"

However, according to the experience of the last time, the transmission time of the dragon veins is not long, so Lin Feng hurriedly told Xiangyu: "There have been some emergencies, and I will not explain it when there is not much time... Anyway, remember to move towards Mu Go in the direction of Ye Ninja Village, understand?"

Although Xiang Yu certainly doesn't know what kind of ghost "Knoha Ninja Village" is, but Lin Feng wants to complete the chain special mission, he definitely has to go there. Just ask Xiang Yu to rush to Konoha Village while asking, then Lin Feng can always Successfully merged with her.


Xiang Yu Minglang's voice came over clearly, Lin Feng just breathed a sigh of relief, and found that the surrounding light had disappeared, and he successfully teleported back to the period of the third Ninja World War!


My name is Senju Tsunade, but most people like to call me "Tsunade Hime" because I am the granddaughter of Naruto Senjutsuma, the great man who founded Konoha Ninja Village.

Many years ago, I had another nickname, which I called the "three forbearance" in conjunction with the other two problematic teammates. This name was given by my enemies at the time, and I never thought it would become so famous now.

It's just that this name is more famous, and for me now, it is useless at all.

Ever since my brother Senju Noseki died in the war, I suffered from panicemia, and I felt weak at the sight of blood. By then, I would not be able to do battle or medical treatment.

Of course I can no longer participate in battles or missions, so I have to stay away from the world of ninjas. I have no interest in managing the village, so I simply travel the world and go to every place to play my favorite gambling.

Fortunately, in my early years, I was very powerful and accumulated a lot of money, which was enough to support my travel expenses and the hobby that only lost money. However, after such a long time, I felt a little uncomfortable in my heart.

Although I don't want to admit it, to be honest, I have always felt very lonely.

When traveling the world, I was the only one, but in normal times... there is no one by my side. Grandpa, second grandpa, younger brother, and my best friend, all of them are dead.

Now the only thing I can miss from time to time is my fiance, who doesn’t know if he exists.

From a very young age, my grandfather kept teaching me, saying that in the future there will be a Yushu, heroic and suave fiance—this is his original saying—to marry me and go home, while young I have always believed so firmly.

I heard that this fiancé's name is "Lin Feng", but whenever I say this name, my grandfather always looks strange.

Of course, when I was a child, I immediately felt that there must be something tricky in it, so I kept asking my grandfather whether he had seen the "Lin Feng".

At this time, Grandpa will show a very dazed expression, and there will always be only one answer: "Maybe... I have seen it..."

What does this mean? Are you kidding me! ?

It's a pity that every time I want to ask more questions, I will be driven away by Grandpa Second with a shit-like expression on his face-although I am very sorry for Grandpa Second, this description is the most appropriate.

Because the second grandfather has always been known for his genius and sharp mind, since he was born, I have only seen two expressions on his face: "I frown, I find this is not easy" and "I have seen everything." , So I was impressed by the new expression with infinite sense of flatness.

For that fiancé Lin Feng, I have been guarding myself like a jade, and even refused to break with my best friend. I just kept waiting for him... After all, "Lin Feng" is the lover of my dream since childhood, yes. For me it is the incarnation of perfection.

Even recently, I have often dreamed of him in my dreams, dreaming of a handsome guy falling from the sky, and even dreaming of the shameful things of being in the same bed with him. Unfortunately, when I wake up, I will find " "Lin Feng" still did not appear.

Regarding this, I just want to say a word now--

"How old is my old lady! Are you coming or not!"

After roaring this sentence, Tsunade sighed and lay back on the bed: "Forget it, it's getting late, so let's go to bed first."

"I have been waiting for 20 or 30 years for this kind of person who doesn't know whether it exists or not. I think about it, I really am a fool..."

With such thoughts, Tsunade closed his eyes and fell asleep. It may be because of day and night dreams, Tsunade dreamed of the "Lin Feng" again.

Chu Yang soon rose, but it was still a while before Tsunade's body clock awakened, but an unexpected situation woke her up early.


A dark figure smashed through the roof of the hotel heavily, and just happened to hit Tsunade's side. Of course, the wooden bed in the hotel could not withstand this huge kinetic energy, so it was a glorious sacrifice.

Tsunade's body had to fall to the ground with the black shadow, but fortunately, he was still separated from the mattress under him, so that he would not be scratched by the wood chips.

Tsunade, who woke up for the first time, stared at the dark shadow next to him with a stunned mouth. The shadow of the dark shadow was a handsome black-haired boy. At this time, he was cursing with an unhappy face: "...Damn system! What! Broken positioning! Teleported me to the sky all of a sudden!"

Tsunade, who couldn't understand what the black-haired handsome boy was scolding at all, kept his stunned expression and turned his head to look at the ceiling that opened a big hole, then turned back to look at the mattress under his body.

Indeed, it was exactly the same as in the dream-a handsome guy fell from the sky and was still in the same bed with her!


PS: I'm sorry that there is only one update today. I overestimated my combat effectiveness. Today, I couldn't even clarify the outline of the new volume... It may be all ready tomorrow, but this chapter is longer than the previous chapters. Got it. _(:зゝ∠)_..