Chapter 429: Abode of the gods

So, could it be that he came directly through space like the Flying Thunder God's technique?

Luo Sha's instinct told him that this was also wrong, and it was precisely because of this that such a huge sense of disobedience would have occurred.

There is neither coordinate nor process-indeed, every shadow can feel that Lin Feng does have this "process" of moving towards Luosha, but he is like a step to the sky, and he immediately advances to Luosha. Around!

What this huge violation brought was extreme suddenness, Luo Sha couldn't make any response at all, and his neck was severely severed by the swift black shadow!

At this time, all the shadows fell silent, Lin Feng was already using practical actions to endorse his words, and at the beginning of the game, he immediately killed the fourth generation of Fu Ying Luo Sha.

Although Luosha's strength can only be regarded as a very low level among them, if you want Luosha to instantly kill Luosha that can't even counterattack, none of them can do it.

Not to mention that it was a second, even if they were to kill Luosha within dozens of moves, no one dare to pack a ticket to do it.

It's just that this is on the battlefield, and they are not allowed to think, since the enemy has been killed, then what they have to do is challenge!

They are the shadows of each village, and the leaders of each village shoulder the responsibility and obligation to protect the village. This is the best time for them to perform their duties, defeat Lin Feng, and protect the village and the entire Ninja World!

In an instant, every shadow hit their strongest blow, stone spear, dust escape, water dragon, iron cannon, thunder pillar, ice knife, wind blade, sand sword... the scale of each attack is enormous, these are many kinds The vast variety of attacks completely covered Lin Feng in an instant, and it looked even more terrifying than the army's spells!

The only thing Lin Feng did was to slowly open his eyes, the mysterious circular line of reincarnation in his pupils forced people's mind: "Gao Tianyuan!"

The attack group was still advancing, and it seemed that it could hit Lin Feng in the next moment, and everything seemed to have not changed - but indeed, the biggest and most incredible change had already taken place!

Stone guns, dust escape, water dragons, iron cannons, thunder pillars, ice knives, wind blades, sand swords... these terrifying super large attacks are indeed swarming towards Lin Feng, but that's all, they are always in a state of blasting past. , But never beat Lin Feng!

"This...what is this...!?"

Everyone was stunned. Lin Feng took out a kunai lightly, and smashed the thunder pillar in front of him-the wonderful scene that the thunder pillar would be crushed. The ninja who had been numb for a long time expressed amazement.

After all, this action awakened the highly skilled fighters, and Liedou shouted: "Anyway, stay away from his position first, and then study countermeasures!"

"Gao Tianyuan!"

There was another cold snort, and this time the ubiquitous sense of violation completely covered the remaining ten shadows.

But in fact, none of them felt something strange, or what Lin Feng had done to the body, everything was so normal, and the state was as good as ever.

But it is this normality that produces the most irregular abnormality!

First of all, keep a safe distance from enemies who don’t know the truth, and then think about how to crack them. This is the most basic and correct concept for ninjas in battle. You don’t need to say it specifically in a fierce fight. Every movie thinks so. So they all want to back away quickly.

They are retreating extremely fast... have they really retreated?

At the moment when the sense of disharmony appeared and enveloped the body, every shadow discovered this terrible fact. No matter how they felt, they did feel that they were retreating quickly, but after a closer look around, they would Found that they hadn't moved at all!

"What the **** is going on!"

The first generation Lei Ying couldn't help roaring, and when he looked up again, he realized that Lin Feng had appeared in front of him silently for some time.

The thunder pillar that Lin Feng smashed was exactly what the first generation Raikage sent out, so the direction of Lin Feng's advancement was also here. And all the shadows were immersed in the shock of this incredible phenomenon, and none of them discovered Lin Feng's approach.

"the second."

Lin Feng whispered without emotion, the pupils of the first generation Raikage contracted tightly, but how could he be faster than Lin Feng, the fastest in the Ninja world, no matter how hard he can resist, his head is high under the direct death attack. Fly high.

"First generation adults!"

The three generations of Raikage roared and recognized Lin Feng's identity. That was his most impressive memory before his death, because the third generation of Raikage died at Lin Feng's hands.

"You bastard!" Of course he couldn't bear the irritable character. He raised his fingers and attacked Lin Feng in front of Lin Feng, "Since I can't hide, then attack directly!"

"Hell stabs a consistent hand!"

This is the strongest attack of the three generations of Raikage, and it is also the most penetrating attack in the Ninja world, but Lin Feng only glanced at him coldly, Gao Tianyuan's power was activated again, this time it became the horror of the third generation of Raikage. Absolutely.

Can't hit... Three generations of Raikage don't know why, but he just can't hit Lin Feng, just like his hand can't reach Lin Feng, but he is in a position close to Lin Feng. !

Lin Feng gently turned sideways to avoid, dodges the direction that his finger was pointing, and then Lin Feng lifted Kuwu and pointed the tip directly at the forehead of the third generation of Raikage.

In the next second, Yiben finally stabbed his hand, just passing by Lin Feng, and that ordinary kunai easily broke through the three generations of thunder known as the strongest shield. Shadow, deeply buried in the brain of three generations of Raikage!
