v2 Chapter 81: The once and for all method!

"Peng, Pan! You stand back!"

Ryo Udagawa blocked the two of them, and with a wave of his hand, the doll Follett entangled Lin Feng again.

"Lin Feng, today is your death date!"

Follett's snake eyes turned bright red immediately, and he looked at Lin Feng: "Yes, that's right, a weak person like you should have gone to death! Absolute enchantment, snake net! "

An octagonal diamond-shaped circle appeared at Udagawa Ryo's feet, and his eyes turned red. He looked towards Lin Feng, and immediately countless snakes emerged from his feet like stone pillars. He directly bites and kills.

"This kind of thing is only useful for children. It is still too naive to deal with me."

Lin Feng sneered and moved lightly. The long snakes that originally wanted to emerge from the ground just came out of their heads. They turned into ashes as if they were burned by fire, and drifted away with the wind.

"What, how is this possible!"

Uda Kawari looked at the octagonal diamond array that lit up from Lin Feng's feet, but none of the snakes could have disappeared before touching Lin Feng, but Lin Feng walked towards him like an okay person.

"What's going on, Follett!"

Udagawa Ryo directly yelled at his doll, and couldn't help but step back a few steps.

"I don't know what's going on... but... it seems... my abilities don't work for this person!"

Follett's snake eyes continued to maintain red eyes, but his own ability seemed to have been absorbed by Lin Feng, and it didn't have any effect at all.

"It doesn't work?"

Uda Kawari glanced back at Peng and Pan. The two had fallen to the ground, and there was no gleam in their eyes, as if they were dead.

Uda Kawarui's pupils shrank, and he immediately jumped up: "No! Follett, let's go!"

He looked at Lin Feng in front of him, as if he felt that death was quietly approaching him!

Although as Bavente, he no longer knows how many years he has lived, but he has not yet been able to seize the position of Bavente's leader, asking him to die like this, he is absolutely unwilling!

"Want to go, how easy is it."

Just as Uda Kawari jumped back to retreat, a sound suddenly rang from his ears. Then, his spine was directly broken by a foot, and someone kicked him out.


Ryo Udagawa cried out in pain, even if he was Baven, who was kicked to break his spine, he would feel the pain that pierced his heart.

Lin Feng appeared in front of Uda Kawarui, clapped his hands and said disdainfully: "I haven't played enough yet, you want to leave."

"Asshole, I will never forgive you!"

Uda Chuanrong's face flushed red, he had no chance to get up again, and the only thing he could do now was to avenge Lin Feng!

"Follett! Hurry up!" Udagawa Ryo said frantically, "Since I can't live anymore, he doesn't want to live either!"

The octagonal diamond array lit up again, and countless snakes emerged from around Lin Feng, trying to trap him and bite him to death!

"I said, this is just a thing for children."

Lin Feng slowly pulled out his Zan Poknife. In Uda Chuan Ling's eyes, Lin Feng's sword technique seemed to have slowed down. The Zan Poknife came out slowly, sending out a cold light in the light of the moon!

Just like a sickle cutting reeds, it was enough to encircle Lin Feng in a circle of snake-shaped formations, and immediately he was cut by a knife and turned into fly ash!

And his head turned counterclockwise, and Lin Feng seemed to be constantly changing in his eyes. It was not until the end that Uda Kawari realized what was going on.

"My head...was cut off?"

Udagawa Ryo's head fell to the ground, watching his own blood spurting from his neck like a column of water, his eyes slowly became apathetic, until he died, his body changed like Peng and Ian's. Become a spiritual son, disappeared in the air.

"Huh, get it done."

Lin Feng retracted the knife into his scabbard and looked back at Soma Yoshino.

"you you……"

Soma Yoshino looked at everything in front of him, and was already speechless in surprise.

Unexpectedly, Lin Feng defeated the three Bawents of Uda Kawaru within a few strokes. It was almost a ruin. Uda Kawaru was like he was playing in the palm of his hand.

"What's the matter?" Lin Feng smiled faintly, not paying attention to Ma Fangye's reaction, instead he approached her and said, "You escaped from Bavent's organization?"

"How do you know?" Soma Yoshino asked.

"Of course I know," Lin Feng put the Zan Po Dao on his shoulders and said calmly, "There is nothing I don't know."

Soma Yoshino was startled, looking at the mysterious man in front of him, his eyes became lowered: "Yes, I did escape from the organization."

"Then what are you going to do next?"

Lin Feng pulled up a chair directly, sat down in the auditorium with Erlang's legs tilted, and opened another chair with his hand. He looked at Soma Yoshino and said, "Let's sit down and talk."

Soma Yoshino hesitated, but still sat down, looked at the ground and said, "I don't know where to go."

"Why not?" Lin Feng suddenly turned his head and smiled at her faintly, "I will help you once and for all!"

"Once and for all?"

Seeing Lin Feng's smiling face without expression, Xiangma Fangye suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"What are you going to do?"

"It's very simple," Lin Feng's smile slowly turned cold in the moonlight, "Kill them all!"