v2 Chapter 302: Why can he use magic? !

"Oh!...so disgusting!"

Nazca was on the fork, his limbs were as weak as bones, hanging on it like salted fish, and the liquid in his stomach rolled up to his throat.

"Really or fake, can still faint the lake!?"

Lin Feng looked at Naz with astonishment as if he had discovered a new world, then turned around to give the giant salamander a thumbs up and said without hesitation: "Then it's awesome!"

"Hey! Lin Feng is not the time to praise others!" Hobby held his head in circles.


Lin Feng returned to the subject with a row of foreheads and said: "I forgot that you are going to challenge me, so come now!"

"Let's not talk to you idiot, Xia Lulu Wendy, let's run away!" Habi took Xia Lulu, and ran back to drag Naz after a few steps.

"Is that necessary, but just a small fish?" Lin Feng shook his head and turned silently.

Hobby was about to scold Lin Feng for being too arrogant, and then he saw a frightening look.

The giant salamander climbed quickly, and a large group of liquid with a certain ability flew in its mouth. The most important thing was that the big mouth of the blood basin was already open to swallow the forest wind.

"Lin Fengkuai..."


Lin Feng turned around curiously, looked sideways at the green liquid and the black faint mouth, curled his mouth contemptuously, and barked his teeth.


Lin Feng's entire arm has not been moved, only his wrist joints have been slightly moved. Suddenly, the corners of the eyes and the mouth of the giant salamander beast twisted backwards, looking terrifying and hideous.

Lin Feng's slap passed, and did not go to see how the giant salamander was going, and walked towards Hobby.

"Quick... escape!"

Hobby's chin was pulled down long, his tongue was sticking out, and the nerves of the senses remained at the previous second.

Wendy and Xia Lulu looked at the breezy forest wind in disbelief, not knowing what to say.

"Why can he still use magic!" Xia Lulu was the only one who was shocked.

Since coming to Adras, her memory has been slowly recovering. Just now I remembered that Adras is a world without magic. Naturally, there is no magic in everything except magic crystals!

But now Lin Feng uses the power that an abnormal human should have!

The head of the giant salamander flew upside down into the lake as if it was inlaid with heavy iron, and its huge body fainted with huge waves in the lake.

"It really can fly!" Hobby looked at the giant salamander that was flew away by Lin Feng's palm.

"Okay, let's start."

Lin Feng passed the others and said lightly, Nazwendy walked behind and began to explore this new world, everything here made them curious.

"Look, it's floating on this river!"

"Really, it's amazing!" Wendy said excitedly, and Naz also curiously looked left and touched right beside him.

The river in the sky is very clear, and some schools of fish can be seen swimming. The small river is connected one after another floating islands in the sky. The misty clouds move with the wind, looking like a dreamlike fairyland. .

The three and two cats walked in the forest, relying on Xia Lulu's recovered sporadic memories to walk out of the forest to the capital.

"Oh, how long will it take?" Lin Feng complained feebly, lying on a morning ground feebly.

"I'm hungry." Naz also lay down, listless, his eyelids pulled down heavily.

"Aisa, we are hungry too."

Lin Feng Naz and Hobbi lay down and formed a circle head to head.

After walking for a long time, Wendy kept sweating on her little face, and she was tired.

"Wendy hasn't arrived in the capital yet?"

"My memory has only recovered a little bit. I'm not so familiar with this place, but it should not be far away." Xia Lulu looked at Wendy guiltily. It was because she was tired of Wendy. When she said that her voice became smaller and smaller, even her No confidence anymore.

"We won't just starve to death here, are we?" Naz lowered his eyelids and looked at the dense forests that were almost all around him.

"No!" Lin Feng suddenly arched his body, as if remembering some golden light in his eyes, he slowly turned his head.

Hobby only felt cold when he opened his eyes and it was clear that it was still the sun. Why did he feel cold?

Hobby had an ominous premonition, and was about to say something to Naz when he saw Lin Feng looking at him with a hungry face!

"Guru! Don't we still have spare food."

Lin Feng's throat made a rolling sound, the corners of the mouth on both sides were pulled up high, his eyes burst into light, and he stared at Hobby with a wicked smile.

"Lin Feng, wouldn't you be!" Hobby hurriedly stepped back and covered his chest with both hands.

"Hobby! Just give yourself up!" Lin Feng grabbed Hobby's tail with one hand and licked his lips.

"Lin Feng, do you really want to..."

"Do not talk!"

Lin Feng interrupted Naz's words. His evil face suddenly returned to his usual coldness, and his index finger was placed in front of his mouth to signal everyone not to speak.

Naz and Wendy Xaluru are also curious about what happened to Lin Feng?


Lin Feng raised his mouth slightly, looked at the forest in front of him, and then at the hobbit in his hand and said, "Hobbie just made a joke, now someone has brought food, you can help me order a meal, now we are so tired what."

"What? A meal?"

"Yeah, come on, don't be shy." Lin Feng smiled maliciously and looked at Hobby. The strength in his hand suddenly increased and he grasped Hobby's tail tightly, and his arm rotated a few times and threw it upward.

"What! What! Don't! Help..."

Hobbi experienced a flight that could fly without wings. His mouth was open, saliva was flying everywhere, and there were tears in the corners of his eyes.

The sharp voice of extreme survival also echoed high and low in the air, spreading all the way to the sky.