Chapter 1373: Traitor Remnant

Of course, being able to locate different planes and teleport is already quite powerful, and it is very difficult for even a strong God of War to do.

"I'll call you Xiaolan from now on!"

Yue Chen smiled.

Drilling the whale nodded, had no objection to the name, and asked lazily: "What else is there?"

"If it's okay, I'll go to bed. In just a few days, I changed two or three residences, so I didn't even have time to sleep."

Yue Chen was a bit speechless, with the lazy character of the whale-swimming clan, if it weren't for the powerful, he would have been killed long ago.

"I want to go to another continent, where the space is cracked by the battle of the strong, you should be able to locate and open the portal through the space gap?"

Yue Chen frowned and asked.

Drilling through the air, the whale thought for a moment, and said lazily: "Yes, you can say the name of the continent and see if there is that continent in my memory."

"But the space on that continent must be extremely unstable. If it's like the continent of Nine Provinces, let alone me, even the whales in the realm of the war emperor can't do it."

"Although we are a special family, we usually eat and drink in places such as secret fragments and broken spaces. There is no way for a stable space."

Yue Chen nodded. If there are no restrictions, the air-swimming whale clan is too abnormal. I am afraid that the demons have domesticated a large number of air-swimming whales to invade the human race, so he said in a deep voice: "Qingping Continent, Xiaolan, see if you can Positioning."

The huge head of the whale swimming in the air clicked, and a faint blue light wave broke out in an instant, and disappeared in front of everyone, as if there was no space here. After a while, the whale urn sounded in the air. The mainland is unstable."

"There are dozens of war gods fighting in a melee, and the location of the melee is a space tunnel, which is inherently unstable. This whale can still do it."

"But it consumes a lot for me, and it takes five days to open the portal."

"Wait five days later, come again, this whale will go back to catch up!"

The whale's tail swayed a few times before diving into the water with a thud, and Yue Chen looked a little dumbfounded.

I originally thought that Little Golden Tortoise's character was bad enough and disrespectful to his owner, but I didn't expect that Little Blue's character was not as good as Little Golden Tortoise.

"Your Majesty, are you going to a plane with dozens of powerful war gods?"

Ao Rui's tone was shocked, and a pair of dragons stared like bronze bells.

Although he is the strongest warlord, he is already regarded as the top group of strongest fighters in Kyushu, but in front of the strongest warlord, he is no different from the ants, let alone the dozens of strong warlords, which is beyond his belief. .

Yue Chen smiled and said: "A friend has some trouble and needs me to help me."

"Our Nine States Continent has a civilizational fault, so the top powerhouses cannot compare to other continents. In fact, in other continents, the God of War powerhouses are not as scarce as we are, and there is even a realm above the God of War powerhouse called the Heavenly Emperor Realm. !"

"Since the matter is resolved, I won't stay longer, there are other things to deal with."

Ao Rui was dumbfounded, watching Yue Chen leave with a sense of awe in his eyes, and he felt like sitting in a well and watching the sky. Originally, he respected Yue Chen, but it was because he helped the Dragon Blood Clan escape the secret realm. What respect.

Now that Yue Chen's mind is completely changed, a person with such a vision is destined to never be ordinary in the future.

"Wei Qing, how have you dealt with the remnants of the traitors who were attracted by the Sea Clan?"

Yue Chen's voice was cold, bringing a bit of anger.

Wei Zhongxian trembled and said respectfully: "The bottom layer has been swept away, but according to the secret report from the West Factory, there are still a group of surrenders lurking in the depths, and they will not be dug out for a while."

"Our spies wanted to go deeper, but they were all found and killed by the other party. Now they are stepping up to send masters to investigate. There has been progress, but it will take some time."

Yue Chen shook his head and said in a cold tone: "Kill, you should kill one by one!"

"Thousands of fellow human races are fighting on the front line, but these **** are behind the enemy and betraying the country. Before I go to Qingping Continent, these traitors must be wiped out to eliminate hidden dangers for the human race."

"What progress is there now, please tell me carefully."

Wei Zhongxian has been following Yue Chen, and he can naturally feel Yue Chen’s violent anger, and hurriedly said: “Now Xichang has pried out some news from the rebellious mouth he had caught, and sent out spies to pretend to be the children of the strangled traitor family and want to mix in those High-level rebellion."

"However, the results have been minimal. More than a dozen spies have been damaged. Now the group of high-level rebels are like frightened birds, and they are very vigilant."

Yue Chen gritted his teeth and said: "It happens that I have nothing to do in these days. I don't have to send those spies to die. Give me an identity. I personally sneak into the rebellious high-level and find out."

Wei Zhongxian said with trepidation: "Your Majesty, you are the body of ten thousand gold, do not stand under a dangerous wall!"

"Your Majesty, please think twice!"

Yue Chen said indifferently: "I have a mask to hide myself, and with my strength, no one in Kyushu can hurt me except those strong from the older generation."

"I believe that the older generation of strong people will not go with these animals. Besides, I am not the kind of flower in the greenhouse. Have I experienced few wars along the way?"

Only then did Wei Zhongxian nod his head and respectfully said: "Subordinates will make arrangements!"





In the coastal city of Longjiang Port, a combination of master and servant, one young and one old, walked into the city gate.

"Your Majesty, according to the rebels we caught, the Hai Clan rebels are the most frequented by Jiang State, but because we haven't had too much contact with Jiang State, Xichang's power here is also relatively weak."

"According to the analysis of the West Factory, this Longjiang Port has a stronghold of high-level traitors, and they are quite powerful. As long as you leave a secret sign here, there will be rebellious people who come to us in a day."

"But... we have already damaged five or six of the most elite West Factory spies around here. I am afraid it is not easy to get in with them."

One master and one servant are Yue Chen and Wei Zhongxian disguised in disguise. They are now a small family surnamed Wang in the Yue country. They had taken refuge in the Sea Clan some time ago, but they were massacred after being discovered by Xichang.

Now only the young master Wang Chen and the steward Zhong Bo escaped hurriedly and went to Longjiang Port to defect to the high-level rebellion.

Yue Chen said coldly: "It's okay, the latent failure is the big deal, let's use strong, now how can we leave a secret sign to induce them?"

Wei Zhongxian smiled and said, "As long as you drop the parchment with the address of our hotel in the port, someone will come to us."

"This group of rebels hides extremely well. They call themselves Haidian internally. They seem to want to imitate the temple and the dark temple, but they are just impersonating them."

"If it hadn't been for the long-term fishing of big fish, his subordinates would have killed all these rebels."