Chapter 1489

"Well, you're right."

The existence of peeping eyes let rod see through the thoughts in Badu's heart. He didn't even want the ogre to answer in words. Then rod understood his attitude and had no choice but to say:

"I didn't expect that the seemingly rude ogres were so careful. You are not like those stupid savages, but like human beings. Is that also the nature of Ogres? If all the ogres want you to be like this, I can't think of how you're trapped in krylord. "

"I just know never to believe the words of the caster, including the necromancer." Badu replied calmly, not proud of rod's words.

"Well, regardless of the identity of the caster, I'll ask you a few unimportant questions. You can choose whether to answer or not." Rod thought about it and said in a different way.

Seeing Badu staring at himself, rod immediately said, "the battle of the throne is not over. Why don't you go to blakada instead of trying to expand your forces and deal with other enemies who are fighting? Or did the caster give you any advantage to do so? "

"I'm here to fulfill my mission, and for the glory of krylord." Badu obviously didn't want to tell roddo that even if it was such a trivial question, he didn't want to give a detailed answer.

"What's the glory of trying to submerge trix with an avalanche?" Rod didn't understand.

With rod's words, Badu also fell into memory.

The battle for the throne is still going on. The participants in the battle for the throne see clearly the situation and gradually turn into two powerful confrontation forces.

The leader of one of these forces was York, whom Badu followed. The leader of the other force, however, was powerful and personally killed Korg of ancient bimon.

The friction between the two forces is constant. Just as the final decisive battle is coming, the changes in blakada seriously affected the battle of the throne.

The mage's new magic guild started with the barbarians of krylord. Without the protection of forbidden magic ball, ordinary barbarians, where are their opponents? The retaliation from blakada instantly defeated the defense line on the krylord border.

Seeing that no one can stop the mage's attack, kluode will return to the fate of being enslaved again. The rules of the battle of the throne have changed. Who can resolve the crisis from the mage is the real king of kluode.

The powerful kolger leads his subordinates to meet blakhada's powerful Lord, the legendary mage blag, on the border of krylord, while York doesn't move at all.

Badu was anxious. He was very optimistic about York. York was also the only one of all the barbarians who was selected by Badu and admitted that he had a strong will in his heart and could lead kluode to develop better.

Even so, Badu, who was anxious in his heart, couldn't come up with any good strategies, let alone solve all these problems. He could only watch colger's side constantly send the good news of repelling the mage.

At this time, a powerful caster suddenly found Badu.

Badu didn't trust the mage, but the caster moved his heart with his words.

With the help of the caster, Badu leads his men through the portal to the snowy mountain, where they are ready to trigger an avalanche and completely submerge the city of teres at the foot of the mountain.

When the headquarters of the new magic guild is covered with snow and a lot of damage occurs, the mage's attack on krylord will be broken. Badu can also achieve his wish and become a hero of all barbarians in glory.

At this time, in the face of rod's question, Badu did not want to answer, but turned his head to one side, without any words.

For Badu's attitude, rod doesn't care. He has already got all the thoughts in the ogre's heart with peeping eyes.

"With your careful mind, even if you are dazzled by honor, you can't think that the mage can cast a spell to resist natural disasters such as avalanches. It's not difficult for the legendary mage to cast a spell."

Rod changed the topic, and then said: "the caster must have helped you. Maybe it's a secret method, more likely it's a one-time treasure. Hand it in."

Perhaps it's because of their own situation that cannibals readily hand over their treasures.

"This is..."

Looking at the treasure in his hand and feeling the scalding heat from it, rod showed a look of surprise.


[crystallization of doomsday]

Usage requirement: None

Special attribute: consume all current health value, cast magic [LV1 of doomsday judgment], the completion of magic depends on the maximum health value of the holder, the lower limit is 20%, the upper limit is 80%. After casting, the doomsday crystal will break and cannot be restored.

Evaluation: the crystallization of sulfur and cremation needs to pay a heavy price to activate the power contained in it.


Looking at the red crystal in his hand, rod was silent for a while. He did not expect that what Badu took out was such a treasure with Demon power.

"What is this? How can I feel a familiar breath, as if it was the magic you just taught me... "Enota saw the doomsday crystal in rod's hand and asked with some doubts.

"As you feel, there is doomsday judgment in this crystal..." rod said in a deep voice. He seemed to think of something.

Rod recalled that the obvious sign of the third expansion was that there were a large number of followers of demons all over the world, or believers praying for the end of the day.

Those crazy believers who have lost their senses accept the power of the devil and call for the coming of the doomsday judgment one after another at the cost of their own lives, which makes people everywhere miserable.

And the media for believers to call the doomsday judgment is the "doomsday crystal" in rod's hands.

The power of doomsday judgment is not for fun. Even if it is only 20% complete, it is enough to destroy the defenseless creatures in a big city.

Looking at Badu in front of him, rod can confirm that the caster in the ogre's memory is a powerful believer of doomsday, and his rank is likely to be legendary.

Like Badu, who has a strong obsession in his heart, but can't gather his will to become a hero, is the best lure of the devil.

Rod predicted that if he did not come here, the barbarians, led by Badu, might be able to completely destroy the city of trix with the effect of the crystallization of doomsday.