Chapter 1644

Even if the magic dock is close at hand, once you enter it, you will have a chance to get the magic boat to the depth of the fire lake, but rod stopped.

A large number of demon corpses nearby have shown what kind of danger there is. At this time, rod can't face up to such an enemy.

Just as rod's mind was beginning to retreat, a sound from the rear attracted rod's attention.

Several sheep headed demons, leading groups of long Horned Demons, surrounded from all around, which also changed rod's look.

Attracted by the corpses nearby and the magic dock nearby, rod ignores the enemies around him. When he hesitates, the team of long Horned Demons has surrounded rod and his party.

These long Horned Demons look alert, and look at the nearby corpses of the same race with a bit of fear in their eyes. But in fear, they have a strong momentum of fearlessness.

And in the front of a few sheep head devil, and one of the most special. Although his head has long goat like horns, his face is more human. In addition, a pair of broad bat wings grow behind him, which has the ability to fly.

When he noticed the characteristics of the devil, rod's expression changed slightly. From these characteristics, he was obviously not an ordinary goat headed devil.

Compared with ordinary sheep headed demons, his blood has been further purified and has entered the level of epic creatures. As long as he goes further, he will have a chance to become a real big devil, which is the existence that all demons yearn for.

For the current Lord, only relying on the existing basic attributes to deal with level 5 creatures requires some means. If facing level 6 epic creatures, I'm afraid there is not much chance of winning without assigning skill points.

If you count the skill points, the situation will be different. With the blessing of the legendary melee special skill, rod may not be able to defeat epic creatures head-on, but he still has little problem in evacuating.

"Lord anyavelli, they are not the demons on our side." A goat headed demon with a broken horn on his head reports to a high-level demon.

"I can feel that they don't have much power. Ask them what it has to do with the monsters that attack the magic dock. " The high-level devil felt the smell of rod and his party, then shook his head and said.

The broken horn demon immediately came forward and said to rod: "the demon over there, the great pure blood demon, Lord anyavelli, would like to ask you, what's the relationship between you and the behemoth before?"

"Behemoth..." rod seemed to find something and his eyes narrowed slightly.

It can tear the claws of the long horned devil's body, knock the sheep's head devil to death, or even trample the body to death. If it's a behemoth, the corresponding source of the traces left on the battlefield can also be found.

However, what puzzled rod was why there was a behemoth in the trial of hell?

Even in the surface world, it's not easy to see a behemoth. It is only in the deepest part of the field that the strongest terrestrial creature can be seen. People who face this kind of creature can hardly retreat completely.

Recalling the statue of the king he once saw, what makes rod care is that the statue corresponding to the angry king is a behemoth. Before the soul came to hell, karnathan, the death knight under rod, once told him that the angry king, named behemoth, is a behemoth burning with a flame, who is responsible for the control of exotic animals.

Perhaps the behemoth, who appeared in the trial, had a certain relationship with the angry king, but the current Lord was not clear.

In the face of the sheep's head demon's inquiry, he saw that all the nearby abyss demons were looking at him. Rod thought about it and replied:

"I don't know what you're talking about. I just felt the smell of blood, so I came all the way."

Rod's reply seemed to arouse the discontent of the broken horn devil. He growled to rod: "are you coming all the way from the river bank? That should be rabbi's patrol. Didn't you meet him? "

Rod shrugged. "I'm sorry I didn't meet any demons along the way."

"He's lying, ready to fight!" With rod's words, the high-level devil named anyavili seems to find something. His expression suddenly changes, and then he gives orders to fight to other demons.

Anyavelli drew out a dark red blade and pointed straight at rod.

"How dare you lie in front of Lord anyavelli who can detect lies? No matter who is the subordinate of the demon lord, you are dead." Said the broken horn demon, glaring at rod.

Rod's face became gloomy. He didn't expect that the high-level demon in front of him had the ability to detect lies. For rod, this is not good news.

As his eyes quickly swept across the battlefield, rod keenly noticed that in the process of this high-level demon's inquiry, other long Horned Demons had cut off the way when the demons came, showing a trend of semi encirclement and encircling their own side.

There are not many choices left for rod. While the siege is not tight, rod can break through with the demons, or try to evacuate in another direction.

Because rod and his party are at the edge of the lake of fire, those long Horned Demons tend to be semicircle and seal the roads around them. Rod and his party can't survive in the lake of fire.

However, what these long Horned Demons ignore is that apart from the hot lake of fire, there is also a special magic dock.

Not long after hesitation, rod made a decision in his heart. He quickly told the demons around him: "retreat to the magic dock."

The evil spirits nearby all showed their surprise. They didn't expect that at this juncture, rod didn't want to break through, but chose to escape to the magic dock.

Compared with the long Horned Demons around, there seems to be a more terrifying creature in the magic dock.

For rod, it is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity. If it can arouse the terrorist to fight with other demons, rod will get a lot of money.

"Lord elotte, if we escape to the magic dock, once we are trapped by those demons, we may lose our last chance to break through..." said Reich, a demon beside rod.

"Are you questioning my decision?" Rod gave him a cold look and said.

At last, he made a decision in his heart and said in a high voice to the nearby demons, "didn't you hear Lord elotte's order? Let's get to the dock over there. "