Chapter 2097

"This is..."

Being watched by his eyes, rod felt a trance in his heart.

In front of this force, rod seemed unable to hide his inner thoughts. Not only that, he only felt a tremor of consciousness, as if even his soul had to leave his body.

With his previous experience of soul exile, rod dared not ask big, and quickly retracted the angel's eyes back into the space ring.

On the other side, alama was also stunned by the scene in front of him. His mouth murmured, "it's impossible... I checked the eyes. They should have lost their strength. Why did this happen?"

Aside, rod looked at him: "as you said, the incarnation of the gods... He has returned to eracia, and his return has also caused all kinds of unknown changes in the world. I don't understand whether it is a bad thing or a good thing. But for me, knowing the current position, everything is still acceptable... "

From the reaction of the angel's eyes, rod undoubtedly realized something, and his face changed faintly.

Maybe in hell, he should stop the king from waking up the soul of the scarlet, as suggested by Messika, but he didn't do so in the end, but competed with the kings for the soul of that man. Although this has brought great benefits to rod, it has also made him an old enemy.

The recovery of the holy mark made the eyes of the holy judge, which had long failed, open again. Although rod was vaguely suspicious of the changes in enota, he was not sure whether there was some connection with the fallen holy mark.

Thinking of this, rod couldn't help turning on the system and looked at a column independent of the character template. According to Messika, that should be called the source of sin.


Name: rod

The source of sin: 7

Crime points: 13105030

Convertible: 4570

Point store: to be expanded

Get records: to be expanded


The source of crime template outside the property panel is that after rod recovered, he found many changes in the system, but it was not turned on at first. Almost all options are gray. Only the column of crime points shows that there are only a few thousand.

According to the law found by rod, the number of crime points will increase randomly every day, sometimes hundreds, and sometimes thousands. Rod didn't know what kind of law it contained, and he couldn't check and obtain the records.

It was not until the recent trip to hell absorbed the soul fragments of the scarlet, that rod fully activated this new template, which can view the stores of sin points and the acquisition records of sin points.

Thinking of this, rod focused the ceremony on obtaining records. Soon, a lot of new information appeared in front of him.


"The source of your sin: arrogance. You have gained 243 sin points today."

"The source of your sinful karma: anger. You have gained 196 sinful karma points today."


"You absorbed soul fragments full of sin and gained 12901320 sin points."

"If the crime points exceed the stage amount, the point store will be opened."


Examining the records of the source of crime, rod took a deep breath.

According to the acquisition records, after having the source of crime, he doesn't need to do anything else. He will obtain a lot of crime points every day. However, because of this, the number of points obtained is extremely limited. The average number of points obtained by a single source of crime is less than 200.

According to the legend of the Erathians, as long as the ancient holy mark confesses to him, he can forgive people's sinful karma and make himself bear the sinful karma. What he uses to transfer the sinful karma is the source of his sinful karma.

When he fell, the source of sin also created the later King of hell and became an important power in the king's hands, which can make other demons who follow the king enjoy additional promotion.

The most important item in the crime template naturally belongs to the content in the point store. The point store contains almost everything, from basic treasures, precious ritual materials, to attribute points, skill points, and even the experience value that rod needs most. Of course, the price is not cheap.

Among them, the most important thing for rod is that he can use the point store in exchange for the ability of those kings.

According to the prompt of the system, he must have the corresponding source of sin in order to exchange the ability of the kings of hell who have been in charge of the source of sin in previous dynasties. However, the source of rod's sin is the complete set left by the God, that is, he has the right to exchange all the items in the point store, and the only thing he lacks is sin points.

"The source of sin and karma can not only exchange for the ability of kings, but also directly exchange for the fields on them. If it is used well, it will be enough to enhance my strength again."

Rod seemed to think of something. After the point store was opened, various options appeared in front of him.

"Experience value 10, required crime points 1."

"Free attribute point 1, required crime points: 1W. Increase 1W each time. "

"Skill point 1, required crime points: 2W. Add "2W" each time


"Special skill advanced legend level, required sin points: 100W."

"In the field of the dead, the number of karma points required: 200W."

"In the field of love, the required sin points: 500W."

"In the field of epidemic diseases, the number of crime points required: 500W."

"In the field of burning embers, the required number of karma points: 700W."

"In the trial field, the number of crime points required: 1000W."

"Fate field, required sin points: 3000W."

Because there are too many options for exchange in the point store, and the various options are more complex, rod looked at the first few items and looked directly at the last few items, that is, the options in the realm of kings.

Looking at the many field options, Rodriguez took a deep breath for a time. As long as he has enough karma points, he can exchange all these unique abilities.

Judging from the number of sin points obtained every day, this is an ability that takes a long time to play. Although the ability that can be exchanged in the point store is very strong, the amount of sin points that need to be paid is not a small number, but the good thing is that the number of points obtained is stable. For those kings of hell, even if their own strength is poor, After years of accumulation, it can also enhance its own strength to an extremely considerable level.