Chapter 20

"You, how dare you beat me? I'll kill you." Lin Qiuyuan roared like crazy.

Chen Fei grabbed him by the throat and put his hand to work. The huge strength suddenly made Lin Qiuyuan's face red, and his arms were waving in the air.

"Dare you do it?" Chen Fei said coldly.

Wang Ma put down the package and called upstairs, "Miss, Miss Su is coming."

But at this time, the door of the villa was opened, and Wang Ma came in with two packages, followed by a 17-year-old girl.

After a good shower, I feel much more refreshing. With a bath towel wrapped around his waist, Chen Fei came out of the bathroom and was ready to go back to his room.

I don't know how long he has been practicing. Chen Fei opens his eyes and feels that he is a bit sticky and sweating. Chen Fei goes to the bathroom beside the living room because he has no bath towel.

Inside, Chen feipan sat on the bed and began to practice his "Nine Yang burning heaven".

Seeing his wife go upstairs, Chen Fei goes back to his room with a smile.

Looking at the blush on his wife's cheek, Chen Fei smiles and can't help rubbing his hands. It seems that he can still feel the warm, fragrant and soft touch on his hands.

All of a sudden, Lin Qiuhan's cheeks were full of rosy clouds. He quickly broke away from Chen Fei's arms and went upstairs with his head down. "I'm a little tired. I'm going to have a rest."

Listen to Chen Fei's words, I don't know how, Lin Qiuhan unexpectedly felt a reassuring sense of trust, the body involuntarily wriggled a few times. And this move, she found that she was lying in Chen Fei's arms, the body tightly together, only separated by two layers of thin clothes.

After hearing this, Chen Fei trembled in his heart and hugged Lin Qiuhan in his arms even harder. He said in a deep voice: "wife, believe me. Those who hurt you, I won't let them hurt you again. "

That night, Chen Fei suddenly appeared and saved Lin Qiuhan in time.

Even that night, Zhang Yuanhao wanted to invade her body and cook raw rice.

As a result, she didn't expect that her brother was so insane that she secretly drugged Lin Qiuhan. In a daze, she cheated her into signing a marriage contract with Zhang Yuanhao, agreed to get married in a month, and gave up her shares in Qiuqiu group.

Lin Qiuhan couldn't see their intention. Of course, he didn't agree with the marriage.

Therefore, with the help of Lin Qiuyuan, Zhang Yuanhao launched the pursuit of Lin Qiuhan.

Zhang Yuanhao is lecherous. Lin Qiuhan is also the president of the famous iceberg beauty in Long'an city. In addition, Lin Qiuyuan promised that he would share 30% of the company's shares after the event. Zhang Yuanhao would not refuse such a good thing, and agreed immediately.

Lin Qiuyuan, who didn't succeed in dividing his property, was naturally very dissatisfied. He made trouble for a while, but it didn't work. He suddenly had a wonderful idea that he wanted to tell Lin Qiuhan a marriage, marry her, and monopolize the autumn group. Therefore, Lin Qiuyuan colludes with Zhang Yuanhao, Zhang Shao, a notorious flower company in Long'an City, and asks Zhang Shao to propose marriage to Lin Qiuhan.

In the autumn of that year, the group was on the verge of collapse. Lin Qiuhan spent a lot of energy to achieve the scale of the company. How could he hand over half of the company to the idle Lin Qiuyuan. Besides, the company was left by his parents. Lin Qiuhan absolutely didn't want to see the company go bankrupt, so he resolutely refused Lin Qiuhan's request.

In this way, it stimulates Lin Qiuyuan to think that Lin Qiuhan is pushing his brother out and trying to monopolize the autumn group left by his parents. Now, Lin Qiuyuan quit. From time to time, he went to the company and made trouble at Lin Qiuhan's home. He wanted to divide the company and get his part of the property.

But this Lin Qiuyuan is not a boss. He doesn't work seriously. He's still fooling around in the company, which affects the normal operation of the company. Lin Qiuhan talked to him several times, but it didn't work, so he had to dismiss Lin Qiuyuan.

At the beginning, Lin Qiuhan devoted himself to helping his elder brother. He took the position of administrative assistant in the company and began to learn how to manage the company.

When his parents left that year, he was still in college, eating, drinking and having fun all day. He had enough money and didn't care about the situation of his family and company. But as Lin Qiuhan's desire to return to other companies is getting bigger and bigger, the company's prestige is getting higher and higher.

Of course, with the continuous development of the autumn group, bad things naturally follow. The biggest problem comes from Lin Qiuhan's brother, Lin Qiuyuan.

It has to be said that Lin Qiuhan has an excellent talent in business. At the age of 16, he quickly grew up and matured, showed extraordinary business means, stabilized the faltering autumn group, and further developed the autumn group, becoming the leading female cosmetics company in longan City, with a market value of billions.

Slowly talking about the next thing, a little bit into Chen Fei's mind.Lin Qiuhan seems to have been used to these, and continues to tell slowly: "at that time, I was still in high school, and my brother was in University. After my parents left, my family's company was handed over to a professional manager, but the effect was very bad. Only a few months later, the company's performance plummeted. As a result, I took over the company while studying... "

Hearing this, Chen Fei couldn't help trembling in his heart. He heard about Qiuhan's father's death, but he didn't expect that Qiuhan's mother was also missing. In just one week, both parents are gone, which is a huge blow to a 16-year-old girl.

Lin Qiuhan sighed and began to talk about it, "this matter will start twelve years ago. That year, when I was 16 years old, my father was killed in a car accident. A week later, my mother also disappeared

Putting down the teacup and looking at Lin Qiuhan with tears on his face, Chen Fei felt a twinge of pain in his heart. He slowly opened his mouth and said in a deep voice, "Qiuhan, can you tell me what's going on?"

Chen Fei couldn't help but feel distressed. He picked up Lin Qiuhan and put him on the sofa in the living room. Then he drank some hot tea, which made Lin Qiuhan's mood return to normal.

As Lin Qiuyuan leaves, Lin Qiuhan's body softens and falls to the ground. Silent tears flow down from his eyes.

Lin Qiuyuan rushed out of the villa, started the car and left.

"Then go away!" With a roar, Chen Fei throws Lin Qiuyuan down the stairs.

At the moment, Lin Qiuyuan really felt the threat of death. He shook his head in a panic and squeezed out a few words from his throat, saying: "no, I dare not, I dare not."

"I picked up an apple and sat down on the sofa. She said to my cousin

Chen Fei sees this, slightly a Leng, immediately to the girl smile, said "hello", and then went back to the room.

With an apple in her mouth, the girl looks at Chen Fei, who greets herself in a bathrobe. She is totally stupid. After several seconds of stupefaction, he suddenly regained his mind, dropped the apple, got up and ran towards the upstairs. At the same time, he cried, "sister, sister, there is a naked man in your room without clothes!"