Chapter 1116

The assistant who followed him said, "Mr. Liu, the words she said just now to make money with kindness seem to be warning you not to cause trouble. It's too much! Talking to you like this!"

Father Liu snorted coldly, but said nothing.

He wants to see how she can gain a firm foothold in Ruihui!

It's not that the one with the most shares can control the company. Whoever she makes and whoever doesn't move, and then makes a few wrong decisions, let's see who dares to let her be the master!

At that time, the power will still return to him.

From now on, he will no longer foolishly make wedding dresses for others, and he will no longer need others to give him anything!

Doesn't Ruihui belong to his Liu family?

good! He shorted it, making it rightfully his Liu family's!

At the beginning of each month, Ruihui will hold a general meeting of shareholders.

This is the first time that Mu Huan officially participated in Ruihui's shareholder meeting as the successor. At the same time, this meeting is also the meeting where Liu's father handed over the power to Mu Huan. At this meeting, he will step down from the position of president and become Vice President, and Mu Huan became the president.

The shareholders and executives in the company are not optimistic about Mu Huan. Although everyone knows that the life extension medicine she developed is very profitable, but they are in the pharmaceutical industry, and they have seen a lot of powerful pharmaceutical experts.

Moreover, in their cognition, scientists who develop drugs are obsessed with research, so how can they lead the company in the general direction of those who only focus on scientific research projects? As the saying goes, there is a specialization in the art industry. If she is a scientific researcher, she can do her scientific research well. It is enough to be a major shareholder and get dividends. She will be the president!

If she is a scientific researcher and can be the president, then everyone can be the president!

Therefore, no need for Liu's father to say anything, other shareholders and executives in the company are dissatisfied with Mu Huan being the president.

They were all waiting for an opportunity to drag Mu Huan down from the stage.

Mu Huan has her contacts, so she naturally knows about them, so she prepares for this meeting for a few days, and doesn't give them the chance to show her off.

After giving Liu's father an additional 5% of the shares, Mu Huan now has 50% of the shares. Originally, she wanted to give the Liu family some more benefits, but the shares in her hands cannot be less than 50%. Once it is lower than this number and other people unite more than her, it will be even more difficult for her to take over the company.

Now she owns 50% of the shares, and one person owns half of the company. In addition, she asked her brother to accept 2% of Ruihui's shares in a storm. In this way, no matter when, she Both are max.

The company's dominance will not be taken away by others.

Mu Huan can be a major shareholder to pay dividends at leisure, but she wants to dominate the company. She wants to use Ruihui to change some bad habits in the pharmaceutical industry, and also wants to use Ruihui Pharmaceutical to make the Song family pharmaceutical industry brilliant again stand up.

When he came to the meeting room, Mu Huan unexpectedly discovered that the man was also a shareholder of Ruihui.

That, the man who saved her in country T.

It's no wonder that Mu Huan didn't realize that the man in front of her was her ex-husband, but that Bao Junyan's disguise was more detailed this time, wearing contact lenses that slightly changed the color of his eyes, and his aura was also deliberately restrained a lot. Also changed.

If it weren't for someone who already knew that he was Bao Junyan, he would not be able to tell that he was Bao Junyan just by looking at him now.

Mu Huan was too perceptive, she thought of the truth of the matter just like that, and couldn't help but think about the past. If she found out that it was him, she would definitely not be able to help but think about it again.