Chapter 1330: In the toilet, something went wrong (1)

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In fact, City G was where she went to university, and it was also the place where Rong Zhan's sixteen-year-old boy escaped from Western Europe and worked hard in City G. +++ Catino Novel Network

It was in that place that he saved himself, but by mistake, he also admitted to the wrong person, which led to being with Bo Yi later.

Rong Zhan's lips twitched when he heard the words, "Alright, go back and have a look, by the way, I also want to know how my brother-in-law is doing over there."

Sang Xia smiled slightly.

Sonnuo often contacted himself. Sonnuo said: Sister, my friend and I said that the lead singer of Sun is my sister, and they all thought I was bragging.

This seemed like a joke, but Sang Xia knew that Sang Nuo was over there and missed herself very much.

And he, in a blink of an eye, was already almost a third year old.

After his schoolwork started to be busy, he now has less contact with himself. Sang Xia still misses him very much in her heart, but she was so busy before that she couldn't breathe and relax until now.

Sang Xia didn't tell Sang Nuo about the news that he was going to City G, and gave him a surprise when he thought of it.

But at this time, Sang Xia could not predict that if he went to city g first this time, whether it would be a surprise or a fright.


Before returning to city g, something happened suddenly that shocked all of them.

Because Youyou and Junhang.

On the night that Su Li and Chen Nianbai were going back with the little monster, a group of people went out to eat. They were always scattered and gathered. Not long after Leng Yunchen left, Leng Xiaomo also went back to school. Now Su Li He and Chen Nianbai are also going back to their home, Xiao Ye Zi and Youyou are full of heartache, and they are still reluctant to bear the little monster.

Sang Xia watched them drinking glass by glass, as if she was not drunk or going home. After thinking about it, she and Rong Zhan looked at each other, but she still didn't say that she was leaving in a few days.

The villas in city t have always been there, as before, all cleaned up and waiting for them to return.

Sure enough, gathering and scattering is life.

Youyou sat next to Jun Hang and drank a lot of wine in a panic. Jun Hang didn't stop this time. Su Li was sitting on the other side of her, and the women kept chatting.

The infant is wearing a beige (color) woolen coat, white shirt, coat (color) sleeveless pullover sweater, underneath is a short skirt, high stockings and small leather boots, pure and (sexual xg) feeling The little woman who drank it was slightly smoked, with a light red on her cheeks.

Su Li sighed repeatedly, "Junhang, how do you love you? Look at this ruddy look and affectionate eyebrows. It's so inviting..."

Although Youyou drank alcohol, her consciousness was still sober, and she blushed and punched her, "Don't say it, boring is not boring, you... ah -!"

I was retorting, suddenly there was some tingling in his knee, which made Yuyou scream.

Suddenly the two people around him looked over quickly, "What's the matter?"

Jun Hang watched her clutching her knees, his eyes dimmed suddenly, and the words in his mouth became, "Does it matter?"

The infant was wearing high stockings. When he sat down, his knees came out a little. Su Li couldn't help but put a hand on her leg (touching Mo) under her just now, and when he rubbed her knee, Just listen to Youyou crying out in pain.

Youyou's face (color) was a little white, Su Li took her hand away, and the light projected down here, and immediately saw the rubbed and red areas on her knees, and some ointment was applied on them. , Is recovering.