Chapter 27

Wiping the rain on his mask, Su Mo pretended to shake his head and inadvertently looked again.

This time, it's true!

These are human footprints!

This is not my footprint!

Two thoughts came out quickly, and Su Mo frowned and his face sank.

There are people near the shelter!

These two days, in his dream, Su Mo also dreamed that there were people near the shelter. Everyone worked together to create a harmonious home.

However, when the traces of real humans appeared near the shelter.

Su Mo's heart, at this time, only-


He didn't know where the man was hiding or what his purpose was.

Doomsday! Human beings are the natural enemies of human beings!

Store grain instead of guns. Your family is a granary. Store guns instead of grain. There are granaries everywhere!

Under this extreme disaster, it is quite normal for someone to go crazy for resources.

At this moment, sumo stopped staying, opened the gate of the refuge and entered it.

The rain curtain on the plain fell again and began to destroy all the traces left by sumo.

Standing in the corner of the shelter, Su Mo opened his hands, waited for the raincoat to dry naturally, and gradually took it off.

The heavy rain cut off the smell, which is why Oreo didn't warn.

After days of carelessness, at this time, he suddenly found the trace of human beings. Looking back carefully, Su Mo couldn't help but burst into a cold sweat.

"I just saw that they said there were wild Rangers attacking ordinary civilians everywhere, but I didn't expect to find them on my head."

"No wonder my drainage ditch is too obvious in the wilderness. I wonder if this person saw me upgrade the drainage facilities yesterday..."

"No, you can't wait to die"

Sitting on the stool, Su Mo breathed deeply, his heart was uneasy under the pressure, and his eyes were hard.

"Oreo, come here"

Greet Oreo, who is sleeping in the corner, and rub Oreo's soft dog head.

"Open your sixth sense and sense whether there is danger nearby."

Oreo understood the command, lay on the ground and pricked up his ears, and began to listen slowly.

A minute or two passed.

Orio, who was still smiling, changed his expression, began to lie on the ground and sniff around, and finally barked at the southwest corner of the base.

"You mean there is danger in this direction?"

Seeing Orio nod his head, sumo quickly began to recall the scene just seen in the southwest in his mind.

There is the drainage channel direction of the base, and there is a small lake in the back area.

In the distance

It's a shrub forest. The color of the forest is very green

The more memories, the more Su Mo took the perspective of a third party to find out what he had just seen.


A touch of black!

Suddenly, sumo thought of the black in the woods, which was different from the color of the trees. If there was no warning, he would not take it to heart.

At this time, with vigilance, we found the clue.

The shadow just now should be about 100 meters away from me. I didn't see him, but he must have seen me.


As soon as he patted his thigh, subconsciously, Su Mo wanted to wear equipment and go to "friendly exchanges".

This man must have discovered the fact that he was only one person.

It can build an underground safe shelter and have such a huge amount of drainage facilities.

"I'm afraid I'm already a little fat sheep in the eyes of others, waiting to be slaughtered!"

Take out the crossbow placed in the item column, and Sumo laughed at himself.

The dark surface of the crossbow seems to be murderous, with the refraction of light, revealing a touch of black light.

"I didn't expect that the first creature I had to face was my kind."

"If you don't provoke me, I'll let you go. If you dare to come..."

Standing up, he rubbed the center of his eyebrows. Su Mo walked to the bedside and placed the crossbow on the bedside table.

The left side of the bed is about one meter away from the stone wall.

Summon the manufacturing page.

[iron pick (ordinary): iron block 2/2, wood 1/1]

Materials meet.

Select the iron pick.

Confirm to build!

[record]: iron block-2, wood-2

[record]: Iron pick (ordinary) was successfully forged.

Su Mo has an ordinary but extremely practical iron pick in his hand.

After waving, Su Mo began to chisel vigorously against the stone wall near the bed.

It is difficult from the outside to the inside, and easy from the inside to the outside.

Soon, the originally smooth stone surface was chiseled, and with the passage of time, it gradually turned into a big hole half a person high.

Meditating on the survival system in his heart, Su Mo fixed his eyes on the big hole.


Description: the access channel has not been fully opened

Upgrade direction: safety channel

Branch: expand (5), open (60), material (40), strength (200), access door (40)

Introduction: cunning rabbit three caves!

"If you want to ambush me, you have to pay the price of bleeding"

Seeing the attributes of the channel, sumo couldn't help but smile at the corners of his mouth.

At this time, when the situation has been exposed, it is undoubtedly equivalent to delivering vegetables to rush out of the front door.

In case of an ambush, I'm afraid they will become hedgehogs at the moment of opening the door.

Thanks to his unrestrained imagination, sumo came up with a stupid way to open up a second way for the underground base.

Relax your eyes and the upgrade option disappears.

At this moment, it is not the end of the mountain and the water, and it is time for the poor dagger to appear.

For the same kind, sumo has always maintained the final bottom line.

People don't offend me, I don't offend.

At the same time, he also hopes that everyone can encourage each other and tide over the difficulties of the end without meeting with weapons.

Seeing Oreo still restless walking around the base, he pricked up his ears from time to time and sniffed on the ground from time to time.

Su Mo is distressed and pathetic.

"Darling, wake me up if there is anything abnormal. I'll sleep for a while!"

Buy two pieces of mutant animal meat from the trading market, put them in Orio's bowl, add some energy water, and then sumo returns to bed and sleeps in peace.

During the day, it's not terrible.

Night is the time to sound the bloody horn.

He should keep his best form, keep watch at night, and beware of sneak attacks at night.

The heavy rain is still pouring down, trying to drown the whole world and do the act of destroying the world.

Between the whole heaven and earth, under the cover of the rain, there was no other sound.

"Zhizhi ~"

Half asleep and half awake, Su Mo dreamt that today was just a false alarm. No one came to covet the shelter, and no one made his mind.


The sky outside began to darken, the sun began to set, and from the horizon, darkness began to come.

Under the cover of night.

Someone is coming.

Five dark shadows crept up from the south of the shelter, that is, the drainage channel.

Stepping on the stone canal, the five people muttered curses as they walked:

"Mom, this grandson is really lucky. I don't know where to open such a design drawing and lie in the shelter to sleep. Why didn't I have such good luck?"

"Keep your voice down, Liu scar, don't you expose me?"

"Afraid of a ball, a young man is just a little lucky. If he dares to come out, I will be the first to cut him."

The man who was replaced by Liu scar not only didn't restrain, but was fierce.

"If he doesn't come out, we can't help it!"

Sitting on the far left, the little man who combed his hair could see clearly, pointing out the difficulties encountered by several people at present.

Sumo's shelter is too stable!

It was so stable that five people were directly startled when they saw it for the first time!

The stone gate is engraved with simple lines, which looks natural and embedded in the soil.

The drainage channels scattered on the hills from top to bottom are made of stone, which shocked the five people beyond measure.

"Boss Huang, do you think it's a little strange for us to do this? Why don't you knock on the door and ask him to give us the supplies? Let's continue to wander."

The man with glasses who was left behind by the team looked around as he walked. His face was quiet, but the words he said were quite ferocious.

"Four eyed boy, when I said you cut people before, your hands didn't shake. Will you start to panic? Afraid?"

"Liu scar can investigate clearly today. There is only a soft egg in the shelter. He lives here by luck. As long as he can open the door, we will enter here!"

The leader Huang smiled contemptuously, and with the half human spiked mace in his hand, the child could stop crying at night.

"How many supplies do we have in a day to kill mutant beasts? How many supplies do we get in these two days? Have you forgotten? Use your brain to calculate this account!"

"Can this man be harder to kill than the mutant beast?"


In the shelter, at this time, sumo had also been woken up by Oreo from his sleep.

Between two breaths, sumo woke up and rolled out of bed.

He picked up the Youneng water at the head of the bed and drank it in one gulp. He grabbed the crossbow and entered the fighting state in an instant.