Chapter 420

Chapter 420 final battle! Crazy reward!

History repeats itself.

When facing Dongfeng missile, the appearance of Tengu pseudogod running hurriedly has not faded from everyone's mind.

The new "world famous painting" is engraved in the mind of every waste land human.

Five R-3 ballistic missiles with weak white light rose into the sky!

Like Halley's comet flying over the earth, the missile engine behind the missile pulls out a long tail, which looks like fireworks.

Countless other gods who were observing the wasteland through the "phone" had already cut off contact and hurriedly ran away at this moment.

The five parties have no escape and no escape.

The five royal families did not know how much preparation and how long it took to build the space here.

But it's hard to leave here by their own strength!

When none of the creatures were killed, their speed of tearing space was so slow that they could only watch the missiles coming straight from below.

At this moment, the survivors in every corner of the waste land came back to their senses.

They looked at the five shooting stars that cut through the night sky and quietly closed their eyes.

"I hope after this war, I can find a safe place, take my parents, open a small house and plant a piece of land."

"I hope I can grow rapidly and join Su Shen's refuge in the future to become a powerful general in Su Shen's hands."

"I hope the disaster at the airport won't be like this anymore. Human beings really can't afford to lose it."

"I hope we can find a place to rest and settle down soon after we go to the depths of the ocean."


Even if this meteor is not a real meteor.

Hope, at this moment, has also been given a new meaning by people.

They boldly imagined the future life after this war.

They imagined that human beings could form a whole again and have good order in their lifetime.

They look forward to conquering the world, and they look forward to every morning after they live.

Expect a wisp of wind, a scoop of water, a piece of wheat field, and a "light" for yourself.

Looking forward to every day in the future, it will be a new chapter for mankind!

As human beings, Su God.

Listen to the hint that the airdrop level has reached gold and the climax of the international song that is about to reach the end.

Standing on the deck, Su Mo also slowly breathed out a mouthful of turbidity, and wantonly felt the pleasure of the chest boulder landing!

[captain sumo, the missile is expected to hit the enemy in five seconds]







Bang bang!

Hum Dong

There was a short silence, the sound of explosion rang out, and the fireworks in the sky became a piece, horizontal on the night sky of the waste land!

Shock waves scattered along the high altitude, and a little cumulus clouds were completely dispersed without a trace.


Looking at the fire in the sky, the survivors of every place in the waste land were staring at the fire in the sky and holding their breath.

The game panel has been opened in advance by them. With the last experience, everyone is both expecting and panicking!

However, I haven't waited for the prompt to appear in the blank information column.

In the live broadcast page they didn't close, there was a slightly excited voice roaring out:

"It's over!"

"We won!"


When the sound sounded, it was like touching a switch!

The prompt of the game panel is like a draught, which appears crazily in the ears of every living human!

[record]: it is detected that the platinum disaster "alien invasion" has been forcibly erased by the player "sumo". The disaster is over

[record]: it is detected that the intensity of this disaster is too high, and the disaster mechanism will enter the shutdown compensation state in the next 30 days. The next disaster will start after 30+x (voting choice) days

[record]: disaster rewards are being prepared and will be distributed after the player "sumo" confirms his choice. Please wait patiently for all other players

[record]: it is detected that players maliciously exploit game vulnerabilities and create vicious bugs that are not part of the current environment. The game has successfully traced the vulnerabilities and will be repaired with the next version update. All players can rest assured that such things will not happen again

[record]: it is detected that the human camp players have caused great losses due to this vulnerability. The game will compensate and reward, and the specific compensation will be issued after the player "sumo" determines the choice

[record]: it is detected that the human camp player "sumo" has achieved an impossible achievement (Code: final battle), which has safeguarded the fair and just environment of the game, and the human camp player privilege *1 (180 days) is specially rewarded

[record]: it is detected that more than 99% of the players in the human camp participated in the final battle of this disaster. The privilege reward upgrade will be recognized and selected by the human player "sumo". Please wait patiently for the reward to be issued

[record]: Dear players, due to the loopholes in the rules of this game, all players have a bad game experience. We sincerely apologize here. The game panel will start self-maintenance and upgrading in three days, and the update time will be 14 natural days (the actual installation of the real survival version will be automatically postponed). During this period, the game panel will enter a standstill state, and all functions (except storage space) will be temporarily unavailable, After the update, the game will be updated and rewarded to all players. Please wait patiently!

[record]: I wish all players a happy game!


The nine tips, like the sound of nature, sounded in the ears of every human survivor in the wasteland!

Rewards, compensation, privileges, updates!

Like pie falling from the sky, all the survivors at this moment did not cheer loudly, but limped on the deck powerlessly.

Having the experience of killing the false god of Tengu last time, this time, everyone knows that human beings should


And the bullet screen area of the disaster channel, up to now, there is no other speech.

All the people who collapsed on the ground, like a repeater, tirelessly repeated the same sentence:

Long live God Su!

They looked at the figure in the picture, whose body was not great, but was emitting light, and were grateful from the bottom of their hearts.

And under their gaze, the figure also came slowly to the bow of the ship, holding the flag of hope high in their hands.

"Fellow countrymen, now is not the time for us to relax. Look at the aliens around you, our task is not over!"

"Now, please stand up and return to your post on the ship!"

It seems to have endless magic.

Just after two sentences, more than 90% of the survivors stood up immediately like a conditioned reflex.

Even though there are countless cells in their bodies shouting: they need to rest.

But at this moment, under the double stimulation of words and rewards, their adrenaline began to secrete madly!

This magical hormone helps them forget most of the pain and the rest

Only passion!

"Good! I see your efforts!"

"All captains, please stand up, stand in the bow of your ship and hold the flag of your ship."


Compared with the ordinary crew, the action of the captains this time is much more orderly.

From every captain of the tundra to the wasteland, everyone seems to have telepathy, and the action is neat and frightening!

"Very good!"

"I can feel that you hold it, that you are loyal to your mission, that you have not chosen to retreat, and that your heart is still beating!"

"Even though our ships have been damaged, even though there are countless covetous aliens around us, now, please follow me and shout together."



As soon as it fell, without any hesitation, countless captains on the whole waste land almost exhausted their strength and shouted loudly.

And the next second, in everyone's stunned eyes, miracles

It happened!

A milky light slowly floated from the surface of the hull, like a mother's hand, quietly floating in the damaged place of the ship.

Go up to the large sail battleship.

Get down to the ordinary raft.

The white shimmer looks like a skilled surgeon, gently doing a small "operation" on the hull!

At this moment, the collapsed and broken mast was magically bound by white light, slowly came to its original position, and then grew savagely, returning to its previous appearance!

The damaged hull surface, like memory metal, gradually healed together, and there was no sign of damage anymore.

Every loss, every place represents blood, and the traces of sacrifice are rapidly disappearing!

With the special ability of sharing hope, the 60% repair effect of freshmen is amazing!

In less than a minute, more than 90% of the ships were miraculously restored to their perfect appearance when they first went into the sea.

And the rest did not recover to a brand-new ship, which did not affect their next ocean voyage!

All the captains were ecstatic, and all the crew were ecstatic.

But before they could react to the changes in front of them, another BGM roared in the open live broadcast of the disaster.

It is the theme song of Pirates of the Caribbean

he' s a pirate!

Dong Dong Dong

The familiar Prelude melody sounded, and the passionate drums awakened everyone's passion in an instant.

Music knows no borders, ranging from middle-aged people aged 50 to children aged 17 or 18.

Stimulated by this BGM, everyone clenched their fists involuntarily and pulled their eyes back to the picture.

As the captain of the hope fleet, which accommodated 2.6 billion people, Su Mo stood in the bow of the ship with one hand raised under their gaze!

"Now, all boats, follow my orders!"

"Put away the anchor!"


The sailor standing at the bow began to roll the anchor retractor vigorously. After a toothy sound, the anchor was smoothly retracted.

"Put down the sail!"


Countless sailors on the ships directly passed the captain and pulled back their sails under the order of SUMO!

At four o'clock in the morning, the wind direction has begun to change. As soon as it was put down, there was a loud wind, driving the ship to rush forward involuntarily

"Each ship, charge towards the point with the largest number of aliens!"


As Su Mo's voice fell, he looked at the Milky light echoing between his boat and the hope in the picture.

Without hesitation, all the captains immediately began to pull the rudder and shout


Immediately, a little white light gathered at the bow, and suddenly turned into a white protective cover in just a few seconds!

At this moment, no matter how many knots these ships can drive before, with the blessing of the charge, their speed is neat to 35 knots!

With the hedgehog's physical level immunity, all aliens who dare to block are like fragile foam. Just being touched gently, they become blood foam!

Five minutes, the charge is over.

The cheers of the waste soil began to ring!

At 4:18 a.m. on March 9, the history of waste soil was opened by human beings

Free chapter!