Chapter 334

After saying goodbye to Tang Yun, Qin long left Tangzhuang and went directly to Xinyuan community by bus.

Along the way, Qin long had some feelings. Before he came to Tangzhuang, he was afraid of Tang Yun. When he left, he had become his apprentice. Although Tang Yun didn't teach himself anything today, he knew that worshipping Tang Yun as a teacher meant that a new door was opened for him.

Killer, a career he never thought about

Thinking about today's affairs, with many doubts, Qin long entered the cultivation space and summoned Huo huanger. After showing her the memory scene of meeting Liu Lin today, he asked her his question: "sister huang'er, Liu Lin is following me today and intends to assassinate me. I didn't feel the danger. Is my sixth sense out of order?"

"Your sixth sense doesn't fail." After reading the memory, huohuanger gently shakes her head and looks at Qin long with some disdain.

"Since there is no failure, why?" Qin long asked in surprise.

"I ask you, do you know how the sixth sense works?" Huohuang'er stands still in the void, like a little adult.

"How about the sixth sense?" Qin long was stunned and asked, "isn't this a feeling? How can there be a principle?"

"Poof ~" Huo huang'er laughed and said, "brother dragon, what do you think is not the principle of anything in the world? Even those fortune tellers, don't they have to rely on the basic principles of Yin Yang and eight trigrams? "

"Er, sister huang'er is right." Qin long smiles awkwardly. He hasn't thought about the sixth sense before. But if you think about it carefully, you can't think of any principle. When people talk about the sixth sense, they think that it is a kind of anticipation ability, or pure feeling. I have never heard anyone say that there has been any principle for this kind of thing which is unclear.

"Well, I know you stupid brother, where to think of its principle." Fire huang'er looked at Qin long with some disdain, and then asked, "besides the sixth sense, the perception ability of other five senses, do you know the principle?"

"Of course I know." Qin long did not hesitate to reply, "no matter what the sense of vision, hearing, taste, smell, or touch, it is the receptors that transmit information to the brain, and then the brain processes the information comprehensively, so that it has all kinds of perception abilities."

"If you know all this, why don't you know the principle of the sixth sense?" Fire huang'er gives Qin long a big white eye.

"I naturally want to get the sixth sense, which is also the brain's perception of the outside world, but I don't know the principle of this, the source of information, and how to process information." Qin long said helplessly.

"Since you are so stupid, I'll tell you." Fire huang'er gave Qin long a blank look, and then explained in detail, "in fact, whether the five senses or the sixth senses are the brain's perception ability, which depends on the mental energy of a person's brain, that is, mental power."

"People have three treasures, which are divided into spirit, Qi and spirit. God is the core of one's cultivation. The concentration of Qi determines the level of one's internal cultivation; the strength of essence determines the level of one's external cultivation; under normal circumstances, God is promoted with the improvement of essence and Qi. "

"I know all this, but what does it have to do with the failure of the sixth sense?" After listening to huohuanger's explanation, Qin long frowned.

"Listen to me slowly. What's the hurry?" Huo huang'er curled her mouth and said, "God, like essence and Qi, is not an abstract thing, but actually exists. Modern people call it brain wave."

"Brain waves?" Qin long was slightly stunned. Such an explanation made him feel very strange and strange. However, after careful consideration, he seemed to understand something and asked, "the sixth sense is the direct perception of brain waves to the outside world?"

"It's only half right. In addition to the perception of brain waves, there is also the prediction of brain waves."

"For example, you think there is an enemy hiding in the woods 100 meters away, which is the direct perception of brain waves. Today, you always feel uneasy and feel that something big has happened. This is the prediction made by the brain after comprehensive processing according to the information retrieved by brain waves. Therefore, the higher the mental strength, the more accurate the judgment of the sixth sense

"So it is. Why do I not feel the existence of Liu Lin today?" Qin long asked curiously.

"That's because Liu Lin's strength is higher than you, and his mental strength is naturally stronger than you. When the other party tracks you, he converges his mind method and hides his mental power. Naturally, it's hard for you to feel or feel. Since we can't feel it, there is no anticipation. "

With a smile, Huo huanger explained, "if your mental power is higher than that of the other party, even if the other party converges his mind method, you can also feel the other party's existence. That's why your sixth sense didn't fail before. As far as I know, Liu Lin is the first assassin you have ever met who is more powerful than you. "

"Sister huang'er means that if I meet someone who is more powerful than me, I can't feel my sixth sense?" Qin long asked determinedly,

"it's not a person with higher strength than you, but a person with higher mental strength than you. And the premise is that the other side converges the mental method. If you don't have the mind training method, you can feel the other person's existence Fire Huang Er Du Du mouth said."Can spirit be higher than cultivation?" Qin long was a little surprised.

"Of course, if there is a mental method for cultivating spiritual power, or if the skill itself can cultivate spiritual power, the spiritual power will naturally be higher than the skill level.

With that, Huo huanger explained patiently, "the Longyang mental method is one that can improve mental strength. Although you are in a small level of mental strength and martial arts, the mental power is still slightly higher, so you can feel the opponent of the same level. If you continue to practice, your spiritual power will be one or two small levels higher than the cultivation level. "

"Since Longyang mental method can greatly develop the five senses and the sixth sense, other mental methods that develop mental power can also improve these abilities?" Qin long asked again.

"Some people practice spiritual power only as a means of attack, but not necessarily can improve the six senses. However, it can not be ruled out that some mental methods can enhance these six senses, but there are essential differences between Longyang mental method and mental method. Other mental methods can only make the six senses of the practitioner surpass the ordinary people, but will not reach the level of being super holy

"Sister huang'er means that my six senses will be improved in the future?" Qin long was a little surprised and asked, "isn't what I'm practicing now? Isn't it supposed to have nothing to do with divine consciousness? "

"The foundation of Longyang mental method is the chapter of divine consciousness, and all subsequent chapters are based on it. Therefore, the six senses will steadily improve with your cultivation. " Huohuang'er said with a smile.

"Isn't it true that if you practice to the extreme, you will become a real ear with a thousand li eyes?" Qin long is really a little surprised, this is simply subverting his own cognition, which is almost like a myth.

"It's true in theory, but I've never heard of it. Maybe it existed in ancient times." Huo huang'er said with some emotion, "that era was just a legend age. I'm afraid that modern people will never reach that level."

Hearing this, Qin long suddenly thought of a kind of person.

A man called a fairy.

Maybe they can't be called people anymore.

Almost every ordinary person in the world has heard of the existence of immortals or gods. Perhaps, they are still human beings in essence, just transcendental people.

Perhaps the various cultivation methods of later generations were originally created by them. However, due to the lack of Gongfa, or because of the end of the Dharma era, there were no more immortals or gods.

No matter the immortal or the God, it is extremely far away from Qin long. Even, it is an ethereal existence. If there are immortals or gods in the world, why has no one "really" seen it.

Qin long looked up at the blue and boundless sky. After a long time, he got all his thoughts back. Originally, he wanted to ask Huo huanger about the history before the end of the law, but because of her incomplete memory, what she knew was not very clear.

Later, he asked Huo huanger for some information about houtangmen. Although she knew that houtangmen existed, it was almost the same as what Tang Yun told herself.

When Qin long arrived at Zhou Kun's residence, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

In order to avoid scaring the snake, Li Hou brought Tang Ming alone today. Tang Ming has learned martial arts and is good at it. He is more than enough to detain Zhou Kun.

"Did the people of feiyanmen come?" After entering the house, Qin long opened the door to Li Hou and asked.

"Lord long, I have been staring at it. The people of feiyanmen have never appeared." Li Hou quickly invited Qin long to the sofa and explained carefully.

"I didn't come..." Qin Long's face sank. He glanced around and asked, "where's Zhou Kun?"

"As early as noon, Zhou Kun's poison had already broken out. There was a burst of crying and howling. I told Tang Ming that he had been knocked unconscious." Li Hou said quickly.

"Dizzy?" Qin long slightly a Leng, followed by a face change, "I'm afraid that the people of feiyanmen will not come again today."

"Not coming?" Li Hou asked strangely, "Tang Ming and I hide very well. According to the truth, the other party will not find us both."

"Since you said that Zhou Kun would cry and howl when he was poisoned, you knocked him out. When the people of feiyanmen came, they didn't hear any sound. Naturally, they felt strange. I'm afraid that they had already left. " Qin long shook his head helplessly.

"Damn it, that man from feiyanmen is so clever!" Li Hou broke a curse, then carefully looked at Qin Long's eyes and said, "Lord long, I didn't mean to do this. I hope you don't blame."