v5 Chapter 40: no worries

In a mansion somewhere.

The bright and clean metal-colored room, with many glassware and metal equipment, seems to be a small modern laboratory.

Beside the workbench in the laboratory, a researcher-like figure was fiddling with the microscope in his hand. The holes in his eyes were a pair of bewitching upright boys.

He is Ghost Dance Tsuji Mumi, which is one of his images in the outside world.

A few years ago, he killed the researcher, and changed into the image of the other party, read his memory, and replaced everything about the other party.

For so many years, the ultimate goal of Oni Wu Tsuji has never been to wipe out the ghost killing team, but to find the blue Higan flower and create a complete medicine so that he can sublimate himself, thus breaking through to the realm of not being afraid of the sun.

Then he would not have to stay in the dark anymore, but could completely rule the world, no matter day or night.

Wu Mi is not a stupid ghost king. On the contrary, he is even very smart, far exceeding ordinary people. Using his abilities, he has multiplied multiple brains in his body, and his thinking and reaction speeds are far faster than ordinary humans.

His knowledge and abilities in research are not much different from those of Zhu Shi. He has never stopped studying his own evolution, even persevering for many years, but he has not gained much.


At this moment, Gui Wu Tsuji's movements stopped abruptly.

His hand holding a glass test tube stopped in the air, and his brows were also furrowed. The scenes in the dark night were reflected in a pair of upright eyes, which was exactly what Sick Ye experienced before in the middle of the twelve ghost moons. .

Wu Mi can read the memories of all the ghosts under his control, including Twelve Ghost Moons, and in order not to reveal his information, he even specially separates out a brain to monitor all the ghosts 24 hours a day. If a ghost mentions information about him, he will immediately silence him remotely.

But this time the situation is a little different.

In his perception, Biao Ye, the last of the Twelve Ghost Moons, suddenly disappeared!

"what happened…"

Guiwu Tsuji frowned, put down the test tube in his hand, and completely shifted his attention to the last memory of the diseased leaf.

He doesn't care much about the end of the twelve ghost months, and he often rotates. In the past few years, many people have died repeatedly, but this time the situation is completely different from death. The whole person disappeared directly.

The perception on his side was also completely cut off, and the picture in his memory also completely stopped at the moment when the diseased leaf stabbed at Ganlu Temple Mili, and behind him was an empty darkness.

It is not uncommon for Ghost Moon to die, but it seems a bit weird to disappear so suddenly that he can't even notice the trace, so that Ghost Dance Tsuji began to watch the last memory repeatedly.

The mediocre ghost killing team...

A mediocre human doctor...

Flat...well, a slightly weird human girl, is that her, what did she do?

There was a trace of confusion in Oni Wu Tsuji's eyes.

There is nothing strange about the others, only Ganlu Temple Mitsuri is a little strange, possessing some kind of weird power, which can even split the body of sick leaves.

Not to mention splitting the diseased leaf's body, even if the diseased leaf could be crushed into pieces in an instant, the memory fragments should not stop here abruptly through his blood flowing through the diseased leaf's body.


Guiwu Tsuji Wucan felt restless in his heart.

"A bunch of trash!"


He slammed the glass test tube in his hand on the ground, and the test tube broke into countless glass fragments.

There has been no progress in the blue Bianhua for hundreds of years. After Zhu Shi got rid of his control, he has not been able to catch it. Then a school of swordsmanship emerged among human beings, which greatly enhanced the strength of the ghost killing team. Now there is a weird The woman who looks like a woman is suspected to be able to obliterate a ghost moon in an instant, and can also cut off his remote monitoring.

"Do you want to add some twelve ghost moons? No, the lower strings are almost all waste, but the upper strings are not so easy to make. It is not easy to find someone who can carry my blood."

Oni Wu Tsuji had a cold look reflected in his eyes.

He slowly controlled his emotions.

Now the situation is getting more and more weird, and the development of the situation has gradually made him feel a sense of threat. He has no idea of ​​jumping out to face the danger by himself, and has even begun to secretly plan to gather forces and act cautiously.

At worst, wait a hundred years before coming out, until all the human beings who threaten him are dead.

But if you think about it carefully, just because of an unwarranted sense of threat, it might be a little too cautious to just hide for hundreds of years like meeting that guy hundreds of years ago, after all, according to all the ghosts so far Memory, he has not seen the existence that can really fight against him.

Even the strongest pillars in the Ghost Killing Team are far from his opponents.

Not to mention touching the first level of Ji Guoyuan.


"If you can get a few more winding ghosts..."

Oni Wu Tsuji stood in the glass shards all over the floor, looking up at the ceiling and thinking carefully.

Feng Ye didn't specifically monitor Kiwu Tsuji Wumi, and naturally he didn't know what Wuyan was thinking at this time. He threw the sick leaf into the **** of the world of death, and after throwing it next to Ichimaru Gin, he didn't pay much attention to it. .

If he knew that Wu Mian had planned to hide for a century because of the 'sudden disappearance' of the diseased leaf, he would probably have made a weird comment about the most disdainful villain.

Almost a combination of the ugliest parts of human nature.

Evil, tyrannical, cruel, greedy, arrogant... cowardly and shameless at the same time.

Obviously his own strength is enough to crush the entire ghost killing team, but he is still unwilling to make a move by himself. He would rather let Twelve Ghost Moon go and slowly fight each other with the ghost killing team. If he is not forced to a dead end, he is not willing to take any risk .

Feng Ye is quite willing to have a chat with people like Aizen, but he has no interest in what Gui Wu Tsuji said.

Because if Gui Wu Tsuji knew the height of his life and the gap between the two, then the moment he saw him, he would undoubtedly bow down to him, even bow his knees, willing to do anything for him so that In exchange for a way to survive and even a chance to sublimate life, there will be no so-called strong character.

But if it is Uchiha Madara, Aizen Soyousuke and others, even in the face of a powerful existence, even at the cost of death, they will never bow their heads.

"Feng Ye, where are we going next? Are we going to find those ghosts..."

Ganlusi Mili leaned on Feng Ye's left, holding Feng Ye's arm, and whispered as she followed Feng Ye.

What she experienced tonight was too bizarre. Just the existence of the Ghost Killing Squad and the ghosts had already surprised her, but when she thought of the cannibal ghost like Biao Ye, she always felt a little uncomfortable. .

"No, we're going to meet someone."

Feng Ye stared at the dark night in front of him, his eyes were quiet and peaceful, and said: "It's a coincidence that what happened tonight happened to happen tonight, and now the past just happened to catch up, so I don't need to change the time."

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Ganlusi Mili nodded obediently. Although she didn't know who Feng Ye was going to see or what happened, she just had to stay by Feng Ye's side, just like before.