Chapter 277: Have you been kicked by the speed of light? 【2/7】, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Naruto Time Control!

So fast!

This is the first evaluation given by Qianshoujian.

Very strong!

This was the second evaluation given by Qianshoujian. Although he could not perceive clearly, the Chakra in Feng Ye had an extremely powerful feeling, somewhat similar to his brother.

Flying Thunder God?

This was the third thought of Qianshoujian. Although it was a question, it was actually a confirmation. It shouldn't be another type of instantaneous technique just now, because there was no induction in advance.

Whether it is the earth instant or water instant, although it can move quickly, it can sense a trace of trajectory, and it can't appear out of thin air. This is time space ninjutsu.

Even if it is not Flying Thunder God, it is a similar ability.

It was almost after these three thoughts flashed in Senshou's mind, Kakashi, who was continuing to fight Uchiha Obito, breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's finally here."

If Feng Ye does not come again, Xi Rihong, Hong Dou and others are injured or even killed, then he doesn't know how to explain to Feng Ye, after all, he is the captain and has to take responsibility.


Uchiha Obito looks at Maple Night with complicated eyes.

Xi Rihong looked at Feng Ye next to her. Only Feng Ye's figure was left in her eyes, and her attention fell on Feng Ye, ignoring all the previous generations nearby.

Xi Rihong said in a low voice: "It's a momentous one again."

Feng Ye glanced at her, chuckled lightly, and said, "No, it's not counted this time. You should be able to handle it just now."


Red bean's voice came from the side.

Seeing her leaping forward and falling to Feng Ye's side, she coughed and looked at Feng Ye and said, "Master Hokage, please pay attention to the occasion, and wait for no one to flirt slowly. "

"red beans!!"

Yurihong's expression suddenly became unnatural, and he glared at Adzuki, who stuck out his tongue at her.

As soon as Feng Ye appeared, even she relaxed, and she was no longer in the state of tension and vigilance as before.

Fengye glanced at Hongdou.

It's a pity that he doesn't have rice rolls in his hand, otherwise he will definitely plug the thick rice rolls directly into Adzuki bean's mouth and say, "It's okay, you don't have to go on."

Huh! !

At this moment, several chakra lines suddenly spread from a distance, and all of a sudden stuck to Feng Ye's body, connecting with Feng Ye's Chakra.

At the end of the chakra line, there was the figure of Chiyo. She raised her hands, and the fingertips of five fingers spread out the chakra line, and all ten chakra lines were connected to Feng Ye's body.

"It's been too long since I died, so you don't know how to fight anymore? You will show such a big flaw on the battlefield."

Chiyo's eyes flickered at Feng Ye.

After rescuing the danger of Yurihong, she was not even alert to the situation nearby. She just stood there chatting like no one, not even noticed her Chakra Line, and was all connected by her Chakra Line at once.

The ten chakra lines that manipulate puppets are all connected. Even a shadow-level ninja must be manipulated by her. It is extremely difficult to break free.


In the next moment, her gaze changed, because she pulled with both hands, but she could not pull Feng Ye. Feng Ye's whole body seemed to have taken root, and she couldn't pull it at all!

The term "Landing Roots" is also somewhat inaccurate. A more accurate statement should be that Feng Ye's whole person is as heavy as a mountain, giving her the feeling that it is difficult to shake!

"how come……"

A hint of shock appeared in Chiyo's eyes.

And at this moment, the second generation Shui Ying raised his finger at Feng Ye from a distance, and a drop of water melted from the fingertip, like a bullet, suddenly shooting towards Feng Ye.


Feng Ye raised his left hand and flicked his finger.

The drop of the water polo bullet that contained the Chakra was blown off by him directly, exploded a few meters away, and turned into countless water mist.

Seeing this scene, the second generation Shui Ying suddenly squinted his eyes and said: "There are indeed some skills, Chakra is also very powerful, but standing in front of you are five previous generations."

"The first generation of water shadow, the first generation of wind shadow, the second generation of water shadow, the second generation of wind shadow, the second generation of Hokage, and the third generation of water shadow... It seems that the guy is more frantic than I expected."

After Feng Ye flicked the bullet of the second generation Shuiying with one finger, he looked away from Xi Rihong and Hongdou, and looked at the first generation Shuiying and the second generation Shuiying and others ahead.

Hum! !

A faint golden light emerged.

The Xianfa coat appeared behind Fengye in an instant, and the black gouyu pattern appeared on it, and then Eight Gate went all the way through to the seventh gate, and seven spherical patterns were arranged below the gouyu pattern.

Entering the maple night in the six modes, the chakra fluctuations that showed up suddenly changed the expressions of the first generation Shui Ying and others.

"Such a chakra..."

The second generation Shuiying opened his eyes slightly, and said: "No wonder you are trusted so much by those juniors, but the first generation Five Shadows before you, how are you going to end us?"

Feng Ye looked over.


As the pupils of the second-generation Shui Ying shrank violently, Feng Ye's whole body seemed to be transformed into a golden light, as if it flickered out of thin air, she fell in front of him and lifted his foot in his sight.

"Speed ​​is power."

Feng Ye looked at the second-generation Shui Ying in front of him and spoke softly, saying:

"Have you been kicked by the speed of light...?"

The world seemed to freeze at this moment.

Everyone's movements seemed to have stopped in place.

No one can see Fengye's movements clearly, all he can see is a golden flash of light——

Only when time has slowed down countless times, can you clearly see Feng Ye's faint golden foot, falling towards the front door of the second generation Shui Ying.

The second generation Shui Ying couldn't even lift a finger, only his pupils were shrinking.

But the speed of the pupil contraction was extremely slow, much slower than Feng Ye's movements.

boom! !

Accompanied by golden light exploded.

The second generation of Shui Ying flew out directly, and when the body was in mid-air, it was directly broken into countless pieces of debris, which collapsed in all directions and disappeared into the air, leaving only a golden streamer to continue flying out. Eventually fell on the towering rock wall on the edge of Shayin Village.

boom! !

The center of the rock wall was penetrated by golden light for an instant, and dense cracks spread out in an instant, eventually covering the entire rock wall, and then blasted to pieces, turning into countless stones splashing.

The first generation of water shadows, the first generation of wind shadows, the second generation of wind shadows... Except for Kakashi and Yurihong and others, all the previous generation shadows of the dirty earth reincarnated in the scene——

Everything changed!