Chapter 1420

Just now that Tia showed everywhere that she and Mu Shaoling were not what everyone thought, she must be thinking in her heart that she wished Dong Zijun could misunderstand her too.

She also mentioned Ruan Bai just now, worried that she would lose control of her emotions after seeing the news.

But in the bottom of his heart, he hoped that Ruan Bai would see the report, wishing she could make trouble for Mu Shaoling like she was making trouble in Tiangong.

She knew exactly what Tia said on the surface and what it meant behind the scenes.

Listening to her words, Dong Zijun shook his head dumbfounded.

After Zhou Xiaosu drove to Huazhu, when she got out of the car, she warned Dong Zijun, "Ruan Bai's situation is not good now, you must hide this matter from her, and don't let her be stimulated in the slightest!"

Dong Zijun nodded. He didn't tell Mu Shaoling that the woman next to him was a fake Ruan Bai in the past three years. He kept everything a secret, so Zhou Xiaosu still thought that Ruan Bai had gone abroad to study.

"Okay, let's go home early today, and then we'll go to the supermarket to do some shopping together to prepare for the children's birthday party the day after tomorrow." Zhou Xiaosu said.

"Obey, my wife." Dong Zijun made a salute.

The people in the public relations department acted quickly and edited out the two statements.

For the sake of the lady's face, Dong Zijun first sent the statement that Tia was going to send, and asked her to post it on her private account platform immediately.

Then regarding Mu Shaoling's statement, he set it to be sent an hour later.

Mu Shaoling doesn't play on these platforms, so the platform to send is on T Group's public account.


Nianmu returned to the company, and after she punched in her card, she went back to the office. Having learned from the past, she planned to take her mobile phone with her.

The moment she took out her phone from her bag, she habitually opened WeChat to see if Amor had sent her any news.

She didn't see Amor's message, but saw the group of company employees discussing the scandal between Mu Shaoling and Tia.

The two of them had dinner yesterday, and when they walked into the restaurant together, they were photographed by reporters and featured in the newspaper.

Although Nianmu had already figured it out, when he saw this report, he still felt very uncomfortable.

Just as she was about to put her phone back into her pocket, she saw one of them saying, "Have you checked Tia's Weibo account? She has already issued a statement, saying that the dinner with Mr. Mu yesterday was a gathering among friends." , not as ambiguous as reported by reporters."

Then another employee said: "Let me just say, how could the boss have a crush on her? She has been treating our lady boss for so many years. If the boss was interested in her, something would have happened a long time ago. As for the scandal happening now? "

"Yes, she issued a statement, but why didn't the boss issue a statement?" Some people still expressed disbelief.

One of the employees said: "You don't understand this, right? The boss is a man. Usually, the woman makes the statement first, and then the man makes the statement. It's just a meal, nothing."

"Is it necessary to be alone for a meal? In the past, the boss would always bring Dong Tezhu with him when he was socializing. How could he be alone with others? And it was during the time when the boss's wife was on a study tour. I don't think things are that simple. .”

As they continued to discuss things, a senior official of the T Group said: "What are you discussing here? Don't you have to work?"

In an instant, the employees who were eagerly discussing this matter stopped this topic one after another.

Nianmu looked at the phone, cut it out, opened Weibo and searched Tia's Weibo, and sure enough, Tia issued a statement five minutes ago.

She explained the ins and outs of the matter clearly, and explained that this was just an ordinary meal. She and Mu Shaoling had known each other for a long time, and there was nothing ambiguous about it. It was just a meal between friends.

Every word and every word reveals an official tone.

Nianmu thought to himself, this is a statement that Mu Shaoling asked the PR department to edit, and then let Tia publish it...

Now that he wants to get rid of this relationship, Nianmu knows it well. After all, if they really have something, now is not the time to announce it.

Leaving aside the aspect that will affect the company, if they admit it, Tia is the third party in the eyes of others.

Mu Shaoling should be reluctant to let her become a mistress...

As Nianmu thought, the bitterness in her heart became heavier and heavier. She raised her head and glanced at the ceiling, blinking constantly.

She wanted to suppress the sourness in her eyes.

After looking at the ceiling for three minutes, Nianmu felt much better, so he put his phone in the pocket of his lab coat and left the office.

She didn't know that Mu Shaoling had already noticed her actions just now.

Such a weird movement...

Mu Shaoling looked at the computer screen and frowned slightly. What was she doing just now?

He suddenly thought of Ruan Bai, when Ruan Bai wanted to cry, he raised his head like this, and asked her why, she said, it was able to hold back the tears.

Did Nian Mu just want to cry? Why would she want to cry?

After Nianmu came to the laboratory, he immersed himself in the experiment. The researchers around him were discussing the scandal between Mu Shaoling and Tia in their spare time, but she didn't participate at all.

When she heard that she didn't want to hear it, she plunged into the cultivation room, and she didn't come out until it was time to get off work, and then opened the door to get off work.

This day, she didn't see Mu Shaoling, and it was Uncle Zhang who came to pick Taotao home at night.

Nianmu watched Uncle Zhang leave with the child, and suddenly said, "By the way, Uncle Zhang, can I ask for a day off tomorrow?"

Uncle Zhang looked at her puzzled, tomorrow is Saturday, usually she can prepare dinner for Taotao on time, why not on Saturday?

"Ms. Nian, what's the matter with you?" He asked, whether to ask for leave or not is not up to him, so if she wants to ask for leave, she should give him a reason, and he will tell Mu Shaoling.

"A friend of mine is sick and hospitalized, and I want to be with her tomorrow," Nianmu explained.

Uncle Zhang heard it. He nodded and said, "Okay, read the professor, I will tell the young master."

"It's troublesome." When Nian Mu heard him mention Mu Shaoling, he felt a dull pain in his heart again, feeling as if his heart was covered by a layer of rag, airtight and very uncomfortable.

"Goodbye, sister." Taotao was a little disappointed when he learned that he couldn't come tomorrow, but he was a sensible child, knowing that she was going to take care of his friends, so he didn't make any noise.

Nianmu waved his hand, said "goodbye", and watched them walk into the elevator, and Baibai closed the door.

She sat back on the sofa, opened Weibo on her mobile phone, and glanced at Tia's Weibo. Except for the statement this morning, the other party didn't make any comments or like any comments.