Chapter 1806

Of course, Song's mother would not say that she had been waiting here all this time, so she found an excuse and explained: "My son has recently been hospitalized due to illness, so I am here."

Zhou Qing frowned, with a serious look on her face. Lin Ning's illness made her feel empathetic, and she looked at her worriedly, "Mr. Song, are you alright?"

"The situation is not optimistic." Seeing the conversation, Song's mother was secretly happy, and turned around to wait for the elevator with her, "Now the doctor can't find out what's going on, so he can only rely on painkillers and diazepam to make his condition better." Stabilize."

"It's so serious..." Zhou Qing frowned even deeper, thinking of Lin Ning's situation,

She is taking medicine all the time now, and she will go home to recuperate when the condition is better, but when the condition becomes serious, she has to be hospitalized again.

The medicine prescribed by Nianmu is effective, but Lin Ning's self-willedness has made his health worse, and now the effective medicine has become very slow.

Seeing Zhou Qing's sad face, Song's mother secretly calculated, she sighed, "Beiye was hospitalized this time, it was completely caused by someone, and the cause is still not found out, only crying for pain, I, as a mother, I wish I could bear the pain for him, but... oh, "

Seeing what she said, Zhou Qing answered with concern: "Have you been murdered? Who is so courageous?"

Although she doesn't have much contact with the business circle, she knows what the Song family represents in City A.

"I don't know if you recognize her or not, but that woman, relying on the influence of the Mu family, can do whatever she wants!" Mother Song watched the elevator walk in, politely let Zhou Qing go in, and then said all this through gritted teeth.

Mu family?

Zhou Qing paused, walked into the elevator, saw Song's mother also walked in, and asked, "Did someone from the Mu family hurt your son? But aren't the Mu family and the Song family on good terms?"

She didn't believe that someone from the Mu family would break this balance.

Mother Song pretended to think of something, then shook her head to avoid talking about it, "Forget it, it's hard to talk about it."

"Mrs. Song, what are you..." Zhou Qing couldn't help remembering when she heard about the Mu family, if the Mu family really did something excessive, she could also intercede with them.

"I forgot that Shaoling is your son-in-law, so just pretend you didn't hear about it." Mother Song pressed down on the first floor, guessing that Zhou Qing was going back.

"Mrs. Song, is there anything I can do to help you?" Zhou Qing was not a gossip either. Although he had something to do with the Mu family, Mother Song refused to tell, and she didn't ask any further.

Looking at her gentle appearance, Zhou Qing didn't expect that she didn't ask.

If it were someone else, I would definitely continue to ask.

Mother Song rolled her eyes, shook her head and said, "I'm sorry, I lost my composure. I was just too worried about Bei Ye's body, and I blame him. Why did I provoke that woman at will."


Zhou Qing frowned. How could a woman from the Mu family provoke Song Beiye?

The only people she could think of were Zhang Yali and Cai Xiufen, but they didn't seem like they would have anything to do with Song Beiye.

"Who is the woman from the Mu family you're talking about?" Zhou Qing's curiosity was aroused by her.

Song's mother lowered her eyes, flashed a flash of pride, the opportunity came, this time she didn't hide it, and said directly: "It's the woman named Nianmu!"

"She's from the Mu family?" Zhou Qing looked suspiciously at Mother Song, trying to see something from the expression on her face.

Mother Song sighed, shook her head and said, "Of course she is not a woman from the Mu family. I shouldn't have said these things, but at this point, I can't do without them. Mrs. Lin, I think you are still kept in the dark by Shaoling." Bar?"

Zhou Qing blinked, feeling a bad premonition, "Mrs. Song, what do you mean by what you said?"

Song's mother deliberately showed a embarrassed expression, "Mrs. Lin, you and I are not gossips. Talking about some things may have a bad influence, or you just pretend that you didn't meet me today and nothing happened."

The more she said that, the more Zhou Qing felt that something was wrong, "Is it because Nianmu has an ulterior relationship with Shaoling?"

"You know?" Song's mother blurted out, and then covered her mouth, deliberately pretending to have accidentally slipped her mouth.

Zhou Qing thought of what she had seen and heard before, and also thought of Cai Xiufen's previous hints.

But she believed in Mu Shaoling's character, and also believed in his feelings for Ruan Bai. In addition to Lin Ning's illness, she did not continue to doubt Nian Mu's kindness to their family.

However, Song's mother's words revived her suspicion, "I know Nianmu...Xiao Nian has good medical skills, and she is also an employee of Shaoling Company, so the two are friends, have you misunderstood?" What?"

"You know..." Mother Song thought to herself. Zhou Qing was not confused, but she didn't pursue it. The reason for this is intriguing.

"I know they have a good relationship, but what you said, is there some misunderstanding?" Zhou Qing said, she hoped that Mu Shaoling and Nian Mu were just subordinates and ordinary friends.

"I also hope that I misunderstood. Last night, I went to Nianmu to find out what she did to my son. However, Shaoling directly protected her. It was after ten o'clock in the evening. A normal friendship would not Did she stay in a car until after ten o'clock? And she was alone in the coffee shop at that time, and Shaoling came to pick her up by herself later..." Mother Song paid attention to the changes in her expression while talking.

Ordinary friends are indeed not like this, Zhou Qing's face became ugly.

Song's mother said: "I hope it's fake. After all, Shaoling has a wife, and their relationship is too ridiculous now."

Zhou Qing watched the elevator reach the first floor and walked out.

Song's mother followed her and said to herself: "Did I say too much, sorry, I also feel worthless for your daughter, if Shaoling really betrayed Ruan Bai, then she is still alive foreign……"

Zhou Qing's appearance is still normal, but his heart is already in chaos.

However, she didn't forget that she was still outside, in front of an outsider. Even if the outsider had a good relationship with the Mu family, she still had to maintain face with the Mu family.

"I believe in Shaoling. He explained to me before that Nianmu and Nianmu are just ordinary friends. I have something to do, so I'm leaving first." Zhou Qing walked away quickly after finishing speaking.

Looking at her back, Mother Song pursed her lips.

Although she said she believed in their relationship, she never noticed that she even changed Nian Mu's name.

Just a simple conversation can make Zhou Qing suspicious.

Song's mother secretly rejoiced that Mu Shaoling and Nianmu made her unhappy, and she would not make them feel comfortable.

Picking up her mobile phone, she made a call and asked her subordinates to investigate the identity of the person living in the ward.