Chapter 995

The White Ape didn't expect that the person opposite would suddenly give him a hand. He gently wiped the blood on his neck, and then slowly said, "what do you mean, dare to betray me." No. 1 nearby has been completely controlled by love, so when the White Ape spoke, the throwing knife here also threw it directly at him, and the three fought together at once.

The White Ape's transformed body was really strong, and even matched Qin yuan, but Qin yuan snorted coldly.

Although his fighting skills were strengthened, his strength was not vegetarian. He clenched his fist and hit Bai Yuan directly. In an instant, Bai a ape rolled and fell heavily on the table behind him.

The noise was so loud that all the guards outside ran in. These people have guns, all pointing at Qin yuan and No. 1. They don't understand what this is.

But their boss's idea is often elusive. How could they suddenly fight. Now the White Ape got up from the ground. He covered his chest and felt a little strange. How did the speed of the bald eagle become so fast?

And even if they received their own genetic drugs, but they did not register the third generation, their bodies should not be so strong.

"What are you two doing? You dare to betray me. Do you know what happens to the Betrayer?" At the moment, No. 1 had no own consciousness and had long been controlled by Qin yuan. Qin yuan snorted coldly and didn't care what he said.

And those militants who rushed in next to them were stunned. How could this be possible! These two people are equivalent to the right arm of the White Ape. Unexpectedly, they betrayed. This is too exaggerated.

"Sorry, it's you today."

"I really can't figure out what's going on between you two. You two will never betray me. What ideas have people over there instilled in you and what conditions have they promised you before you are willing to do so." At the moment, he looked at No. 1, and No. 1 had no expression on his face. He just looked at him as an enemy.

The White Ape seemed helpless. He shook his head. He didn't expect to be betrayed by his subordinates, because these subordinates were strictly selected by him, especially his own team.

There can be many red blood cell teams, but his own personal soldiers came in with him at first. There will be no betrayal, and he trusts them very much.

He had no choice but to make a decision and let the soldiers behind him shoot at them, which was the end of dealing with the traitors. Now he was not only angry, but also couldn't figure it out. He didn't know why they did so.

And now when there are so many people, if he doesn't make this decision, he can't vertical wechat in front of these videos. What makes him feel strange is how betrayal can happen.

Qin yuan snorted coldly. It seems that this guy hasn't recognized it yet, but he doesn't intend to expose it so soon. He just makes do with his identity.

The main reason is that they have done too much drama, which makes the White Ape fully believe that Qin yuan was stabbed to death. On the other hand.

On the other hand, he felt that if he made too many disguises, he could not imitate a person so much.

Qin yuan controlled No. 1 and rushed up directly. At this time, No. 1 restrained other players. Qin yuan mainly aimed at white apes.

This guy is his main target. At this time, the White Ape looked coldly at the so-called bald eagle in front of him. He suddenly realized that no, this man is not a bald eagle.

"Who are you? You're not a bald eagle at all. His eyes have never been so firm." Qin yuan smiled and didn't talk to him. Instead, he threw another Throwing Knife. It was just a fake move. In fact, his real big move was something else. When the White Ape wanted to avoid the Throwing Knife, he had lost two playing cards in his right hand.

One has directly crossed his abdomen. If this guy has not been injected with genetic reagent, it is estimated that there is a gushing of blood now, because after he has been injected with genetic reagent, all his physical skills have been strengthened, especially his defense.

Qin yuan looked at him coldly, and this situation could not let the organization survive. This reagent was so terrible that it completely created an immortal army.

This time Qin yuan has been completely close to him. The White Ape is actually very confident. If he really fights Qin yuan, he is not afraid. He trains day after day, and he is also a crazy guy. He injected himself with three genetic reagents at the highest level at one time.

Therefore, Qin yuan's speed is also very fast. Now Qin yuan can be said to have completely mastered the moves of White Ape. His strength means that he has been transformed.

Just now, he was just teasing him. Slowly, the White Ape also found out. He found that Qin yuan already knew what he was going to do next, but he deliberately slipped away from him.

At this time, Qin yuan suddenly laughed,

"Forget it, it's so boring. Let you see something interesting." The White Ape also felt strange. He wanted to do something. As a result, Qin yuan snapped his fingers, and then he slowly sent out a message of charm.

In an instant, the militants who had just rushed in and fought with them were stunned, including himself. He was completely controlled by Qin yuan without even realizing it.

Qin yuan used the charm information this time mainly to master the real situation of the White Ape. After all, this guy is too cunning. Is he a real white ape or not, and the situation of this base.

In the later interrogation, Qin yuan was relieved. It seems that he still thinks too much and thinks too much about this person. In fact, it's really nothing.

Because of the previous crackdown, their side has also been hit hard, because it is not easy to maintain the expenses of the whole organization.

Their biggest expense was the gene laboratory at akazhi's side. At that time, Qin yuan solved a problem for him.

Moreover, in the later interrogation, the White Ape was crazy. He not only had to fight the people around Qin yuan, including long Xiaoyun, but also his whole red blood cell team.

He listed every plan in great detail, how to target these people, how to kill them, and even trained the professional killers inside.

The so-called red blood cell group he created is even more terrible. It imitates each of them. There are computer experts, hackers, experts and fighting experts.

Even this guy found the precious records of Qin yuan's previous tasks. He could hack into other people's systems and completely copy these materials in order to imitate Qin yuan.

Qin yuan shook his head when he saw it. This kind of person is really terrible. In addition, he has completely mastered the criminal secrets of the organization.

The civilians they caught before, except for genetic experiments, have been shot and killed. This is the real madness.

But Qin yuan is more curious about what forces are supporting their economic operation. You know.

Although Bai Yuan has a grudge against himself. The people inside also have enemies with themselves, but it is a very big expense to support such a large organization, especially the research of genetic reagents.

Qin yuan noticed before that their weapons are all the latest equipment, so the replacement speed is too fast.

He looked at the unconscious White Ape and asked slowly, "are there other forces behind you supporting you?" Now the White Ape has been completely controlled by Qin yuan. Unexpectedly, under such control, he even mentioned the problem and had a slight resistance. Qin yuan can feel his brain waves shaking.

Qin yuan smiled. It seemed that this guy was also strong willed, but these were small things in front of him. He put his hand on the shoulder of the White Ape to strengthen his consciousness control. Soon, this little resistance disappeared completely.

And this secret is very important. When he mentioned it, he obviously resisted it. Sure enough, in the process of Qin yuan's interrogation, there were several forces behind the organization. There were people supporting them there and in the United States.

However, he did not know who was providing them with the funding chain. He only knew that the two people were from the small Maoist country, which brought them the latest weapons and equipment and let them enter the research wholeheartedly.

However, in such a situation, they also have their own selfishness. At most, they want them to join their own Legion after successful research. After all, if a terrible strength like them enters the battlefield, it is also the second kill of their opponents.

After all, if a team like them is really fully developed and used by other countries, it can perform many secret tasks. It's terrible to think about it carefully.

When asked further, the White Ape didn't know the specific situation. It seemed that the people behind wanted to control and were worried about the east window incident, so they hid it very deeply.

Qin yuan sighed. Originally, he thought this time it was just a simple kidnapping. Unexpectedly, so many things were involved behind the scenes, and now the real behind the scenes hands have been caught, but there are people who control behind the scenes.

As for the base, there is no bomb placed here, because the White Ape is not ready. His general preparation is to place it when he needs to evacuate.

In this way, Qin yuan sent positioning information to long Xiaoyun and them, and then controlled all these militants.

When the White Ape woke up, he found that he had been tied to the stool. He was confused. What's going on.

And at the moment, Qin yuan is not the bald eagle in front of him. He is even more shocked. It is absolutely impossible.

He has sent several people to investigate. Qin yuan is dead. Even if the guy is not dead, he is seriously injured. It is impossible to stand in front of him so intact now.

"You... You are a monster. You can't kill!"

"Just your little trick. Keep it for others. If you deal with me, it's really challenging for me this time, but it's too low."

"I just want to know how you did it and how you got in."

"You don't need to worry about these things, but thank you for explaining everything just now. Now you have no value, and you have shot and killed so many civilians. Now it's time to accept the judgment of the people." When it comes to the White Ape's sudden madness, he is a little unwilling,

"Why can those civilians judge me? They don't deserve it."

"It seems that you are really addicted to the role and can't extricate yourself. Everyone can kill terrorists like you!" Up to now, the White Ape can't believe how Qin yuan did it. It's really incredible.

He sighed deeply. He didn't expect that he could not kill Qin yuan after careful preparation for so long and with so much energy. Instead, he was killed by him. He really couldn't think how powerful this man was.

"You are indeed a respectable opponent. I don't understand many things. How did you do it?"

"You don't have to worry about how to do it. That's my strength, but what I need to tell you is that I will always guard my faith and my people." After Qin Yuan said that, he pulled the trigger directly on his head, and the militants next to him exclaimed. After all, in their eyes, the White Ape was also a relatively powerful existence. Unexpectedly, Qin yuan shot him directly.

The main reason is that this man is too cunning. In addition to the people who support him behind what he just said, Qin yuan is very worried. If such people are handed over, maybe he will let him survive again. If such people are not killed, the consequences will be unimaginable.

The other militants were very afraid, mainly because they suddenly faced death. When Qin yuan saw them, his eyes showed fear. Didn't these people think about killing those civilians?

Especially on the 1st, she couldn't understand how Qin yuan did it all the time. She was confused every time.

When she wakes up, something unexpected will happen. For example, this time, when she wakes up, she has been tied inside the organization and her boss has been killed.

Qin yuan also specially informed the K country, mainly because this time the matter involved too much, and these people should be punished by them.

Before so many civilians died, their side should also explain to those civilians. Catching these people is the best sanction.

Long Xiaoyun, they rushed here directly after receiving the information. After all, they know that these people are powerful.

But when they came, some of the most rebellious people in the whole organization were killed by Qin yuan, and the rest were completely controlled by Qin yuan.

Li Erniu was shocked. Although they had seen this before and it was a routine operation for their captain, the strength of the militants was too strong this time.
