Chapter 1317

If he wants a complete monopoly, he can only wait for them to be completely exposed. Last time, if their plan is successful and they can pass back the false news, he can feel the melon and know which country is monitoring.

At the moment, the three people didn't know that their every move had long been monitored by Qin yuan. They were still the same as the situation reported above. When the three people were ready to investigate, a level-1 alarm suddenly occurred in the base.

Next, all their grass-roots personnel were summoned back to the hall. All three were confused. After all, such alarms rarely appear.

After a while, I only saw old Zhang appear on the front stage and announce a message. Unexpectedly, the news announced by old Zhang was that the space station they developed this time failed.

"I'm sorry we didn't have a lot of experience in this project, but we still have a lot of information about the failure of the space station."

Hearing this, the three looked at each other. This news was good news for them. After all, the top asked them to monitor at any time and destroy their plans if they could.

When they learned that they had obtained the drawings before, they immediately contracted the information. Therefore, Yuanguo suddenly did not provide silicon.

Anyway, they have to do everything they can to prevent Yanguo from entering space for research, because now they have found a new substance in another field, which is also the raw material for making a super weapon.

Yan Guo actually had a preliminary stage of progress in this experiment at the beginning, but they used robots to collect soil samples after entering the moon in space, and the soil samples contained the material they needed to study.

However, the cost of the robot above is very large, and in the case of weightlessness, the collection is also very difficult. The collected things are only enough for research, and many projects are forced to enter the interruption stage, so they have to send people to carry out another step of collection research.

In the United States, they have made progress in this research for many years. Now, although they have enough research materials, they still have no breakthrough in other aspects.

They are also worried that the Yanguo Congress will take this opportunity to complete another breakthrough, so they can only suppress their strength in all aspects and prevent Yanguo from succeeding.

This is only a general situation that Qin yuan learned during the monitoring during this period. The specific details must find the real behind the scenes to know what the hell these guys are doing, whether they are really suppressing or there are other situations.

After Mr. Zhang announced the end of the failure, he also lifted the supervision of other aspects. Because the name of the space station was to be built before, everyone, especially the external grass-roots personnel, were not allowed to enter the laboratory, but now it has been completely broken.

Most people feel very sorry for this result. After all, many people are looking forward to it. They think they have drawings this time, and they think they should have no problem looking at the materials delivered without shutdown two days ago. Unexpectedly, they still failed.

Now the three people have returned to their place of residence. From today on, they will resume their normal work


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