Chapter 1335

Panasonic only thinks it's ironic that the guys who don't work are them, OK? Besides, his teammate almost had an accident for such a little thing. Now he really doesn't want to take care of anything. He just wants to rush up and beat this guy, but for the sake of the overall situation, he can't do so.

"I'm very sorry. I only found this. There are very few things. I will go further tomorrow."

After hearing what he said, the American astronauts gave up, and then took all the things away without any reservation. Takeuchi shook his head beside them. Now he is injured, but there is no way.

"I didn't expect that they should be so cruel. We can say that the things they bought with their lives were taken away so easily."

"Look at you. I'll go tomorrow. You can have a good rest here."

"Absolutely not. If you go alone tomorrow, there will be fewer things collected. They will certainly not agree."

"But your body is more important. That's it. Tomorrow I will go and tell them that you can't get out of this state. Don't you want to go back?"

Both of them are silent here. Which of them doesn't want to go back? Now I have no choice but to bow my head and be a man.

At the moment, the Americans are conducting research. On the other hand, they have also received instructions from the bottom, asking them to visit the space station of Yanguo.

"Major Michelle, look, this is the latest order from headquarters."

"I really don't know what they're thinking. Why should we go to their space station? It's only right that they come to visit us. Why should we give them this opportunity."

"No way. This is an order from the headquarters. It requires us to go there as soon as possible tomorrow. In fact, it is a visit. In fact, it allows us to explore their internal situation as soon as possible."

Michelle doesn't care at all. He thinks that those people in the United States can come up with something. He also says that he wants to learn. He just thinks it's funny.

However, this is the order of the headquarters after all, and he has to implement it. He can only go to see that they have applied with Yanguo after work tomorrow. After all, to enter their space station, they must first go through the following negotiations.

On the American side, they have always had a lofty attitude, and they think that no matter what, Yanguo will agree.

He soon received an application for a diplomatic visit from the United States inside his base. He just thought it was funny. He didn't know what the hell these guys were up to. Since they said they would start studying the space station, there have been various situations.

"In my opinion, we are more active in studying the space station, but they are more active than us."

"Who knows what bad ideas these guys are up to? I don't think we should answer them at all."

"It's impossible to ignore them. After all, they represent different things. Let's take the overall situation as an example and see what they want to do first!"

At the moment, several US Congressmen appeared on the big screen, followed by the researchers behind them, which seemed quite formal. It was indeed the first time that we had a negotiation in this way.

You should know that before this, the United States would never look up to them. There has never been such an opportunity.

"Mr. Zhang really didn't expect you to have such a great breakthrough this time. First of all, I want to congratulate you!"

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