Chapter 1362

Qin yuan didn't want to argue with them at first, but hearing fantianlei's words aroused his desire to win or lose. He immediately took them to practice.

"You just don't have enough practice. Wait. When our team comes back, you will have another competition."

At this time, Qin yuan noticed that fantianlei's face was a little unnatural, especially when he talked about the red blood cell group.

He couldn't tell why it was strange, but he didn't ask many questions. When the warwolf team rested, Qin Yuan found longxiaoyun to express his views. He always felt that people in the team seemed to be avoiding him after he came back.

"I don't feel that way. Could it be that you feel wrong? I think everything is normal."

"No, when I mentioned that everyone in the red blood cell group was running away, what really happened?"

Fantianlei walked over just as he was saying this. He wanted to call longxiaoyun over. Unexpectedly, Qin yuan caught him.

"What's the matter? You'd better tell me the truth, or don't force me to use some special means."

Fantianlei's eyes straightened when he heard this. After all, he knew Qin yuan would hypnotize. He had to avoid Qin yuan's eyes.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? Tell me quickly."

Faced with Qin yuan's pressing questions, fantianlei had no choice but to tell him the truth. It turned out that the red blood cell team had indeed gone out to perform tasks, but that was two months ago.

However, there was an accident during the mission. They went to the mountain to search for the trapped donkey friends, but it was a primitive jungle, and the terrain was very difficult to walk.

In addition, the situation of landslides caused by continuous rain has increased the difficulty of rescue.

When Wang Yanbing was rescuing a trapped crowd, a landslide suddenly occurred. In order to protect the rescued people, he directly blocked the fall with his body. However, the landslide was too severe. Wang Yanbing and the rescued donkey friend were buried underneath.

Everyone carried out the rescue for the first time, and both of them were rescued. It was a pity that wangyanbin's leg was directly crushed by the falling rock. The donkey friend was rescued, but Wang Yanbing's left leg was crushed for three hours.

At this point, fan Tianlei lowered his head. He didn't know how to continue.

"Then what happened? Hurry up!"

Qin yuan's aura was very frightening at the moment. Anti Tianlei could only say it quickly. When Wang Yanbing was rescued, his left leg could not be saved because of long-term oppression.

At last, Qin yuan had to be surgically removed. Hearing this, Qin yuan was completely stunned. He was angry and rushed forward to catch fantianlei.

For a special forces soldier, legs and hands are essential things. He is missing a leg. What will he do in the future?

"Why didn't anyone tell me who made the claim and directly asked him to amputate that leg? You know, if I were here, I would certainly be able to keep it!"

"Let him go! This matter has nothing to do with them. It's my order."

Qin yuan turned his hair and now it was Gao Shiwei. At the moment, Gao Shiwei looked grim. He walked slowly over.

"Why! Why didn't you contact me, Gao Dui?"


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