Chapter 1363

Because at that time, they were undergoing intensive training. They were completely closed and could not contact the outside world at all.

Even if Gao Shiwei wanted to contact them, there was no way at all. At that time, they were in the critical period of training, so Gao Shiwei had no choice but to make this decision.

If the leg is broken, Qin yuan can definitely connect it with his ability. But now that he has been surgically removed, how can he recover that leg?

"It's not fair to him. You should have informed me at that time. What should he do in the future? If I were here, I would certainly be able to save him and his legs!"

Qin yuan almost roared out these words. He knew it was the senior four who made the decision. Now he couldn't control himself. He rushed forward and asked him why. Fan Tianlei, who was nearby, hurried forward to hold him and told him not to mess around.

"Captain Qin, as you know, the yuan incident has nothing to do with Gao DUI. After all, the doctors on the operating table were urging them all the time. In such an emergency, no one can help. We don't want to..."

Gao Shiwei shook his head, indicating that he didn't have to say more. This decision was made by him. Anyway, he seemed to be the sinner in everyone's eyes. As a special combat team member, he didn't have a leg. What does that mean? Everyone knows, but he is more concerned about saving his life.

But in that case, he had no choice. As the leader on the scene, he had to make a decision as soon as possible. Wang Yanbing had a serious infection in his leg, which would endanger his life if he did not deal with it as soon as possible, so he had to do that.

Qin yuan was a little broken. He really couldn't accept the news. No wonder everyone avoided him and didn't want to mention it.

"Gao, where are my players now?"

"Since that incident, everyone has been unhappy, which is very bad for their state, so I asked them to take a vacation. Now we are still on vacation."

Qin Yuan went outside. Anyway, he wanted to see Wang Yanbing first. Even if his leg was gone, he would eat his brother.

Fantianlei wanted to catch up, but Gao Shiwei stopped him. Now let him go and let him know the result earlier. He wanted to hide it later, but he couldn't hide it at all.

"Gao Dui, you are not to blame for this. You don't have to take all the responsibilities on yourself. It's too much pressure for you to be so mature!"

"Can the pressure I bear reduce his pain? If so, I am willing to put all the pressure on me. I am not willing to let my soldiers take risks. He lost a leg. I am also very sad for me!"

Gaoshiwei seldom broke out his emotions, but he really couldn't bear it at this moment. In that case, he made a decision for the soldier. Although Wang Yanbing's life was saved, it also ruined his future.

What he can do now is to apply to the top as soon as possible. For disabled soldiers like this, their subsidies are still very large, which is what Gao Shiwei is trying to do.

Longxiaoyun also wants to catch up, but now he is the only one in the brigade. If they are leaving, if they have any urgent tasks, it will be more troublesome.


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