Chapter 1394

I will take good care of this son.

Gaoshiwei called the Secretary in, and then asked him to write a cursive script, "by the way, Xiao Liu, look at the maximum subsidy for disabled soldiers like them in a year."

"At his level, there are 50000 subsidies a year."

Gao Shiwei shook his head. It was too little. It was not enough for him. He owed Wang Yanbing a debt in his heart.

After thinking for a while, he took out a bank card from his pocket, which was his savings over the years. "Well, Xiao Liu, please help me transfer all the money in this card, and then put it on the boy's card, saying that it was taken down to give him subsidies."

"Ah! Gao Dui, this is your own money. I think we can apply again. You can't pay for it alone."

"Don't talk nonsense. If I ask you to do it, you can do it. He is my soldier. If something happens, I must be responsible for it. I can make a little compensation, which can make me feel better."

Xiao Liu thought for a while and could only do it according to his requirements. As soon as he turned around and went out, he saw Qin yuan and them coming back. More importantly, he saw that Wang Yanbing walked normally.

Xiao Liu felt that he was wrong. He rubbed his eyes and saw it again. Wang Yanbing not only walked normally, but also jumped up the high steps with a gentle leap.

After a while, they came to the door of the office. Qin yuan looked at Xiao Liu who was in a daze and walked over and patted him on the shoulder.

"Secretary Liu, what are you doing in broad daylight?"

"Captain Qin, am I right? Is Wang Yanbing's leg ready?"

"It's a long story. I'll explain it to you later. Let's go to Gao Dui first."

Gaoshiwei also heard the noise. He frowned in the office. Recently, he was really worried about Wang Yanbing.

"Report! Soldier wangyanbing came to report!"

Wangyanbing gave a standard military salute. Standing in the office like that, Gao Shiwei couldn't believe what the situation was. But on second thought, he felt a little guilty about the boy's artificial limb.

"Yanbing, I know you are wronged. Don't worry. Anyway, I will make good compensation to you. Even if you leave the team, I will try to meet the conditions you can put forward."

"Gao, what are you talking about? I'm here to report to you today. I'm going to stay in our team. Besides, how can I leave our team?"

Gao Shiwei looked strange. At this time, he rolled up his trousers and saw a prosthetic limb. When he saw this, his eyes tightened.

After all, he knows about ordinary prosthetics. It's good to be able to walk at this level. At least it looks normal to walk.

Unexpectedly, Qin yuan in the back suddenly fought with Wang Yanbing. The two immediately launched their posture to prevent Wang Yanbing from moving freely after the fight.

Gaoshiwei originally wanted to criticize, but just when his words came to his lips, he remembered that it was wrong. How could Wang Yanbing be faster than normal people?

"How's it going? Is my prosthetic limb good, Gao Dui? My current clip doesn't affect normal movement and training at all, and it's more powerful than the previous one."

Qin yuan and Gao Shiwei explained it again.

Hua shuge

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