Chapter 1413

"Call them all out, and I won't go in. I won't examine your internal affairs today. I'll bring them out first and then examine them tomorrow."

Isn't it proper to play with them? Qin yuan deliberately teased them with this fishing method. The people behind him were all ready to see a good play. Unexpectedly, Qin yuan came here.

Originally, he was far away, and then walked forward, "instructor, that's not good. Checking internal affairs is your standard. Besides, several instructors have come to check before, and you have to come to have a look."

"Seeing what you said, I am very confident of you. Why should we check? I believe you are qualified soldiers. Internal affairs are the basic standard. There is absolutely no problem. I will not check."

Seeing that Qin yuan was about to leave, several people were worried. They pushed and dragged Qin yuan away. After all, they had been prepared for such a long time. In addition, everything in front of them had no effect on Qin yuan. How could they be reconciled? No matter what happens today, we must give him a blow.

Qin yuan had already seen through their trick and knew that there was someone at the door. When several people pulled, Qin yuan was very fast. He rushed forward with an arrow and kicked the door open with one foot.

The two men in ambush at the door didn't know what was going on. Instead, the front door was opened and they just splashed it out. This was planned before. The remaining people were responsible for attracting people. After they came up, they splashed pepper water.

Qin yuan kicked the door open, then rolled and hid in the side. All the pepper water splashed on the people behind him, and a burst of screams came.

The two people who splashed water wanted to watch the excitement, but unexpectedly, they splashed on their own people and ran out.

Several people on the ground kept screaming. After all, it was conceivable that they had made important decisions when they deployed.

"Ouch, what are you doing here? Why are you splashing water? Look how careless you are. You just ran to someone else."

Qin yuan simply pretended that he didn't know. The two of them were also confused. Several people were totally dumb. Now they can't say anything. They can only bear the pain. Looking at their embarrassed appearance, Qin yuan felt happy and just wanted to avenge others.

At the moment, the last person is eagle eye, who is lying in ambush at the commanding height. Although the training bullet of this kind of sniper gun will not cause much damage, it is too close.

At such a close distance from this position, if you accidentally encounter a shot, those who are unlucky will be broken.

Eagle eye couldn't care so much. He saw the people below waving at him. Anyway, he must clean up to Qin yuan today. Without saying a word, he fired directly. However, just as he was about to pull the trigger, a Throwing Knife directly hit his helmet.

This scene scared him to move. He could feel that the blade of the knife was just a few millimeters away from his scalp.

This is really breathtaking. Qin yuan's strength is so strong that he can hit the key and will never let go. This is just for fun.

Eagle eye slowly came down from the attic after a long time. Qin yuan began to look around. The whole room could be described as dirty and disorderly. There was smoke everywhere on the ground

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