Chapter 1449


"It's not far. We just go to another area. It's only twoorthree kilometers away from here. We are going to another area for delivery."

Qin yuan nodded. In the past three days, he has almost walked the factory here. At present, he has not found any special place. Now the more difficult thing is that there is no information about the undercover.

The only useful information they know is that the undercover they lurked in will hold a newspaper in his hand and a pen in his pocket on Wednesday afternoon. This is the previously specified secret code, and it is also the second set of Fang Eucalyptus to prevent the handover from failing. This secret way can be used to find each other.

But today is Wednesday. Qin yuan has been wandering around the factory. He wants to see if he can find the undercover here, but the sudden task disrupted his plan.

If you miss today, you'll have to wait until next Wednesday. The delay is too long. It's too long to wait.

Brother Guan's goods have been loaded, and he kept urging him. Qin yuan can only find an excuse to go to the bathroom.

"Can you fucking hurry up? Everyone is waiting for you."

Qin yuan put half a pack of cigarettes in brother Guan's hand, "this stomach pain is really helpless. If you can't, go first."

"Don't talk nonsense here. If several people go, several people must go. This is the rule. Don't you know?"

Qin yuan could only nod his head, and then hurried to the toilet. Compared with other places, they are really different here, and the regularity is too strong.

This is also the reason why Blackwater has been running for years. They all have their own set of rules, which everyone must abide by. Just like today, there are four people in total to deliver goods, and those four people must be present.

According to brother Guan, even if the fourth person dies, his body should be taken out. Every delivery and shipment is very secret. It is easy for undercover agents to infiltrate in these. Therefore, in this way, undercover agents can be excluded from passing on information.

Qin yuan squatted in the toilet thinking about countermeasures. It was too difficult. The situation here was different from what he had encountered before. Just when he was struggling, there was a violent knock outside the door.

It's a little brother of brother Guan. He's a little impatient. "Are you good or not? Brother Guan is going to get angry!"

Qin yuan sighed helplessly. Now he had no choice but to follow them first. It was safer to go and hide first than to expose his identity.

After Qin yuan came out, everyone got on the bus together. The car slowly left the factory and turned around the street outside into another dirt road.

After crossing the dirt road, you can see some faint buildings in front of you. This is another factory they call, but it looks very dilapidated, just like those civilian houses.

The car drove into the courtyard of a private house. Brother Guan greeted the man at the door. After checking the situation, the man at the door slowly opened the garage door, and the car directly backed in.

Just as Qin yuan was getting ready to get off the bus, brother Guan pressed him, "I'm not unloading here, wait for it."

There was also a sound of cheering around, and then they followed the vehicle slowly down to the bottom. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a large mobile elevator.

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