Chapter 1490

If he hadn't met Qin yuan, his fate might be worse than those children, because they were sent directly to the battlefield as cannon fodder.

"Captain, let's keep them, or let's take them away and train them like me. I think they can."

Qin Zhengyang was a little reluctant. He had thought of himself, so he sincerely wanted to help these children, but Qin yuan shook his head and directly refused him.

These children are too young. No matter what aspect, what they should receive most now is education. In addition, this time the situation is special. Unlike before, they can bring Qin Zhengyang out and hand them over to grandma sun.

But now, taking these people away suddenly because of special circumstances will cause dissatisfaction between the two countries. This time, they were secretly acting.

The older child seems to see Qin yuan's dilemma. The child has experienced a lot, so he is also very sensible.

"Uncle, I know you can't take us away. If you can save us, it will be the greatest help to us. Don't worry, I will live with them well. We believe in your choice."

The child was really sensible and distressing. Qin yuan squatted down and touched his head. "Don't worry, uncle will come to see you as long as he has the opportunity. You can live a good life here. There is absolutely no problem with the people here. If there is a problem, I will save you at the first time."

The child nodded and waved goodbye to Qin yuan. This time, the situation was special, so Qin yuan couldn't bring the bad guys to justice. He just took away several main people and took over the children directly.

It's almost dawn, so Qin yuan and them must speed up the time to leave. Everything will be stimulated at dawn. He has controlled ham with his consciousness.

Let him tell all his crimes, so now is the time for them to leave.

On the dark road, a truck was running fast. Several people in the carriage were confused and could not stand stably, but their hands and feet were tied again, so there was no way to resist.

I don't know how long it took. The car finally stopped. The moment the door opened, the light directly shone into the car. The people in the car were squinted. They didn't know what happened and their faces were full of fear.

"Where are you taking us?"

"What the hell is this place?"

Qin yuan didn't pay attention to them at all. Wearing masks, he drove all these people down. These people are mainly people who perform surgery for children, and people who conduct transactions. There are threeorfour people in charge, and twoorthree doctors who are mainly responsible for surgery.

They clearly know that these children's organs are illegally traded, but for the sake of interests, they still choose to pick up their own scalpels. Originally, these doctors' hands were used to save people, but in the face of interests, they have become a sharp weapon for them to harm others.

At that time, these children were brought by them in such a rude way, and they would not care about their life or death, so Qin yuan took them out of the car like they did to those children.

Looking at the fear on their faces, everyone had no sympathy at all. They took these people together and rushed into the same road. After a while.

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