Chapter 1506

"Don't worry about them. We don't have much time left now. Tomorrow is the academic discussion conference. We need to get familiar with the information quickly."

A raised his hand to let the professionals over there come. The professionals looked proud and came with a proud expression, and began to guide them.

Although I feel a little uncomfortable, I can't help it now. After all, I have to count on others.

Qin yuan was more relaxed. He immediately asked everyone to take out their notebooks after he went back. While reading the contents above, he asked everyone to take notes carefully.

His translation is too fast, and the content he translated is more detailed than the information, and it is also implemented into his own meaning, so that everyone can understand it more deeply.

After hearing this, Wang Wei admired Qin yuan. The more he got along with him, the more he could find out his other abilities. He could translate like this easily.

Americans are ready to read jokes, because they need to carefully study the information in front of them, even the translation of English, many professional processing aspects, not to mention the things that have not been translated.

Before, no one gave them a slap in the face. This time, if Americans want to seize this opportunity, they all need to see how these guys participate in the academic seminar the next morning.

Soon the academic seminar began, and everyone did it one by one according to the sequence of the person in charge. The person in charge didn't know whether it was intentional or it was a coincidence. He arranged Yan Guo in the first row in front, which attracted everyone's attention.

The Americans sat in the back, and several people stared at Qin yuan with their faces full of jokes. They thought that it was impossible to translate so many materials in just one night, and the things in it were very deep.

Moreover, the speeches of the academic seminar are also in the order of seats. Qin yuan and his colleagues are the first to speak.

Qin yuan was very confident. He didn't even take the information in his hand, so he took most of it onto the stage. This scene was laughed at by the following people, and an American in front said with great disdain:

"Hey, I think you are so nervous that you forget all the information! Relax, everyone is a scientific research talent, there is no need to be so nervous."

"James, you are wrong to say that. You should understand each other. Maybe they have never seen such a big scene."

This blatant ridicule made everyone laugh, and Qin yuan didn't pay attention at all. "Why? Does each of you still need to take the information to explain? How can you say it's your own understanding? In my opinion, it's just reading, do you really understand it?"

Qin Yuan said this sentence, and instantly the people below couldn't laugh. What did this guy mean?

Then he stood on the stage and began his explanation. Instead of taking any materials, he explained the contents of the materials one by one according to his own ideas, and pointed out the key to the problem.

For example, this material mainly explains the conversion and utilization of core elements. Most of what is said in this material is saliva, which has no effect. Qin yuan knows that because the people of C country cannot write such important materials directly.

Instead, he spoke out his understanding in a deeper way. The researchers of country C sitting below couldn't sit still. How did this guy know? And it's more thorough than they understand.

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