Chapter 1526

Neither side can delay him. He must finish the task quickly, which is also the reason why he came back. Only after completing the task can he obtain merit value, and he can get more research drawings.

On that day, Qin yuan and his team had a small mission to cooperate with the encirclement and suppression operation. The points of merit value were a little less, and they only obtained 2000 merit values, but this was also slowly accumulated.

After coming back, he was hurriedly called to the office by Gao Shiwei. It turned out that Frank contacted him again, as if there was something urgent.

"I see. Now your reputation is bigger than mine. When I ask him what's the matter, people don't say it until you go there."

"Gao Dui! This is different. If you think about it, I'm going to earn face for us. Besides, this time I'm going to blackmail something back. It's not a matter of killing two birds with one stone."

Gao Shiwei thought it was reasonable to hear this, so he let Qin yuan go to see what happened first. Frank was also anxious when he said it. Anyway, it was a training problem.

Qin yuan somehow knew what it should be. Before, he made a bet with the people over there, as long as they could train a team to compete with them.

It is estimated that this is the case, but now less than a month has passed since the specified time. Why are you in such a hurry?

Even he needs at least three months to do these basic training, not to mention these people. He can't figure out his mind for a moment, so he can only go and have a look first.

When he came to the hunter school, he found something wrong. From a distance, he saw a flag landing at half mast. In this case, soldiers were usually killed.

The death rate of disability in the hunter school is also very high, but this kind of flag flying at half mast is very rare, which can only explain that it is the internal staff of the hunter school.

As soon as Qin yuan got off the helicopter, Gao Shiwei's secretary came up to carry his backpack. Qin yuan realized that something had happened during the training.

"Alas! This black front is really going to break up the hunter school. This accident is so big that our headmaster was called to talk."

"Isn't it normal training? How can it be so serious?"

"He just wants to win you, and he has a special set of training. The training is more and more difficult, and the risk factor is also very high. Finally, something happened."

As they talked, they came to the playground. Qin yuan looked from a distance and saw eight stretchers under the flags of the playground, and the people on the stretchers were covered with flags of various countries.

It's understandable if something happens to those rookies who have been trained before. After all, they haven't received such high-intensity ones before, but it seems that it's the instructors in the school who have gone through so many hardships and didn't expect anything to happen.

Qin yuan stepped forward, and the people around him silently made way. He checked one of the bodies, and just looked at it casually. It was too tragic, and his face had been completely destroyed.

The secretary explained that Heifeng took 30 people into Alishan, which is more than 50 kilometers away from here, for training three days ago.

But the climate here is also special. After all, it is a tropical rainforest, and it has rained for more than a month

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