Chapter 1593

After these rookies ran out with all their strength, Qin Yuan had already started deducting points. In this case, no matter how quick the reaction was, they didn't meet Qin Yuan's requirements, and everyone was deducted.

This is different from what they thought before. It is much more serious than they thought. These soldiers are still coughing violently. They have not yet reacted from the chaotic environment just now. Some people are still in the dormitory and have not escaped. .

In the end, he was dragged out by Li Erniu and the others. After all, if he didn't come out again, he would really faint in it, and it wouldn't be good for anyone if something happened.

Li Erniu kicked a soldier's ass, "Fuck me, you can't run, do you want me to go in and carry it out for you?"

The soldier's face was full of anger. He was choked and speechless, but he still struggled to raise his hand when he ran into the team.

Qin Yuan threw a water bottle in front of him. He raised his head and took a few sips, then washed the choked tears on his face. His eyes were red and bloodshot, which was caused by tear gas.

"I think your training like this is too unfair. Is this the special forces I know? Then I choose to give up. This is training animals. Animals are treated better than this."

The soldiers on the ground all stared at him with big eyes and small eyes, this guy is too dare to say it.

Qin Yuan squinted his eyes and looked at him with a smile, and motioned for him to continue. The soldier seemed not satisfied, and continued to scold them for their various behaviors. He felt that such training had no moral bottom line at all, so he did not treat them as human beings. Look.

After he finished speaking, Qin Yuan stood up and said solemnly: "This time I made an exception to recruit special forces from the recruits, so this is why I encountered such a situation, you can look at the veterans to understand what It's a special operations force, what is a special operation?"

After finishing speaking, Qin Yuan grabbed Wang Yanbing and showed everyone his leg. All the soldiers gasped when they saw it. Unexpectedly, Wang Yanbing, who is usually so agile and agile, has a prosthetic leg. .

This is the life of the real special forces, not the ones played in TV dramas. Their sense of security comes from themselves. Only by constantly training and overcoming them can they better protect themselves.

Otherwise, why send these people to the front line? All they have to do is to ensure the maximum safety of the people, and to carry out the most dangerous and special tasks.

"You must know that the special forces are never acting. The gangsters and criminals we face are the most vicious and vicious. You have no idea how many lives they have committed, and they will not be kind to you."

Qin Yuan's words shocked everyone's heart, and everyone was silent. This is the real meaning of the special forces. After he finished speaking, he looked at the people on the ground.

"Now that my words have been said, if someone wants to quit, they can quit at any time, and I know that I respect your choice."

After two minutes, someone stood up and chose to abstain, which is indeed a wise choice. Since you can't bear the hardship now, you should quit early, and don't regret it later.

The exit just now was just a small episode, the selection was still going on, and the other side of the selection was completed by the Thunder Commando. They cooperated with Jiang Xiaoyu and the others to carry out the elimination selection of 2,000 people, so as to maximize the time.

After a week of elimination, there are only 300 people left among the 500 people. Everyone feels that they are living in dire straits every day, and there are different challenges waiting for them.

From the initial load of 5 kilometers to 10 kilometers, 20 kilometers, 30 kilometers and even long-term cross-country training, survival in the wild.

They had just finished the 20-kilometer cross-country training and marksmanship shooting in the morning, and they were pulled to the fighting training ground in the afternoon.

Right now, they only think about obeying, obeying orders, and resting as soon as possible after training. Everyone has no mind to think about other things.

If the training task is not completed, the people behind will only starve, which can be described as Devil Week. These rookies were pulled into the quagmire by Qin Yuan and asked them to engage in close combat.

"Come on, show your greatest abilities and defeat each other. Now he is no longer your comrade-in-arms, but your opponent. Your winning or losing depends on what you eat today."

Here again, everyone seems to have gotten used to the fact that those with good grades are ranked in the front, and of course they are qualified to eat delicious and spicy food, and those with bad grades can only eat leftovers. This is the reality.

Qin Yuan sat leisurely beside him and roasted the hare. The smell of people like this stimulated their fighting spirit. It might not be surprising if it was a hare in normal times, but for them who have been eating steamed buns for a week, This is simply delicious.

As the whistle gave the order, everyone fought together. Everyone used the usual fighting training tricks. Some people were knocked down, and some people got up. Everyone didn't want to admit defeat, and they all wanted to hold on to the end.

Later, due to differences in physical fitness and skills, some people could no longer get up, and the winner also climbed ashore and could eat barbecue next to it.

Just halfway through, a soldier suddenly screamed in the quagmire, and then called out loudly to call the ambulance.

Qin Yuan felt that something was wrong, and rushed forward, only to see the soldier's eyes dripping with blood, and he was holding his lower body in pain.

Opposite him was a tall soldier, sitting on a mud pond, staring viciously at his opponent.

"Ah! Help, I need medical care, my eyes, my eyes!"

The soldier cried out in pain, but the person on the other side was very indifferent and completely ignored his pain. Qin Yuan stepped forward to check for him. Blood was constantly flowing out of his eyes, which could already reach the level of disability, because the internal eye has been damaged.

Not only that, his urethra was directly kicked open, Qin Yuan just put his hand on the soldier's body and realized that this opponent is too cruel, he is completely killing him.

Fortunately, Qin Yuan had a strong recovery ability. He took the time to treat the soldier. After Li Erniu knew the situation, he walked to the shore, dragged the soldier who was still chewing on a rabbit's leg, and punched him in the face. .

"You bastard are so embarrassed to eat here, look what you've done?"

"Hehe, sir, isn't this what you guys said before? You will use all means to defeat the opponent. I did it. What are you doing?"

"All the means we said are for you to apply to the enemy. Now he is your opponent and your comrade-in-arms. This has a different meaning. Do you know what you just did? You almost killed his life."

But the soldier didn't care at all, he sat on the ground indifferently, patted the soil on his hands, and continued to chew on the rabbit legs on his hands.

Such a person is really terrifying, Qin Yuan helped the soldier to walk down, and explained the rules again, so that everyone should not make such a sinister act.

There is no need for such a person in his team. He walked over and looked at the soldier in front of him, "Very good, now you are eliminated."

This is a soldier named Wang Dahu. He was known for his ferocity in the team before. His boxing and fighting were very good, but he liked to use underhand tricks.

After making a sly trick, it's because others are not capable. I didn't expect him to meet Qin Yuan today. He is a person who is very principled. Even if his other abilities are strong, so what if his shot is too ruthless, such a person In the team sooner or later something will happen.

"Why did you eliminate me? I did as you asked. I'm the winner now, and I won."

Qin Yuan stepped forward and punched him directly in the chest. He was knocked to the ground and wanted to stand up, but found a severe pain in his chest, which made him unable to get up at all.

"Now that you have failed, the rules for elimination are made by me. I said that if you are eliminated, you will be eliminated, and you should wait for the notice of changing careers. You are not worthy of being in the team at all."

Everyone was stunned by this news, what's the situation? If you are eliminated, you will be eliminated. How can you even deprive the rights in the team?

Wang Dahu couldn't believe his ears either. He pointed at Qin Yuan angrily and asked him why he was qualified to be like this to him, but he forgot Qin Yuan's rights, so he really gave him this qualification.

In the end, Wang Dahu was dragged down, and he was still roaring unwillingly. He Chenguang also stepped forward at this time. Does he think Qin Yuan's treatment this time will be a little serious? Since the tricks of the next three are used here, it is enough to be eliminated directly. I didn't expect that he would not be able to become a soldier. Wouldn't this be too exaggerated?

"Brother Qin, that person is from the Third Army Group. Will it be a big deal for us to intervene in this way? Would it be too serious to directly expel him from the military?"

Qin Yuan knew what He Chenguang was worried about? He is worried about offending the leader over there, but he never considers these things when he does things. He doesn't care who the person behind this person is, he has his principles.

The moment he came into contact with Wang Dahu just now, he felt that this guy was unusually violent and fierce. This is how he usually treats his comrades in arms. How could such a person stay in the team?

The training continued in this way. After more than a month, the team of more than 500 people was eliminated to only more than 100 people. The love of these 100 people has to be eliminated.

They can be said to have reached the level of the elite. Now he wants to select two teams among these people, 14 people to be precise, and only 14 people are needed for a team of more than 100 people. The probability of this is really low, everyone. All under pressure.

The Raiden Commando team is also making an orderly elimination, and they have all calculated the time. As long as the elimination of this side is over, the selection personnel behind the two teams will be sent over again.

Soon, two special operations teams were finally established. These 14 people stood out from the team of more than 2,000 people. This is just the beginning. They have to undergo various trainings before they can actually go to the battlefield.

Wang Yanbing and Li Erniu respectively served as the trainers of these two teams to give them special training. In Qin Yuan's view, this was just the beginning. He would add merit points to them later to improve their abilities.

The team here has just been established, and the personnel selected by the Thunder Commando have been sent over again. They are all docking, and the third batch of eliminated teams will be selected again.

Before leaving, Qin Yuan explained to Lei Zhan that this time they eliminated the team of more than 2,000 people and had to change the location. They could not always be in the same place to avoid someone training in advance.

Lei Zhan expressed his understanding, and finally set up two commandos, so that his brigade can be established according to the normal establishment immediately, and he can officially take over the task.

Halfway through the training, Qin Yuan suddenly received a call from Lei Zhan. He called to ask if Qin Yuan had done something on their side, and why did the sudden training attack turn into live ammunition mode?

"Qin team, what plan do you have? You have to tell me in advance, so that we don't know at all. Of course, you may also be training these soldiers to respond on the spot, but this is too dangerous. You have already been shot by soldiers. already."

what! Qin Yuan was dumbfounded when he received this call, "Wait and make things clear. I didn't have any training plans over there. I don't have enough people. Now I'm training here."

Lei Zhan suddenly realized the seriousness of the matter. If people were not willing to arrange it, who would they be? He quickly told what happened. It turned out that they were ambushed by live ammunition during the process of elimination.

But this kind of attack only attacked those soldiers who were being eliminated and did not attack their Thunder Commando, which made him feel very strange, he thought it was arranged by Qin Yuan.

"How about the live ammunition on the other side? How many people? How many guns?"

"There may be four or five people, and we don't know the specific guns."

This matter is not a joke, Qin Yuan can only temporarily hand over the matter here to He Chenguang and the others, and then rushed to the place where they were eliminated.

After coming to that place, Lei Zhan also looked helpless. Before he informed everyone that he would be eliminated and selected, he put everyone on the mountain, and then there was a shooting incident.

Now he realized the seriousness of the matter, and notified everyone in the form of drone broadcasts to let everyone come back, but no one believed them, and even thought that this was just a means to lure them back into elimination.

"What can I do now? I can only let my team members lead people all over the mountains and plains, and now bring back more than 40 people."

"Lei Zhan, I think you are really a hutu. You have to lead people like this, so why don't you take the initiative to attack? Can't you find the few people you are looking for as a lightning commando?"

"Qin team, I really didn't expect it. The problem is that this place is too big. At that time, they ran away after the attack, mixed with our people, and they haven't appeared now. I really can't find it. I want to protect it. They can only come up with such countermeasures.”

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