Chapter 1783

A purple and gold light was released from the weird pupils of Qin Xuan, as if it could capture people's hearts and souls.

He glanced at them, and the strong ones could not help being absent-minded for a moment. When they reacted, they saw a young figure full of killing intention appear in front of them.

At this moment, they all looked stiff, and their hearts seemed to stop beating.

There was no wave on Qin Xuan's face, his hands lifted and fell, and a sharp whistling sound came out. In the void, a dazzling golden Shenhua bloomed. A virtual shadow of a golden winged ROC came out of Qin Xuan's body, and the Demon power swept the vast space.

The strong tremor of the series came out, and then figures were shaken out, spitting blood in mid air, falling down and falling heavily to the ground, and the bones of the whole body were broken.

Under such a close attack, they almost bear all the power of the attack. We can imagine how miserable they are.

If someone else passes by here, they will be shocked and speechless by the scene in front of them.

It's -- it's crazy.

Qin Xuan's body was full of evil spirits, just like a young demon God. He didn't even look at the people below. He continued to move forward, as if no one could stop his steps.

On the side of Haotian Sendai, the four elders didn't know that the people sent didn't stop Qin Xuan. They thought that those people were enough to stop a person in the imperial realm, even if he had some talent.

"All of you come from afar. Whether you come to the test or to Haotian island to observe the grand ceremony, you are all guests of Haotian island. On behalf of Di, I would like to express my sincere welcome to you."

An elder looked at the vast crowd around him and said in a loud voice, "today, the emperor of Haotian island will hold a test. Those who successfully pass the test can stay in Haotian island to practice. If they perform well, they can even get the favor of the elder and accept them as their own disciples."

Hearing the elder's words, many people didn't have much fluctuation in their faces. They had already inquired clearly. What they cared more about was the difference between today's test and previous ones.

"However, for some special reasons, the test of this session is somewhat different from that of previous sessions, and the rules will also change." The Elder spoke again, making the crowd tremble

Sure enough, are those rumors true?

This test will determine the ownership of the throne.

When Emperor Shifeng, Emperor LAN and Emperor Hao heard this, they all showed a faint sense of contention. Only emperor leisure seemed very casual and natural, as if it had nothing to do with him.

"Dare to ask your predecessors, what are the differences between this trial war and previous ones?" A voice came from the crowd.

"You don't have to worry. Just listen to me slowly." The elder looked very gentle and said with a smile: "after the unified discussion between the clan head and the elders, the rules of this test were finally formulated. The younger generation of the emperor can also participate in this test, but the level should not exceed the medium-level emperor's level. No magic tools should be used in the test process, otherwise it will be regarded as cheating and directly deprived of the test qualification."

Just after the elder announced the rules, many people who took part in the test frowned. Someone summoned up the courage and asked loudly, "excuse me, elder, will the people of Di take up the quota?"

There are restrictions on the number of people who pass the test every time. Originally, the number of people is very small. If there are more imperial figures to intervene, their hope of staying will be even more slim!

The elder looked at the speaker and said with a smile: "you can rest assured that the admission rules are different from those in previous years. There is no quota limit. As long as you can pass the test, you can stay in Haotian island without other additional conditions."

"No quota?" Some people suddenly showed ecstasy in their eyes and seemed very excited, which means that as long as they pass their own strength, they can stay in Di's family.

However, people with delicate minds will find that there is no quota, which may not be of great help to them.

In the past, the people who participated in the test came from foreign islands, and the opponents were people of the same generation. They rarely met the figures in the imperial realm. Even if they met occasionally, they were just promoted to the imperial realm. Relatively speaking, the gap between the top combat forces would not be very large.

Therefore, Di's limited the number of places, leaving only a small number of the best people.

Today, although Di's quota is open, their opponents are also very different from those in previous years.

Among them, there are not only people in the imperial realm, but also many people in the imperial realm. Almost all of them are from extraordinary backgrounds, even from super forces such as the emperor. One can imagine how strong their strength should be.

In front of these people, the imperial territory is far from enough.

Even if the quota is liberalized, how can we compete with them?

As if he knew the worries in these people's hearts, the elder continued to say, "in order to ensure the fairness of the test as much as possible, all those who participate in the test this time will be suppressed to the peak of the imperial realm."

"Is everyone in the same state?" Many people have a different look in their eyes. It's a little easier in their hearts, but they still feel a lot of pressure.

Even though they have lowered the realm of the emperor, they have experienced the road robbery after all. In any case, their understanding of the Tao will be much higher than that of the emperor, which cannot be changed.

However, it seems that Di Shi can only do this step.

For most people, this test is an opportunity to determine their destiny. They have experienced many hardships and battles and finally come to this step.

But for Di Shi, this is just a stage for Di's Tianjiao to compete. Di Shi doesn't care about the impact of changing the rules on others, as long as their purpose is achieved.

The emperor family is a real ancient family. It has multiplied for countless years. I don't know how many talented people will be born in a generation. In fact, it doesn't need the participation of people from other islands at all. The reason for holding the test is just a form.

Even if they passed the test and stayed on Haotian Island, except for a few people who really changed their fate and made progress, most of them still have low status and will not be valued by the emperor.

However, many people are still desperate to come to fight for an opportunity.

"The test is the same as in previous years. Everyone climbs the haotianshentai at the same time. The haotianshentai has a total of 99 floors. As long as it can reach 60 floors, it will pass the test." The elder who spoke before continued.

"As long as you can climb the 60th floor of Hao tianshentai?" In the crowd, someone suddenly made a voice of doubt.

As soon as the man's voice fell, many people around looked at him with a look of contempt. Did he think it was easy to climb the 60th floor of haotianshentai?

Not to mention that the haotianshentai was cast based on the Zhenmo platform. Just because it contains the ideas of many fallen saints, it is much more terrible than ordinary sacred vessels. Even if it is only 60 floors, it is by no means easy.

Otherwise, Di's will not set the passing standard on the 60th floor, which must be because it is very difficult.

"Of course, if you have the ability to go to a higher position, it would be better. In this way, you will be more likely to be concerned by the emperor's elders and have a greater chance of being accepted as disciples."

The elder added another sentence. When he said this, he took a special look at emperor Shifeng, Emperor LAN, Emperor Hao and Emperor leisure, which seemed to imply something.

Seeing the elder's eyes, the four people immediately understood it in their hearts. This is telling them to do their best to go to a higher position. Whoever goes to the highest position is the emperor's son.

Di LAN took a deep breath, his eyes showed their sharpness, and his breath began to surge, as if he was always ready to explode.

At this time, Lin Ru, Lu Jun and others frowned again and looked around as if searching for something.

"Why haven't you come yet?" Lu Jun whispered, with a worried look on his face.

"With his strength, even if he arrives a little late, it won't have much impact. I'm just worried that if he does something too much, di may not let him go easily." Wu Qiankun said in a deep voice. He still remembered what Emperor Yu said to them in Wushi palace.

His real intention of coming to Haotian island this time is not to participate in the test.

So what will he do? No one knows now.

Lu Jun's eyebrows became heavy when he heard Qian Kun's words.

"It's almost time. I think we can start." I saw an elder speak.

"Well, it's time." The other two elders nodded in agreement.

"OK." The elder nodded slightly before, and then his face became solemn and solemn. He glanced at the endless shadows around Hao tianshentai and said, "I declare that the test is formal..."

"Wait a minute, there's still one missing!"

A sudden voice directly interrupted the elder's words. At the moment when the voice fell, the vast space suddenly became silent. Countless people couldn't help shaking their hearts, and their eyes showed a shocking color. Who was so presumptuous and dared to interrupt the elder's words in public?

"Here we are!"

When Lin Ru and others heard this familiar voice, they suddenly showed a surprised look on their faces. They were completely relieved. This guy was here!

At this moment, countless eyes turned and looked in the direction of the voice to see who it was. They were bold enough to interrupt the elder and threatened to let everyone wait for him.

"Is it..." the four elders looked shocked and thought of the same person in their mind.

The man who ignored the rules and walked in the sky on Haotian island.

But they have sent many people to intercept him, and all of them are imperial figures. Didn't they meet him?

They feel a little unrealistic, maybe not the person they think.

Countless eyes stared at the same direction, and a green robe figure gradually appeared in the line of sight. It walked in the void, and its posture was natural and elegant. At a glance, it gave people a sense of nothingness.