Chapter 2934

Qin Xuan rose in the air, came to Yuhua Xianzong and others, and said to the young man, "I haven't asked your name yet."

Although they have different purposes in mind, they still have to do what they look like on the surface, which is very good for convenience. Their face appears very gentle from beginning to end, as if they are extremely sincere to others.

"My name is Yang Lin, you can also call me yuhuazi, just because I am the Holy Son of yuhuaxian sect, and every Holy Son is a yuhuazi in the outside world." Yang Lin smiled brightly, with a touch of pride on his face.

"It turns out that brother Yang has such a good identity. I admire him." Qin Xuan also showed a smile in his eyes, but some thoughts flashed in his heart.

Yang Lin deliberately revealed his identity in Yuhua Xianzong in order to show his sense of superiority in front of him.

After all, his accomplishments are only five levels, while Yang Lin's eight levels of sage accomplishments seem to be much stronger than him. Coupled with the identity of yuhuazi, according to most people's ideas, how can we not please Yang Lin.

It's just that he's not among most people.

"What's your name?" Yang Lin looked at Qin Xuan and asked with a smile, but didn't ask his background. He didn't seem to care. If it was a powerful force, would he come to the earth alone.

"In xiaqinxuan."

"I remember." Yang Lin smiled and said, "we walk together. There are many people and great strength. I believe we can reach the place of inheritance soon."

"I hope so." Qin Xuan nodded and said, a deep meaning flashed in the depths of his eyes. It seems that Yang Lin has great confidence in finding inheritance. Did someone find inheritance before Yuhua Xianzong?

A map appeared in Yang Lin's hand. He first looked at the surrounding environment, and then looked down at the map. He looked quite serious. Naturally, he was looking for the location of this place on the map.

A moment later, Yang Lin showed a bright light in his eyes, raised his head and smiled at the surrounding people and said, "our current location is in the south area of inheritance. The distance is not too far. We can arrive in a few hours."

"A few hours?" Qin Xuan's eyes flashed. If Yang Lin's judgment is correct, they will soon find the inheritance left by Wanhua Tianzun.

However, Qin Xuan felt something was wrong. If it was so easy to find the inheritance, why did no one take away the inheritance after millions of years? This is really unreasonable.

What is so special about the inheritance of Wanhua Tianzun?

"Let's go." Yang Lin said, so they left here, and Qin Xuan followed them, looking very low-key.

In the process of flying, Qin Xuan deliberately maintained the speed of the sixth order sage, so that he would not arouse the suspicion of Yang Lin and others. He would only regard him as a Tianjiao with good talent.

Although Yang Lin was at the front, Qin Xuan's every move was in his perception. When he found that Qin Xuan's speed was at the level of a sixth order sage, a brilliant smile appeared on his face, as if everything was under control.

During this period, they met many people, some were casual practitioners, and some were people from other forces.

Qin Xuan found a rule. If he met someone from other forces, Yang Lin didn't even call, as if he didn't see it.

If it was a casual practice, Yang Lin would personally talk with them and attract them to join his camp, and his attitude was very kind and gentle, just as he had treated him before.

Now Qin Xuan's heart is like a mirror. Yang Lin's purpose is to expand his team before finding inheritance, so as to gain the upper hand when competing with other forces for inheritance.

It's not surprising that Yang Lin has such an idea. After all, there is only one inheritance of Wanhua Tianzun, but there are many forces to compete. It's inevitable to break out of conflict. It's no harm to prepare in advance.

It can be seen that Yang Lin's ability to become the Holy Son of Yuhua Xianzong does not rely on outstanding talents, but also on his cautious style and means to win over people.


Yang Lin suddenly opened his mouth and said. Hearing the sound, many figures behind him immediately stopped. A look of doubt flashed in Qin Xuan's eyes. What happened?

Yang Lin turned to look at the crowd and said solemnly, "according to the records on the map, the space in front is a little strange, and there may be illusions. Therefore, it is necessary to be vigilant at all times and don't get separated."

"I see." All the people answered with one voice, and there was a sense of tension in their hearts. Even Yang Lin paid so much attention to it. They naturally didn't dare to underestimate it. Moreover, this is the body of the Heavenly Master, and no one knows what will happen.

Qin Xuan's heart moved slightly. If Yang Lin hadn't reminded him, he wouldn't know in advance that the space in front was strange. This is the advantage of following the big forces.

Then Yang Lin and others continued to move forward. After a period of time, they saw a space shrouded in fog, which looked very hazy. They didn't know what was inside.

What is even more surprising is that once their thoughts enter that space, they will be cut off directly, which means that they can't peep into the scene in that space through their thoughts.

"It seems that the front is the strange space mentioned by Yang Lin." Qin Xuan secretly said that Yang Lin said that there would be an illusion in this space. I don't know whether it has lethality.

There are many kinds of illusions, just to confuse people and make people unable to get out of it, while some illusions are killing machines everywhere. If you don't pay attention, you will be in a different place, and you don't even know how to die.

"Be careful, everyone." Yang Lin reminded him again, and then he took the lead in front, followed by others of Yuhua Xianzong. As for the casual cultivation added later, it was at the back of the team.

Qin Xuan's cultivation is the lowest, so at the end of the team, no one cares about his existence, but Qin Xuan doesn't care about these. At the moment, he is thinking about something in his heart.

Yang Lin, as a yuhuazi, has a noble status, but he is at the forefront. Several ninth level strong men are behind him. It can be seen that he is very confident in his own strength and is not afraid of all dangers.

Qin Xuan guessed that Yang Lin's strength may have reached the Ninth level.

All the people who enter the earth are figures in the holy land, and there is no divine land. It is said that there was a divine land in the past. They stepped into the earth to take away the inheritance of the emperor, but in the end, there was no news and they didn't know whether they were alive or dead.

So there was a rumor that the heavenly father did not allow the figures in the divine realm to get his inheritance. Then there were no figures in the divine realm to enter the earth. Only the figures in the holy realm came in to explore the inheritance, and the strongest was the ninth order.

From this point of view, Yang Lin is now at the peak.

However, there are many old monsters who have been immersed in the Ninth level realm for many years. They are only one foot away from the divine realm. Their strength is probably not weaker than that of Yang Lin. after all, the years of cultivation are there, and the inside information is very deep.

Soon, Qin Xuan entered the phantom space and found no abnormality, but his sight was blocked. He could only see more than ten meters in front, and the scene in the distance was extremely blurred.

After another period of time, the figures in front of Qin Xuan disappeared in an instant, and there was no movement, as if they were invisible.

Qin Xuan's pupils suddenly shrunk and his whole body immediately tightened up, but his heart remained calm. He knew that those people didn't really disappear. It was just an illusion. Presumably others were facing the same scene as him at the moment.

And Qin Xuan also realized that he could not hear any sound around him, which meant that the illusion he experienced could isolate everything around him. He could not only see the figure of others, but also knew nothing about what others were going through.

He was alone in the illusion.

After thinking of these, Qin Xuan quickly flashed some ideas in his mind and thought about how to solve the current situation.

He didn't directly release the breath of the avenue. He was worried that the illusion would attack him after sensing the breath released by him. Therefore, Qin Xuan's breath was extremely restrained, just like ordinary people, and he didn't stand where he was and didn't walk.

At a certain moment, Qin Xuan's eyes showed a touch of light and seemed to think of something. His pupils turned silver white and looked at the surrounding space. He saw those disappeared figures reappear in his sight. Some people continued to move forward, and some people stood in the same place as him.

Qin Xuan's face burst out with a smile. The eyes of nothingness claim to be able to see through the essence of all things in the world, and naturally can see through the illusion left by Wanhua Tianzun.

Of course, this is also because this illusion is not strong enough and can only affect the characters in the holy land. If he reaches the level of the divine land, even if he practices the eyes of nothingness, he can't see through it. After all, his realm is too far from the divine land.

Qin Xuan walked forward with a calm face and no worries. He had seen that the illusion was not lethal and could only make people fall into it and couldn't get out of it.

Those who move forward, as long as they get out of this space, can get out of the illusion. As for those who stagnate, they don't know when they can get out.

Qin Xuan's eyes showed a look of thinking. It seems that Wanhua Tianzun didn't kill his heart, just to make it difficult for those who came in to seize the inheritance. This is actually a test.

However, in a moment, Qin Xuan surpassed many people. Although some of them were also moving forward, they were in an illusion after all. They didn't know the external situation, and their speed was inevitably much slower than normal.

Not long ago, Qin Xuan came to the front of the team. At the moment, there was only one person in front of him, Yang Lin.

Yang Lin has great courage. Even though he is in an illusion, he seems to have no scruples and stride forward, which makes Qin Xuan quite surprised and more curious about Yang Lin's strength.

However, Qin Xuan did not move forward, but stopped in place.

Qin Xuan naturally did this to hide his own strength. If Yang Lin found someone out of the illusion faster than him after going out, he would be suspicious.

Although there is no hatred between him and Yang Lin, and the other party has no reason to trouble him, it's always right to practice outside and keep a low profile, otherwise it's easy to be calculated!