Chapter 91

"I'm sure I'm guilty. Why don't anyone wash cotton padded shoes in winter? I have to wear them. After all, there are only a few people who can wear big head leather shoes in the whole apricot village!"

Although the villagers are honest, they are not stupid. Su Jinbiao's cover up is not enough for those who have lived for decades.

Su Mian looked at Bai Yulan. "Second aunt, are they right?"

Su Mian's face was smiling, and her anger was overwhelming at the bottom of her heart.

She must teach Su Jinbiao a lesson today and tell him what to do and what not to do!

In his previous life, Su Jinbiao cheated Su Jinlong to the scene after killing him. After wiping the fingerprint on the knife, he handed it to Su Jinlong and asked him to look at the body. As a result, he ran to report the case.

In this life, Su Jinbiao repeated his old tricks and tried to frame Su Jinlong for the crime of beating people.

If he succeeds, Su Jinlong's reputation in his life will be over, let alone want to be a soldier in the future.

White Magnolia stood in front of Su Jinbiao, fearing that he would be taken away, and looked at Su Mian fiercely, "Su Mian, with a few footprints, why do you conclude that Su Jinbiao is the murderer? Many people wear the same shoes, but there are none in our village, and there are others in other villages! I don't accept it. How can anyone be convicted with a few footprints?"

Several footprints were indeed insufficient evidence. Su Mian had already prepared. She pointed to several wooden sticks with blood stains lying on the ground next to her. "Second aunt, I guess there will be a stick used by brother Jinbiao, and there should be his fingerprints on it. Second aunt should know something like fingerprints. One set for each person. It's absolutely not important!"

Magnolia is no longer an ignorant woman, but also knows that people's fingerprints are different from people's.

The thin monkey was stunned. They ran away and threw it here with a stick. Who thought it had become evidence.

"Second uncle, I didn't do it. You have to decide for me!" the thin monkey was really afraid this time. Now they have stolen goods, and so many villagers are still there. If you recognize this, how can you look up in the village in the future.

Simply pointed with his hand, "it was su Jinbiao and Er Hu who threatened me. They said that as long as Su Jinlong was brought into the Bureau, they would let me become a soldier in two months."

The two tigers on one side stamped their feet, "don't talk nonsense. Who ordered you, you won't do it."

When Su Mian said that there were fingerprints on the stick, Bai Yulan immediately changed her face and angrily pointed to Su Mian, "it's all explained by relatives. Do you want to kill Su Jinbiao? If this crime is true, how will he be a man and marry a daughter-in-law? He's your cousin. What's good for you to identify him?"

Bai Yulan became more and more excited. If several villagers hadn't stopped her, she would have to rush over and tear Su Mian.

In the past, apart from Hedong lion, the people in front of Bai Yulan in the village have always been virtuous and virtuous. With a clever mouth that confuses black and white, Bai Yulan has also won a reputation for being filial to the elders and loving to the younger generation.

People in the village have really opened their eyes today. What is the heart of Magnolia? Feeling that one's own son is a man, the sons of others should join the Bureau.

Bai Yulan was hugged by someone and was so angry that she grabbed her hands everywhere. She was really blind. She thought Su Mian was a little sheep and was slaughtered!

Unexpectedly, Su Mian was so close to Su Jinlong that she almost put a knife on her neck.

Su Mian sneered, "second aunt, why didn't you think about Su Jinlong when Su Jinbiao designed Su Jinlong? Two dogs were beaten for nothing, why didn't you think about others? You can't paint yourself happy for a while without considering the consequences. I just ask, why did Su Jinbiao frame Su Jinlong? They are cousins!"