Chapter 1199

Hot search will naturally drive traffic.

So, inexplicably, Wu Tao and Song Yang followed up.

After all, they were originally stars and had a high degree of exposure.

Such a round of rising powder can better highlight their influence.

And also looking at some hot eyes, it is naturally Zhang Dongyang.

From his debut, he regarded Wu Tao as his competitor.

But unexpectedly, a few years later, his popularity is gradually declining, while Wu Tao's popularity is getting higher and higher.

Good works are one after another, and they are directly awarded the film emperor with the original sin, which is just too irritating.

You know, Wu Tao is less than 30 years old this year.

Such a young movie king is simply unreasonable!

Although Zhang Dongyang always likes to fight Wu Tao, in fact, he still pays close attention to Wu Tao.

As artists of the same company, they naturally pay attention to each other's microblog.

Seeing Wu Tao's inexplicable rise in powder, he certainly felt bad.

I lost my mobile phone, "I even bought powder!"

Liang Da was also in the room and shook his head reluctantly. "He didn't buy powder. It was because the writer yese sent a microblog, and then there was an interaction between the three of them. Therefore, he was top of the hot search."

"Are you sure you didn't buy it?"

Zhang Dongyang disdained on his face, "is this hot search that you can go up?"

"If it's someone else, it may not be so easy to get on. But these three people, in their respective circles, are top-notch. Especially when yese has been abroad for three years, once she sends a microblog, naturally more people will reply."

Liang DA has seen this.

Unfortunately, Zhang Dongyang can't see through.

"Dongyang, you can't go on like this. If you just rely on looks and gossip, you'll never become a first-line star."

Zhang Dongyang is naturally unwilling to listen to such words.

"More than 10 million fans on my microblog are fake?"

Liang Da doesn't know what to say.

Zhang Dongyang and Wu Tao started at the same time.

But now, Wu Tao already has works that others can't replace, and his fans have exceeded 70 million. What's the concept?

Therefore, there is no reason for the outside media to say that he is a super first-line star.

At present, several male artists promoted by the company have basically gone up and reached the height expected by the company, even better than expected by the company.

In terms of female artists, the company has also been vigorously cultivating recently, which has indeed established the position of the company's boss in the circle.

Therefore, Liang Da was thinking about how to cheer Zhang Dongyang up again.

"I helped you talk about the advertising of a fashion brand. Now you are 70% sure. Therefore, Dongyang, you can't make any negative news at this time."

Before, Zhang Dongyang was labeled as a heartless man and scum because he was exposed to dating three girls in a year.

It is precisely because his private life is too chaotic that the company reduces the resources given to him.

If you say that you have been wronged, you can come up with evidence to refute it.

Besides, people's media have photographed you kissing together. You said you were wronged?

When others are blind or stupid?

"I see. Haven't I talked about girlfriends lately?"

"The best thing is, your image can't go wrong anymore."