Chapter 1028

"You, who are you? What are you doing in there? Well, is it the thief who's sneaking around? " Jin Lei said as she walked towards Wu Weixiong and reached out to him, "I, I can catch you."

Wu Weixiong was silent.

But looking at Jin Lei's drunken appearance, I feel pain in my heart!

"Why don't you talk?" Jin Lei pointed to Wu Weixiong, her eyes narrowed, and said, "be frank, be lenient, resist, be strict. Come on, you, who are you

"Wu Weixiong!"

"Well?" Jin Lei frowned, "no, koala? No, bear without tail, ha ha... You, you're a man... "

Wu Weixiong

She didn't feel much about saying her name.

Wu Weixiong repressed his heartache and reached for Jin Lei's shaking body. Wen said, "I'll send you to the community."

"Don't, don't touch me." Jin Lei pushed Wu Weixiong.

Wu Weixiong let go: "then I'll watch you go in."

"Be a good man, Koala!" Jin Lei nodded Wu Weixiong's nose and turned to walk towards the gate of the community.

But without taking two steps, Jin Lei suddenly sobbed and shrugged her shoulders.

"What's the matter?" Wu Weixiong catches up and stands behind Jin Lei.

Jin Lei suddenly turned around, hugged Wu Weixiong, buried her face in his chest and began to cry: "originally, originally, there is a bear beside me... But I, I lost him."

Wu Weixiong

Heart, instant pain, eyes surging warm.

Wu Weixiong took a deep breath and his chest heaved greatly.

He couldn't help holding Jin Lei tightly and stroking her head: "no, he's still here."

"He's gone. He's gone." Jin Lei's tears were wet on Wu Weixiong's chest through her clothes. "I lost him... Lost him..."

Wu Weixiong closed his eyes, pressed down his tears and just stroked Jin Lei's hair: "as long as you want him, he will come back."

"But I don't deserve him..." Jin Lei said, suddenly pushed Wu Weixiong, choked with grief, "I don't deserve him."

She staggered towards the entrance of the community.

But because she was sad, she didn't take a few steps, so she retched.

Wu Weixiong rushed over and helped her.

But Jin Lei vomited a few times, but she didn't vomit anything. But she was so soft that she nestled in Wu Weixiong's arms. She was very clever.

"Wu Weixiong, don't leave me, OK?"

Wu Weixiong

Drunk Jin Lei, very cute.

After waking up, Jin Lei is very rational.


Wu Weixiong sipped his lips and patted Jin Lei on the shoulder. "I'll take you home, eh?"

"I want you to carry it!" Jin Lei suddenly acts like a coquettish.


Wu Weixiong carries Jin Lei on his shoulder.

Jin Lei is lying on her stomach, putting her head on Wu Weixiong's shoulder like a baby.

"My parents all, sleep, sleep... You, you want to light, light... He, they know me, I get drunk will... Will scold me."

Wu Weixiong's mouth gently hooked, eh.

He carries Jin Lei home. Jin Lei gives him the key to open the door.

He drove very light and didn't disturb anyone.

He knew Jin Lei's room. He went upstairs and opened the door of Jin Lei's room.

A breath of women's warmth comes head on, making people's hearts move.

When he came to Jin Lei's room for the first time, he smelled the fragrance. Wu Wei Xiong was stunned for two seconds by his long lost memory.