Chapter 887

"Quick, drag the shark away, don't delay the next one."

Zhang Tuohai commanded many refugees to carry away the charred shark.

The shark had just been dragged away, and another blue flag tuna washed up on the shore. Zhang Tuohai took half a step back, and the long, sharp beak stopped only ten centimeters away from Zhang Tuohai. Afterwards, the whole tuna lost its power. , fell down heavily, and was cooked by the flame stone carving.

"Quick, quick, pull it away, don't delay the next one."

Zhang Tuohai greeted.

The animals in the sea rushed towards Zhang Tuohai one after another, but none of them could touch Zhang Tuohai's body, and they were all roasted whole fish by the flaming stone sculptures on both sides.

Zhang Tuohai himself has been standing in place, without moving a bit.

He is the bait for these animals. As long as he doesn't move around casually, the animals in the sea will always land here to catch him.

This is the way he spent a dozen simulations before he figured it out.

However, this trick was only useful for the first night. After tonight, the intelligence of those beasts would be greatly improved, and this simple trick would not be effective.

This act of death continued until midnight, when a giant giant clam was roasted into a seared scallop.

Just when those refugees were about to drag away the giant clam shells according to the previous habit, Zhang Tuohai suddenly stopped them: "Don't worry about this one, you guys knock it open, there is a pearl inside, help me find it."

Those refugees immediately took out various tools and began to pry the shell of giant clams.

The giant clam is 2.8 meters in diameter and is taller than a person. If it was alive, these refugees would not be able to crack open it. However, since it was already burned to death, it would be much easier. Ten refugees spent ten minutes Time finally knocked the shell open, revealing what's inside.

The meat inside the giant clam shells has been roasted, exuding bursts of meaty aroma. Inside the meat, there is a pearl the size of a basketball wrapped. .

[Head Statue of the God of War: Strange item, placed in the camp, attack power of all members +3, morale +3.]

"The best of the early days."

Zhang Tuohai weighed the statue in his hand, brought it back to the cabin, and placed it in the corner.

A faint halo swept across the entire camp, the attacks of all the characters and weapons increased a little, and the fighting spirit of the ten refugees also became a lot more excited.

"The effect is not bad."

Seeing the gradually subsiding attacks, Zhang Tuohai checked the stored stones, and it was already enough to upgrade the base camp.

The reason why Zhang Tuohai didn't upgrade immediately was to wait for this wave of beasts to pass.

If you upgrade before the beast tide starts, the beasts in the beast tide will also be upgraded at the same time. However, because of the number of days, the item rewards will not be increased. In order to avoid unnecessary consumption, Zhang Tuohai delayed the rhythm. Now The beast tide has passed, it is time to upgrade.

Zhang Tuohai let the refugees finish building the buildings needed for the upgrade just now in his spare time.


Zhang Tuohai pressed the upgrade button.

A white light enveloped the cabin, and a progress bar appeared in front of Zhang Tuohai's eyes. The waiting time this time was 3 minutes.

Telling the refugees to rest, Zhang Tuohai sat on the grass next to him and waited quietly.

Three minutes later, the chalet had transformed into a two-story stone house, which seemed to have grown more solid.

[The base camp has been upgraded to lv3, unlocked steel technology, can manufacture buildings: blast furnaces, steam engines, rails, steam locomotives, giant statues... materials required to upgrade to the next level: refined steel: 500 units, coal: 500 units, ordinary buildings: 8, special buildings: 1. 】

Zhang Tuohai glanced at the construction list, and there was still no such thing as an automatic mining machine. The equipment used by the miners was still manual tools such as picks and hammers, and mining could only be carried out by humans.

Zhang Tuohai knows that this is the method used by the game to slow down the development process - the output of card resources. If you want to gather resources quickly, you need to use a lot of manpower to mine, but this means that you have to spend more people to ensure food supply.

However, once you spend your manpower on these two aspects, your defense against the beast horde will become very weak, and the base camp is in danger of being breached by the beast horde at any time.

Players have to balance three aspects.

Zhang Tuohai also worried about this for a long time, and finally decided to bring mining machines and logging machines that spanned the era.

These machines have greatly relieved his population pressure and food pressure, allowing him to instantly upgrade to three levels in one day, greatly improving his progress.

Let him experience the feeling of a krypton gold boss.

Of course, these mining machines and logging machines, and even automatic Gatling guns are far from the props brought by the last piece.

Zhang Tuohai walked out of the small stone building on the second floor, came to the beach and waited quietly.

It was the high tide period at this time, and the sea water kept rushing up to the beach, and a supply box slowly stopped on the beach following the tide.

This material box was very heavy, so Zhang Tuohai built two new refugee camps for this purpose, and 20 new refugees were created. Everyone worked together to move the heavy material box back into the stone house.

There is a thick layer of airbags on the outside of the supply box, using the latest protective materials, so that it can float in the sea for a long time and still be safe and sound, otherwise, it would have been bitten by sharks in the sea and dragged into the deep sea.

After checking around and confirming that the airbag was intact, he pressed the decompression code. Accompanied by a sharp exhaust sound, the floating airbag outside the supply box dried up, slowly revealing the original appearance of the supply box.

"It's been a long time since I opened the box, and I really miss it." Zhang Tuohai touched the outer shell of the supply box, his face full of nostalgia.

Zhang Tuohai picked up a crowbar and knocked open the shell of the supply box, revealing a strangely shaped machine.

This machine is composed of ten multi-robot arms and a control panel. This is the rune engraving machine that Zhang Tuohai asked Lilith to help customize.

After dozens of times of deduction, Zhang Tuohai gradually discovered a problem, that is, no matter how fast he develops, purely relying on purely technological means cannot resist the increasingly strong beast tide, even if he can barely support it, he will not be able to resist. Being taken away by the elite army of evil gods is not due to pure technology, it's just that the time is too short for technology to develop to the point of crushing the army of evil gods.

Therefore, some other technological assistance is needed. This rune engraving machine is the key to his breakthrough.

This is also the reason why Zhang Tuohai would rather bring this machine with him than the Quantum Black Umbrella.
