Chapter 1149

Zhang Tuohai found that the leading player was walking freely in the old city, without hesitation at all in the cobweb maze-like streets. He seemed to be very familiar with this place, so he guessed that this player was definitely not lost for nothing, it should be With full confidence, my heart became more and more looking forward to the opponent's goal.

It must not be easy for a player to invest so much energy in trying to get something.

Zhang Tuohai became more cautious and followed carefully.

Yin Lisabeth was originally interested in the adventures, treasure hunts, and mysteries that the bards talked about, so naturally she would not let it go now, and followed Zhang Tuohai excitedly.

A group of people walked through the streets and alleys, passed through the huts, and came to the deepest part of the old city.

There is a castle here.

The castle is built with huge black stones, which are very strong. At the main entrance is a huge steel fence door. The fence is connected in series with arm-thick steel, which is extremely hard. Although it has been corroded, it is not man-made can break through.

The weeds around the castle are barren and lifeless.

"There are still castles here?" A player looked at the barren and tall castle curiously. The black castle was very oppressive, which made people feel uncomfortable.

"This is the core building when Red Maple City was first established. The defenders of the Targaryen family lived here. This was the center of Red Maple City." The leading player said with a smile.

"Then why is it abandoned? It still looks very strong. If they live here instead of the Governor's Mansion, it will definitely not be so easy for us to break through." A player asked.

"Then you have to ask, it must be because of poor lighting. This kind of castle looks solid and majestic, but for the convenience of defense, the windows are all slender, and the lighting is poor. Moreover, there are no soft decorations such as wooden boards and carpets for fire prevention. It's cold and humid, and it breeds mosquitoes and mice. How can I live comfortably in a Governor's Mansion with bright and clean windows? If I were the manager here, I would definitely live in the Governor's Mansion." A player said.

"This is only one reason." The leading player took over the conversation.

"In addition to environmental factors, there is another important reason, and that is that this castle is haunted."

"Haunted?" The players behind him were all stunned, they never thought it was such a reason.

"Impossible? This is an extraordinary world. Even if it is haunted, it would be fine to ask someone to get rid of it. Why would you just abandon this castle?"


The other players didn't believe it.

"Hehe, do you think I don't have such doubts? I found the old maid of this castle on purpose. She told me that the guards of the Targaryen family were very cruel back then, and there were some special ones. His hobby is to put people in the cell in the basement of the castle for torture, and corpses are moved out of the dungeon every day, transported to the woods and sold."

"I don't know if there are too many dead people, causing the ghosts to entangle, and the roar of the ghosts will be heard in the castle all night."

"The guards at the time executed several servants who were discussing privately, and then personally led them into the dungeon, and never came out again."

"Later, after the arrival of the new guardian, the servants were dismissed, the castle was abandoned, and the governor's mansion was rebuilt in the new city. This area gradually fell into disrepair and became a slum."

said the player.

After hearing that player finished speaking, a group of players became excited. What does the ghost in the extraordinary world mean? Explain that this is a copy.

What is the copy for?


"Boss, that's a ghost, can we deal with it?" a player asked.

"Don't worry, I have prepared it long ago. I specially found the holy water that a court scholar asked for, and it is specially used to exorcise evil spirits. It must be no problem."

The player said and took out a bottle from his pocket, which was full of golden yellow liquid.

Seeing the props that have been prepared, those players feel low and immediately eager to try.

"The city gates are locked, and the city walls are so high, how can we get there?" a player asked.

"Don't worry, I've checked it out. There is a drainage channel next to it. We can go in along the drainage channel."

That player led the other players to walk half a circle around the city, and then found a sewer, which was full of sewage and unknown objects, with dead rats floating on it, and the water was already black.

This gutter was originally used to drain water from the outside of the passage in the castle, but now it is not dredged and has been blocked.

The sewer leading to the castle was originally equipped with iron bars, but they were already corroded. The player found out the iron pliers, and with a firm grip, the barbed wire was broken.

"Follow me in."

The player greeted everyone and walked into the gutter.

As soon as a player stepped into the gutter with one foot, he let out a scream. When he pulled his foot out, it was actually covered with leeches.

Those leeches were each the size of a thumb, attached to their legs, wriggling constantly.

The one with many leeches had almost covered the opponent's entire leg.

"Why are there so many leeches? I obviously didn't have them the last time I came here. Hurry up and help treat them."

That player greeted the other players and said.

A group of people surrounded the past and began to treat him.

"It's terrible. Shall we go through that ditch too?"

Yin Lisabai looked at the densely packed leeches, and couldn't help getting goose bumps all over her body.

"Of course not, let's go in another direction."

Zhang Tuohai thought for a while, and took Yin Lisabeth to the other side of the castle.

The terrain here is slightly higher, but there is no gap in the city wall.

"Are we going to climb the wall? It seems very high. Can we climb it?"

Yin Lisabeth looked at the huge city wall and asked.

"Don't worry, we have ladders."

As Zhang Tuohai spoke, he summoned a huge canoe.

He didn't want to use the canoe to hit the solid city wall, but put the canoe on the city wall.

The inside of the canoe was lined with slanted stripes, which were supposed to prevent slipping, but now Zhang Tuohai used it as a ladder.

"Is this okay?" Yin Lisabai looked at the canoe on the city wall with a shocked expression.

"As long as the thinking doesn't slip, there are always more solutions than difficulties. Let's go, there are still many places waiting for us to explore." Zhang Tuohai said and climbed up first.

Yin Lisabai looked around to make sure there was no one there, and then followed Zhang Tuohai to climb up.

The two climbed onto the city wall without any effort.

Before leaving, Zhang Tuohai canceled the summoning, lest other people find out.