Chapter 6194

"Take me to the dungeon first, and then I'll meet him when I'm done..." Mrs. Qianrou pursed her red lips and smiled, her face charming and charming.

After Lao Zhang got the order, he dragged Lin Bai to the dungeon.

Hearing that Mrs. Qianrou spoke highly of Lin Bai, even Lao Zhangtou couldn't help but look back at Lin Bai twice when he was going to the dungeon.

"Boy, what is your origin?" At the entrance of the dungeon, the old Zhangtou couldn't help asking, "Which sect do you come from? Where do you belong in the sect?"

Lin Bai faintly felt that they were "arresting people", as if they cared about each other's identity.

But he didn't understand for a while, the higher the status, the better? Or is the lower the better?

Before he fully understood, Lin Bai decided to keep his hand and not tell the whole story.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Bai stared at Old Zhang and asked, "I can answer your question, but you have to answer mine too, that's only fair."

"Who are you? Where is this place? Who ordered you to build a city here? Does the royal family of Chu know of your existence?"

"Why are you arresting people? What's your intention?"

Lin Bai threw out many questions at once.

But the old Zhangtou smiled calmly. From his smile and eyes, Lin Bai could see that it seemed that Lin Bai was not the only one who asked this question, and everyone who was caught here before should have asked this question.

"You will know the answers to these questions soon." Old Zhangtou smiled, "Maybe we can still be companions?"

Be a companion? ... Lin Bai was confused and asked, "Were you also a warrior in the demon world?"

Old Zhang shook his head and said, "No, no, I was born here!"

He seemed unwilling to talk to Lin Baiduo any more, so he urged: "Let's go, I'll send you to the dungeon, I have to catch other people."

Lin Bai hurriedly asked again: "When you arrest people, do you choose targets randomly? Or do you choose targets purposefully?"

The old Zhangtou smiled mysteriously and pushed Lin Bai into the dungeon without answering.

In the dungeon, a special jailer came up, took out a metal collar from the storage bag, and put it on for Lin Bai regardless of the reason.

After the jailer activated Lin Bai's collar, he said with a smile: "This metal collar contains a magic circle, which is enough to instantly kill warriors in the realm of Daoguo."

"As long as you touch the collar lightly, or try to take it off with brute force, you will touch the magic circle, and the collar will explode!"

"So, if you don't want to die, it's best not to mess around!"

In fact, there is no need for the jailer to explain too much. The moment the collar was put on, Lin Bai felt the power of the magic circle contained in it.

The magic circle is like a storm squeezed in the collar, as long as you break free from the shackles of the magic circle, it will explode immediately.

Just like what the jailer said... If this group of power explodes, it will be enough to destroy the Daoguo Realm of Daluo.

After the old Zhangtou handed over to the jailer, he turned and left.

The jailer escorted Lin Bai to a dark dungeon, where there were already seven or eight warriors sitting by the wall in a daze.

These people's expressions were full of horror, worry appeared in their eyes, and they looked like they had nothing to love.

"go in!"

The jailer pushed Lin Bai in, and then closed the stone door of the dungeon with a bang.

"It's you!"

"Master Wolf, you were arrested too?"

"Is it Lord Wolf?"

When the warriors here saw Lin Bai's face, their faces were full of shock.

Lin Bai looked around, the wall was made of unknown rock, and there was a magic circle inside it, so it was not easy to be breached.

The ground was covered with withered and yellow weeds, exuding a stench.

After observing the environment, Lin Bai looked at the eight people already in the dungeon.

Lin Bai was extremely unfamiliar with these eight people, and didn't know any of them.

But as he said... Among the warriors hunted in the hunting world this time, there are many people he doesn't know, but there are very few people who don't know him.

After Lin Bai walked in, these people obviously knew him, and they all exclaimed.

"Hush!" Lin Bai hurriedly made a silent gesture, signaling them to keep quiet.

Everyone also understood, and didn't say much.

Moreover, their tense emotions and tense nerves relaxed after seeing Lin Bai, as if they had found their backbone.

Lin Bai walked over slowly and sat down between them.

One of the young warriors hurried to Lin Bai's side and whispered, "Master Wolf, I am from the Chen family, Chen Yunjie."

"Chen Yule is my cousin."

The Chen family? ...Lin Bai looked at this person twice, and asked, "How did you come here?"

Hearing this question, Chen Yunjie's face darkened, "After we entered the hunting world, we searched for alien species to hunt everywhere, but the alien species in the hunting world are too strong, we just found one alien species, and we were defeated by this alien species and scattered. and run away."

"In a panic, I got separated from other clansmen."

"At this time, a mysterious person attacked me. He possesses the strength of Daoguo realm, and I am not an opponent at all."

"I thought I was going to die, but I didn't expect that this mysterious man didn't kill me, he just made me unconscious and took me away."

"When I woke up, I was already in this dungeon."

Chen Yunjie quickly informed Lin Bai of the ins and outs of the matter, and asked eagerly, "Master Wolf, what is this place? Who are they?"

"What did they want us to do?"

Before Lin Bai could answer, he hurriedly asked again: "Master Lang, can we still contact the Chen family members? Do you have a way to contact brother Chen Yule?"

Lin Bai looked at the concentric bracelet, it was still dim, and when Lin Bai was caught, he tried to use the concentric bracelet to contact other allies.

But Lin Bai found that... all of Lin Bai's sound transmission methods seemed to be blocked in this space.

"Don't worry." The Chen family member was obviously frightened. Lin Bai comforted him first, and then asked the others: "Who are you? Why are you here?"

The other seven people in the dungeon spoke one after another, explaining their identities.

Among the other seven people, there are warriors from the Eastern Region, warriors from the Southern Region, warriors from the Northern Region, and warriors from the Western Region.

But they are all fighters from the top sects, and there are no disciples from the most prosperous sects.

They come from top sects from all over the devil world, that is to say... Cangmang City arrests people without a clear purpose, but randomly selects them.

But they do? What's the point?

Lin Bai asked: "After you were caught here, did they do anything to you? Or did anyone ask you for a private question?"

Chen Yunjie nodded vigorously, "Yes, they gave us a pen and paper to write down our identities in detail."

"It includes... Where do we come from in the Demon Realm, what sect do we come from? What is our status in the sect?"

"Almost made us write down our lives in detail."

Lin Bai asked, "Have you written it?"

"Master Wolf, we can't help ourselves, we have to write." Chen Yunjie sighed secretly and shook his head, "Besides, I think... our identity is not a secret, many people know it, so it doesn't hurt to write it down."

Indeed, many people know your identities and are very clear, but this is only for the outside world. In Cangmang City, they don’t know your identities... Lin Bai is convinced of one thing in his heart at this moment, that is the arrest of Cangmang City. People care a lot about who they are.

So they care about their identity? Why?

Lin Bai hadn't thought it through yet.

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