Chapter 2110

Seeing his father and elder brother confused, Xuanqing told the whole story of his plan.

"I've sent someone to inform the demons of Tianying city and white snake city. Once they agree, the strength of our three demon cities together will be enough to resist the Terran Alliance Army."

"And I've informed other demon cities."

"When the Terran Alliance forces come to Nanxi City, other Terran cities must be empty. I have prepared the other demon cities. Once the battle of Nanxi city begins, they will capture other Terran cities!"

"And when the Terran Alliance came to Nanxi City, I asked the demon clan of Tianying city and white snake City ambushed in the city to attack. Our three demon cities united, enough to kill the Terran Alliance Army."

"When the Terran alliance retreats, they will find Their other Terran cities have all fallen into the hands of the demon clan

"At that time, the Terran Alliance Army not only did not recover Nanxi City, but also lost all the other main cities. They destroyed the transmission array in the secret land of the heaven, and they could only be regarded as bereaved dogs."

"At that time, we won't have to go on chasing them. Other demon clans will kill them one by one."

"At that time, there will not be any Terran in the whole secret land of the heavenly wasteland, and it will be the heaven and earth of our demon clan!"

Xuanqing said with a smile.

Why do the demons want to attack the Terran city?

This is entirely because there are transmission arrays in the seven main cities of the Terran. As long as the transmission array is not destroyed, the warriors of the Terran will continue to transmit from the southern courtyard to the secret land of the wilderness.

But once the Terran is destroyed in a short time, it will be destroyed.

In the secret land of the wilderness, there are seven Terran transmission arrays, which are all in the seven main cities. After Nanxi city was occupied, the transmission array of Nanxi city has been destroyed, so the warriors of the South courtyard can not transmit to Nanxi city.

"As long as the other six main Terran cities are captured and the transmission array in the city is destroyed, it will take at least a hundred years for the warriors of the southern courtyard to come to the secret land of the wilderness and rebuild the transmission array."

It's right that we can destroy the dark dragon for seven years

"And there's another benefit!"

"That's the destruction of the transmission array. Now the warriors in the secret land of the wilderness can't go back to the South courtyard. They can only be trapped here and let us kill them!"

Xuanqing said with a smile.

The eldest childe Xuankong said with a smile: "second younger brother, good strategy ah!"

Xuanling frowned and said, "Xuanqing, what do you mean is that we will pull Tianying city and white snake city together and let them come to Nanxi city. Our three demon cities will unite together and only need to resist the attack of the Terran Alliance Army."

"And in this period of time, let other demon cities destroy the Terran's main city and teleport array?"

Xuanling asked.

Xuanqing nodded: "exactly."

Xuanling said: "the plan is good, but other demon cities, will they make a move..."

Xuanqing said with a smile: "father, don't worry. This is a big event for our demon clan, not for our giant elephant city. They will not wait for death!"

"The only problem now is How to let these Alliance troops pour out their nests to attack Nanxi city and make the other six main Terran cities empty, which can give other demon cities opportunities

"So, it has to depend on Li Tianying and Kong Qi."

Xuanqing said with a smile.

Xuanling and Xuankong are both coincidentally looking at Li Tianying and Kong Qi, their eyes squinting.

Xuanling asked, "are they reliable?"

Xuanqing nodded and said, "I believe them!"

At the moment, Li Tianying and Kong Qi also quickly knelt down and said with righteous words: "we are willing to serve the demon clan. We only hope that the city Lord and the two young masters will spare our lives after the success of the event."

Xuanling zhengse said: "you don't worry, as long as you do according to Xuanqing's words, I promise that after the event, you will be safe and sound!"

Li Tianying and Kong Qi immediately said with joy, "thank you very much."

Xuanling said with a red face, "in that case, Xuanqing, you can arrange this matter."

Xuanqing said with a smile: "well, father, this war, let me deal with it. I will certainly let none of the Terrans in the secret land of the wilderness be left behind!"

"Ha ha ha."

"Ha ha ha."

"Ha ha ha."

Xuanling, Xuankong and Xuanqing looked at each other and immediately laughed.

Lin Bai stood by, silent, with a heavy heart.

"Something big is coming up."

Lin Bai said solemnly.If we really follow Xuanqing's strategy, if not, when the Alliance forces of the six main cities of the Terran kill Nanxi City, they will face the resistance of three demon cities.

No matter whether Nanxi city can be recovered or not, when the Terran Alliance Army fights with the three demon cities of Nanxi City, the demon clans in other cities are enough to rush into the Terran main city and destroy the teleport array.

Once the transmission array is destroyed, it is impossible for the southern courtyard to set up a transmission array and come to the secret land of the heavenly wasteland within a hundred years.

At that time, all the warriors in the secret land will lose all the main Terran cities. They will be hunted by the demon clan day and night until the last human clan dies out!

Xuanqing left the palace and began to arrange plans.

Lin Bai, Li Tianying and Kong Qi also left.

Lin Bai was silent all the way.

"Chiwei, it's been a hard journey. Go to the POW camp and pick some Terran women to play." Walking in the dark green, light a smile said.

Hearing about the POW camp, Lin Bai originally wanted to go here.

Now Xuanqing asked Lin Bai to go to the prisoner's camp to choose some women to play with. Lin Bai agreed with a smile: "thank you very much."

Hearing this, Xuanqing was stunned and looked back at Lin Bai.

Lin Bai was startled. Did he say something wrong and was seen by Xuanqing?

Xuanqing said with a light smile: "red tail, you are not a lecherous person. The women I gave you before, you are all rejected. You say that you are full of sharp thorns and can't get close to women."

"How did you change your temper today?"

Xuanqing said with a smile.

Hearing this, Lin Bai was stunned and immediately jumped in his heart. However, he said with a smile on his face: "there will be the first time. I will try to taste the delicacy of these women, won't I?"

Xuanqing said with a smile: "it's reasonable. Whether it's the demon clan or the Terran, cultivation is not for fame, strength, power, wealth, women, these five things, no one and demon clan can escape!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!