Chapter 2571

Lin Bai shakes his head and smiles bitterly.

Fu Qingshuang looks at Lin Bai, waiting for Lin Bai's reply.

At the moment, Hu xiner saw that the feeling between them was not quite right, so he said in a low voice: "eugong, now that Lin Bai is seriously injured, he should need a good rest. We might as well find a place to let Lin Bai heal."

"When his injury is better, let's ask again."

Hu Xin'er whispered.

Lin Bai's pale face looked at Hu Xin'er strangely. How could such a charming girl be so clever in front of Fu Qingshuang at the moment?

Hu Xin'er stares at Lin Bai fiercely. He grinds his teeth as if to say: what are you looking at! Never seen a beautiful woman!

Fu Qingshuang had no choice but to sigh: "help him go. I remember there is a small city around here. Let's go there to cultivate ourselves first."

Hu Xin'er nodded and said, "good!"

Immediately, Hu xiner picked up Lin Bai and the three of them flew to heaven together.

Half an hour later, the three came to a small town and found an inn to stay in!

When Lin Bai came to the inn, he immediately closed his door and began to recuperate!

In the storage bag, countless healing pills are taken out by Lin Bai. In the mouth of one by one, the medicine is refined to recover the wound in the body.

When Lin Bai was in the room, half a month passed in a flash.

Half a month later, Lin Bai, who took a lot of pills, has recovered 70% of his strength, although he has not recovered to the peak!

This day, Lin Bai wakes up from the room!

Although Lin Bai's injury recovered well, Lin Bai was not happy at all!

Because Lin Bai thought of the devil

"as like as two peas in the Kunming ruins, I wore blood god robes and the seeds of the magic flower flowed. The man I saw at that time was the same figure as I was, and it should be the figure of the demons."

Lin Bai said softly, reaching out and touching his eyes.

"Along the way, the devil helped me a lot and helped me escape from death many times!"

"But with the growth of my cultivation, more and more people tell me that demons are harmful to the warrior."

"On Dragon Island, the elder of the dragon clan told me at the moment before he died that before he entered the Taoism, he would not be wrong to cut off the devil seed. If the devil species leans on after entering the Taoism, he would have endless troubles."

The scene of the white dragon on the island.

"But with each bloom of the devil, I felt that he lasted longer and longer, and he was more and more out of my control, and my heart of killing became more and more intense."

"And this time, I can't see the world clearly!"

"When the man appeared, I felt that the world was blurry before my eyes, and finally it was completely dark!"

"And when the man walked up to me, I felt that as long as he walked into my body, I would be completely reduced to his palm plaything!"

"Is this because I have broken through the realm of cultivation?"

"I have broken through the adversity of death, so the demons are becoming more and more rampant?"

Lin Bai's face was dignified, and he kept thinking about the merits and demerits of possessed species.

"According to the man, the demons are nourished by the murderous spirit, the anger, the hatred and the resentment in the warrior's body."

"And the next time the devil's seed blooms and the man appears again, I'm afraid he will be able to master my body more easily at that time!"

"Maybe next time, the magic flower will not wither..."

"The magic flower is not withering, and I will become a killing machine without humanity!"

Lin Bai took a deep breath. This problem is something that Lin Bai has to face.

This time, although the man stopped and didn't step into Lin Bai's body, it was completely because Lin Bai threatened his life. If he insisted on rushing into Lin Bai's body, Lin Bai would have to commit suicide.

If Linbai died and the devil had no host, he would naturally die, and the man would never appear.

But that's not what the man wanted to see.

So, he didn't force it.

However, the man firmly believed that this would not be the last time Lin Bai used his magic power. There must be another time, so he would stop and wait for the next time.

At that time, it was easier for him to control Lin Bai's body!

The next time the Magic Seeds bloom and will not wither, the man will enter Lin Bai's body and wipe out the goodness in Lin Bai's heart. At that time, Lin Bai will be completely controlled by the devil and become a murderer!

"It seems that we can't use the power of demons anymore!"

"It's time to face this problem. It's time to chop down the demons."

Lin Bai's eyes twinkled and his eyes became more and more fierce.

Now Lin Bai has the slightest idea that he must be killed!

As for how to deal with the demons after killing them, Lin Bai needs to think more about it!Lin Bai thought for a long time, but now there is no better way to solve it.

Simply Linbai stood up, came to the window, opened the window, looking at this small city pool, people come and go.

These warriors, walking together in twos and threes, seem to be talking about something with each other. When they say that they are rising, they are foaming and dancing.

After calming down for a while, Lin Bai walked out of the room and went to Fu Qingshuang's room.

"Uncle Fu Qingshuang?"

Asked Lin Bai, buttoning the door.

"Come in." Soon, Fu Qingshuang's indifferent voice came from the room.

Lin Bai pushes the door in and sees Fu Qingshuang and Hu Xin'er all looking at Lin Bai with a cold face.

Lin Bai asked curiously, "what's the matter?"

Fu Qingshuang did not say a word, his face was cold.

Hu Xin'er picked up a scroll on the ground, handed it to Lin Bai, and said, "look at it yourself."

This scroll was picked up by Hu xiner from the ground. It was obvious that someone threw him on the ground angrily, and there was a crack on the ground. Obviously, when he dropped the scroll, he was very angry.

Don't think about it. Lin Bai knows that the one who throws the scroll is Fu Qingshuang.

However, Lin Bai was more curious about what happened on the scroll, which made Fu Qingshuang so angry.

Immediately, Lin Bai opened the scroll.

It's written on the scroll of Bai Kun!

It is said that Lin Bai stole the treasures from the God tower of kunxu and killed more than 20 elders of the Li family. His crime is unforgivable. He offered a reward to Dongzhou to kill Lin Bai!

After reading, Lin Bai smiles and puts the scroll down.

Fu Qingshuang saw Lin Bai finish reading, then asked coldly: "you have nothing to explain?"

Lin Bai said with a smile, "what can be explained?"

Fu Qingshuang asked coldly, "did you really go to the kunxu pagoda and steal the treasures inside?"

Lin Bai shook his head and said, "anyway, the Li family in kunxu wanted to kill me. As for what reason, they decided?"

"I need to know the truth," Fu said

Lin Bai said, "the truth is I did kill more than 20 warriors of the Li family, including the elder in the elder's pavilion, but I didn't go to the kunxu pagoda to steal treasures! "

"As for why I wanted to kill more than 20 Li family elders, it was totally unintentional!"

"So, now that the Li family wants to kill me, I have nothing to say!"

"If they have the ability, then come!"

Lin Bai said coldly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!