Chapter 3837

"Ah ~ ~"


Shenlei can't hurt the king of evil corpse. Qunshu is frightened and immediately turns to run for his life.

Long Han bit his teeth, cursed in his mouth, looked a little unwilling, and quietly turned to escape.

Ji Tai could not help shaking her head. Her figure flashed and she retreated into the fog.

The evil corpse King rushes out of the dust, and his claws reap the lives of the practitioners. No matter they are practitioners in the five or six robber Taoist realms, they are like tofu without resistance under his claws, and they are torn to pieces in an instant!

After seeing that the evil corpse king was so strong, some shrewd practitioners immediately stepped back. For example, long Han of demon clan, Guixiu Jitai, Nangong family and general Luo Wei of LingXiao City retreated before the evil corpse King rushed out of the dust.

Leave some practitioners who haven't had time to avoid and be killed by the evil corpse king!

The king of evil corpse crushed the mountain and river and killed Lin Bai in front of him. Lin Bai wanted to escape, but he was a little late. The king of evil corpse had locked himself in. At the moment of Lin Bai's turning, a breath of extreme Yin and evil attacked his back.

Lin Bai's face turned white. He felt that if he was hit by this force, he would surely die without a corpse!

"Spell it

Lin Bai clenched his teeth and suddenly turned around. His eyes twinkled. His two flying swords immediately left the body and chopped at the king of evil corpse. At the same time, the invisible God thunder circulates on the body surface to protect Lin Bai's body!

"By your thunder!"

Lin Bai shouts at the mountain top with a helpless face.

When Xu Shui heard this, he suddenly looked at Lin Bai, and his eyes were shocked. He thought of the martial man in the quasi Taoist realm. Could he fight against the evil corpse king?

At this moment, two flying swords entangled the evil corpse king, and Lin Bai's body slowly rose into the sky, and endless thunder rolled out of his body. On the clouds, wind and clouds were surging, and black clouds covered the top. Bursts of five colors of thunder surged fiercely in the clouds, colliding with each other and sending deafening thunder!

"This is The real God of thunder

Xu Shui gaped at the thunder in the clouds, which contains the power of heaven, so that Xu Shui instantly recognized that this is the heaven and earth God thunder!

"Five element God thunder formula! Seal

The dark clouds curled, as if the gods and demons were hiding among them. Slowly, a suffocating force of divine thunder came out of the clouds and turned into a side of thunder seal, which appeared above the thunder array. With the thunder seal set by Xu Shui, there are now two thunder seals on the cloud!

"Flying sword against thunder!"

Lin Bai burst a drink, two flying swords soared into the sky, endless thunder from the thunder chop, into the flying sword.

After the power of thunderbolt is absorbed by the flying sword, the flying sword vibrates violently, and the thunder light circulates on the sword body.


Lin Bai is full of violence, which is the strongest means he can use now. If this attack can not limit the evil corpse king, then Linbai can only find a way to escape!

Two flying swords suddenly cut off, the flying sword drags the God thunder Guanghua to hit the evil corpse King's body!

Bang! The flying sword pierced through the chest of the evil corpse king, leaving two fist sized holes, but there was no blood flowing from it.

The flying sword passes behind the evil corpse King's flesh, and its strength gradually weakens. The thunder's power is exhausted. The light flies back to Lin Bai's side.

The king of evil corpse looked down and saw two big holes in his chest.

Not only the king of evil corpse, but all practitioners now look at the big hole in the king's chest. This is the first attack of the evil corpse king after the three practitioners of human demon and ghost joined hands!

"It's a big blow."

Someone exclaimed.

A little excited smile appeared on the faces of long Han and Ji Tai, but in the next moment, their smiles solidified. They saw that the evil corpse king just glanced at the wound on his chest, then they raised their heads to look at Lin Bai and grinned grimly at the corners of his mouth.

Lin Bai gazed at the evil corpse king with a dignified face. He saw that the big hole about the size of a fist on his chest healed with the speed visible to the naked eye, as if nothing had happened!

This scene makes the three practitioners of human demons and ghosts despair!

It's hard to break through the two big holes in the chest of the evil corpse king, but he healed so easily?


Xu Shui shook his head and sighed bitterly. Just now, Lin Bai gathered the divine thunder and integrated into the flying sword. In his opinion, it had surpassed the power of the thunder array and hurt the king of evil corpse, but it didn't seem to have any effect.

This time, it is estimated that there will be no return to heaven!

"Goddamn crystal body!"

Lin Baian scolded, stepped on the flying sword and turned to leave.

Flying sword to resist thunder, this blow can not seriously hurt the evil corpse king. Lin Bai's heart has already sprouted the intention of retreating. He immediately stops his hand and leaves the imperial sword.

However, at the moment when Lin Bai stood on the flying sword, the body of the evil corpse King appeared in front of Lin Bai like a ghost. A rotten face was only a foot away from Lin Bai's face.

Lin Bai's eyes were wide, his heart was cold and his whole body was cold.

"Ho ho ~"The evil corpse King grinned grimly and raised his sharp claws to take out Lin Bai's heart!

"Lin Bai, use the magic weapon

The crow felt a strong breath of death approaching, his whole body was blown up, and he screamed at Lin Bai.

The crow's voice exploded like thunder. Without hesitation and thinking, a sharp sword flew out of the storage bag and fell into Lin Bai's hands.

Dao Shenbing, bright moon sword!

"Go away!"

Starting with the moon sword, the five elements divine pill turns with all one's strength, and the rolling force is injected into the Dao Shenbing like a raging beast. With one sword, the heaven and earth will be created!

The king of evil corpse wanted to take out Lin Bai's heart, but after seeing the Taoist soldiers, the grim smile on his face finally solidified for a moment. It was so close to Lin Bai that it was obviously impossible to avoid this sword.

I saw a fierce sword Qi, which hit the body of the evil corpse king, and cut off half of his body. Then, the sword spirit disappeared and rushed out of the city. It wiped out all the mountains, mountains and trees within ten thousand li. A hundred meter wide abyss was opened on the earth!

The evil corpse king is split by Lin Bai's sword. Lin Bai sees a red light flying from his body, which seems to be a wisp of gas!

"Xuanhuodao Aura!"

The crow exclaimed.

Lin Bai's face was ecstatic. He was quick and quick. He lifted his hand and took the gas into his hand. Without careful investigation, he put it into the storage bag.

Immediately, Lin Bai looked again at the split body of the evil corpse king. At the moment, there was a mysterious force that combined the two bodies together. The evil corpse King Come back to life again!

"Can't this thing be killed?"

Lin Bai gritted his teeth and growled, but fortunately, the aura of XuanHuo Dao had already arrived. Lin Bai didn't want to fight with the evil corpse king. He immediately stepped on the flying sword and disappeared in the sky!

"Dao Shenbing!"

"Dao Shenbing!"

"Dao Shenbing!"

Long Han and Ji Tai, Xu Shui and others watched Lin Bai's sword and exclaimed.

Especially when they saw the bright moon sword, the power of splitting heaven and earth with one sword, they were stunned!

Then you can see that the aura of xuanhuodao is taken away by Lin Bai, and Lin Bai disappears here in an instant.

"Chase!" Long Han exclaimed with a cry, the group of demons swept up and chased Lin Bai's direction.

"Find him!" When the ghost fog that envelops Jitai disperses, he mysteriously disappears here.

"Go Xu Lingwu has just been killed by the evil spirit of the water, and the evil spirit of the king of Xu has just been killed by the evil spirit of water!

In a short period of time, the three practitioners of human demons and ghosts joined hands, and they were all gone. Only the evil corpse king who had just recovered was left. Looking at the direction of Lin Bai's departure, a cold smile appeared on his mouth. The next moment, he stepped forward to keep up with Lin Bai , the fastest update of the webnovel!