Chapter 3679

In the city Lord's mansion, singing and dancing were promoted. A group of senior executives almost completely and completely released themselves in the beautiful wine, dance and music.

The Dragon envoy has ordered you to enjoy and have fun tonight.

Therefore, whether these executives are out of command or out of their own desire, in short, they are extremely happy to play.

On the hall of the city Lord, there was no dignity and silence like in the past, but more wine and the sound of beautiful women playing.

Ye Shijun did not sing and dance among the beauties, but it was difficult to sit quietly, drink quietly and watch the play quietly.

Has he changed sex?

Of course not.

Just because Ming Yu is sitting in the center, he has ideas about Ming Yu. Naturally, he deliberately shows his false side at this time.

Elegant and polite!

Zhu Yanshuo also has this idea, but it is more out of the consideration of his career.

After all, he is the city master here. There is still war to be solved at present. He still has to pretend to be full.

The dark rain smiled coldly on his lips, but his eyes gently looked through the hot dancing crowd all the way to the night outside the hall.

On the surface, she was watching them dance. In fact, she was staring at the dark sky and seeing the invisible man!

Han 3000!

She is obviously playing psychological warfare with Han 3000. She hopes to use the excitement here to make Han 3000 choose to lie flat at this time.

She doesn't know what he's up to, so the best way now is to sing with him in the air. If Han Sanyi moves, some intentions will come out.

"Han 3000, what the hell are you doing?"

Almost in her heart, the words just fell. At this time, a dark figure rushed in all the way from the outside of the hall. When she was panting, she still didn't forget to shout: "report!"

Ye Shijun got up one by one, barely saw the shadow through the dancing crowd, turned around quickly and said to the dark rain: "tell the Dragon special envoy that he is a man in the peripheral battlefield. He looks flustered and seems to have something urgent to report."

Ming Yu raised his hand slightly, and the music stopped at once.

As soon as the music stopped, everyone's dancing ended instantly. The dancers and singers quickly stepped aside, and the executives also returned to their seats.

"Come in." Zhu Yanshuo whispered to the visitor.

The shadow nodded, hurried into the seat in the hall, and then knelt down.

"What do you want to report? Did Han 3000 break through?" Zhu Yanshuo said with a little nervousness and excitement.

"Hum, it seems that the bastard can't hold his breath at last. He can compare with us when we are singing good wine?" Ye Shijun snorted coldly, looked back at the dark rain and said, "it seems that Han 3000's purpose should be to drag until dark, and then break through through the night."

This is really a good way. The night will make it easier to ambush, but it can also make it easier for Han 3000 to hide.

If Han 3000 is in the light and they are in the dark during the day, now they are more in the half dark and they are in the whole dark.

Elegant Library

The situation can not be said to be favorable for Han 3000, but at least it is much better than during the day.

However, Han 3000 can think of such a simple and huge opportunity. How can they not think of it?

"It's the wise dragon elder who knows that Han 3000 will be like this, so he has already set up an ambush in advance. Hum, he Han 3000 wants to break through at night. This is a good idea, but unfortunately, we are more fully prepared at night. Thousands of Yeming bombs are waiting at any time. Once he dares to move even once, the night will be completely lit up in an instant. At that time, if he can't steal chickens, he has to eat rice." Ye Shijun got up and sneered.

As soon as the voice fell, the people nearby also laughed. Obviously, they were very confident.

Only Ming Yu, she always felt that Han 3000 should not be just these two brushes.

With a faint look at the man in black, she said, "say."

The man in black nodded and said slightly embarrassed, "he's picking up girls..."