Chapter 4013

Pei Gu said, "say 3000."

"Please find someone to carry me back."

As soon as Han Sanqian closed his eyes and tilted his head, he fell directly into the air.

Simply, Pei Gu reflected that he was really fast enough. When he grabbed Han Sanqian, he pinched his pulse slightly in his hand, which turned out to be a momentary surprise.

"All meridians are broken, and the Dantian is broken!"

His eyes suddenly widened.

Such an injury can basically declare this person dead.

Even to some extent, even if there is a miracle that can make this person live, he has no future at all.

Like a loser!

"How could it be so serious?" Pei Gu was shocked.

But when I think about it carefully, I seem to fully understand it.

Under such an attack, let alone the injury, Han Sanqian's body can be preserved completely, which is an extraordinary achievement.

So, it seems to be expected again.

"How about the owner?" The attendant flew over and asked softly.

Pei Gu didn't hide it and told Han Sanqian's entourage about it.

The follower thought a little: "what does the master mean? At present, we have become enemies with Ming Yu, but the chips we get are like this, this..."

"As you said, the choices have been made, and even if you give a mud, you can only continue." Pei Gu said.

"What the owner means is that you still want to find the future in Han Sanqian?" The attendant asked.

Pei Gu thought for a while, and finally nodded, "yes."

"But he is so injured that even if he asks the best famous doctor and uses the best medicinal materials, he may not be able to be saved. Moreover, even if he is saved, Han Sanqian will eventually become a useless man."

"I'm afraid the only thing he can bring us is the prestige he left when he was famous."

"To be honest, it doesn't make much sense."

Pei Gu nodded, "I understand what you said. However, it's not impossible to have a try."

"Does the owner want the five element God stone on Han 3000?"

"The five elements can not only overcome each other, but also produce each other. Therefore, they can be used to kill or save people." Pei Gu said, "we don't know the real strength of the five element power. Maybe, what miracle can it really create?"

The entourage heard the speech, thought about it for a while, and nodded, "that's all we can do. Now we're betting on Han Sanqian, and it's impossible to recover. Although there is little possibility for Han Sanqian to make a comeback, at least the dead horse is regarded as a living horse doctor."

"I'm dying. We can still make a little bit better when we fall into the city. If we give up him now, if there's anything, we really don't like each other."

Pei Gu nodded, "that's right. We all jumped into this pit. We just closed our eyes and walked to the dark."

"Tell those who should leave the city to lead the way, and let's send Han 3000 back to his house."


The entourage took the order and hurried towards Ma Nanfeng and others. When the situation was explained, the troops stopped cheering and then made way.

When Pei Gu helped Han Sanqian fly to the ground, the leader of the three doors resisted the impulse to check Han Sanqian's safety and led a group of people all the way to the city.

Half an hour later, everyone in the city had returned to the city.

Su Yingxia hurried back to the city master's residence after hearing that Han 3000 was injured.

Outside, the city was full of cheers to celebrate this hard won victory, but in the backyard of the city master's residence, it was dead and gloomy at this time.

Han Sanqian's injury is almost equivalent to death. Naturally, the skeleton members of the mystery alliance knew it at the first time, but in order not to affect the morale of the whole city.

This matter is "secret without loss".

Su Yingxia came quickly, and everyone bowed their heads when they saw him.


"In the wing room. By the way, madam, this is Pei Gu, patriarch Pei!" Ning Yue said.

Su Yingxia nodded at peigu. Without saying much, she hurried into the room.

"This is?" Pei Gu asked ningyue in a low voice.

"This is my ally's wife." Ning Yue explained.

"Madam? Han Sanqian has a wife?" Pei Gu exclaimed.

"What does group leader Pei mean?" Ning Yue doubted.

Pei Gu was stunned and then smiled: "Oh, just casually ask, but there is no him."

Ning Yue nodded without saying anything more.

At this time, Su Yingxia, who rushed into the room anxiously, saw Han Sanqian lying quietly on the bed. She closed the door and burst into tears for a while

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