Chapter 4029

"How about it?"

Seeing Yin Su coming out, peigu and Peihu were the first and most excited.

After all, for the two of them, it is the best thing to take this opportunity to cure Han Sanqian. Therefore, this result is naturally the best for the two of them.

Su Yingxia and Zi Qing are the first two. It's not that they don't care about Han Sanqian, but that the father and son are too excited there.

Yin Su smiled gently, "the result of the treatment is good or bad, it's not what the doctor said. Shouldn't we ask the patient?"

Although there was no answer, looking at Yan Su's confident smile, at least to some extent, it showed that she was satisfied with the treatment result.

That is to say, the outcome must be good.

The two fathers and two women couldn't help arguing, and all rushed into the house.

However, just about to leave, Yin Su shook his head: "the VIP said that after dealing with so many doctors, he was tired and wanted to go to sleep. I think you'd better not disturb him."

Pei's father and son were anxious and wanted to go over to see it, but Yin Su's words did have some truth, especially Pei Gu, who knew that Han Sanqian was tired and had to deal with so many doctors. If he was not ill, he would be tossed out. Since he said he wanted to rest and go around again, it was really uncomfortable.

After thinking for a while, Pei Gu nodded and looked at Su Yingxia: "then it's inconvenient for us to disturb a lot. If there's anything wrong, just ask Yingxia, and the Pei family will try their best to meet any of your needs."

Su Yingxia nodded, "thank you, master Pei."

"Pei Hu!"

"The baby is here."

"You order people to strengthen security around Qifeng Pavilion. If there is any danger for the VIP, I'll ask you."

"I understand that I have asked the tiger team to deploy defense in the attic at any time."

"In addition, inform the cities as soon as possible, and let them urge the doctors to gather here. In addition, you can also widely receive the medicine of meridians gathering elixir to help the VIP recover. As for the price, tell anyone that I, the Pei family, never lose money."


After that, Pei Gu arched his hand at Su Yingxia: "then Pei Gu, excuse me first."

Su Yingxia nodded, "congratulations."

Pei Gu waved his big hand and led everyone present to exit the master bedroom courtyard. Yan Su glanced at Su Yingxia and Ziqing more, and turned around to follow the Pei family to leave.

After a group of people left, Su Yingxia and Ziqing hurried back to the house to see Han Sanqian.

"All gone?" Han Sanqian laughed.

Su Yingxia nodded and hurriedly asked, "how was the woman's treatment just now? Can it help you?"

"Yes, brother 3000, the woman didn't say the result, but let us ask you. What to say, should we ask the doctor, but the patient, because the patient knows his physical condition better." Purple feeling also echoed the way.

Han Sanqian smiled bitterly, saying that the more beautiful a woman is, the more brainless she is. Coincidentally, how did she meet women who are not only beautiful, but also smarter than each other?!

Yin Su didn't admit his real purpose, nor did he say it. Instead, he threw the problem to himself with clever reasons.

It's really interesting.

"I feel OK." Han Sanqian laughed.

Just when Han Sanqian wanted to say more, at this time, there were bursts of knocking outside the door.

The three men looked back at each other at the same time, and Ziqing was the first to say, "who?"

"I'm the son of Pei family, Peihu." The people outside the window said politely.

Ziqing frowned: "didn't Prince Pei leave with the Pei family leader? Why did he go back?"

"Well, I have a secret treasure, which was originally a treasure, but I heard that the VIP was hurt, so I reluctantly gave it up and presented it specially, hoping to help the VIP."

"Previously, there were many people with mixed eyes, so I was afraid it would be inconvenient, so... So I specially returned it and wanted to give it to the VIP personally."

Purple feeling smelled the words and wanted to open the door, looking at Han Sanqian.

Han Sanqian shook his head slightly.

Ziqing nodded and said, "he has fallen asleep. I'll take anything at the door later."

"But..." Pei Hu was obviously a little unwilling. After all, if he gave such a big gift that he couldn't even see the VIP, wouldn't it be in vain?

"Young master, what else?"

"But there is one thing. The VIP came all the way. I don't know if we can have a meal together in the evening. I ordered someone to prepare some Pei's specialties..."

Han Sanqian nodded, and Ziqing said, "young master, if you speak, we will certainly appreciate it. See you in the evening..."

Hearing this, Peihu was overjoyed: "well, I'll send someone to pick up the VIP in person later."

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