Chapter 4931

Seeing a group of people appear, the captain suddenly turned from gaining power to losing power, and his heart was constantly numb!

If the opponent's men and horses could make them think they could fight back, then now these dense numbers of people can basically make them give up any struggle directly.

Although the spy industry has a very high demand for everyone's special ability, and their individual ability is far better than any individual black-clothed man in the outside army, but no matter how skilled they are, they are afraid that there will be too many people on the opposite side.

Besides, they knew the bravery of the cavalry regiment, and they also knew more or less about the opponent's abilities.

When they were in pairs of dozens or even hundreds, they had no room for resistance at all.

"That's what I meant when I said no need to fight, do you understand?" Hai Jin laughed.

The captain was a little panicked: "Are you fucking stalking me? You have ambushed so many people long ago?"

"You can think so too." Hai Jin laughed.

"This is impossible, is it possible that you already knew our whereabouts?" the captain said in shock.

If he only discovered his actions temporarily, then it would be impossible for him to send so many people to make preparations. On the contrary, in order to find himself, the people should be more scattered.

After all, it was the operation team in his own city, which spread out to more than a dozen positions.

But this guy Haijin, there are only so many people in one place? !

You must know that if there are so many people everywhere, it will be easy for him to know when they act, but he didn't notice that there were large troops in the city besides the original guards.

So, no matter how you look at it, it's unlikely.

Unless the other party knew about his actions long ago, and had ambushed them in advance, so that if they moved by themselves, they would follow suit, then there would be such a situation where they were suddenly surrounded by many people.

Hai Jin smiled lightly: "I'm just a traitor, how can I know such a high IQ. However, I have a superior who may be smarter than you, so he predicted in advance that you are coming action."

The captain still couldn't understand: "He knew in advance that we would take action tonight. It's not difficult. Anyone who is a little vigilant should know that we will definitely take action tonight. I just don't understand why you can clearly grasp Where are we?"

Hai Jin smiled: "It's very simple, although you are in the dark and we are in the light, you have priority over us, but on the other hand, if you move first, it will be different who is the light and who is the dark."

Han Sanqian came out at night to comfort the citizens of Yetian City. Of course, on the surface, it was indeed to stabilize the morale of the army. In fact, Han Sanqian had other plans.

In wartime, when the outside moves, the people inside will naturally be unable to sit still, and when the outside moves and the attack is still impossible, the outside becomes suspicious, and the inside has to be even more anxious.

The reason is also very simple, they need to pass useful information to them internally to help them.

In this way, the spies inside will inevitably make a big move, and especially when Han Sanqian shows up, the spies will only be dispatched more frequently.

"My leader has always been aware of your existence, but he has always asked us not to startle the enemy, the purpose is to relax your vigilance, and make you think that we have never known your existence, or that we know your existence but there is nothing we can do about you. "

"And the ultimate goal is to wait for the day when we can do whatever we want."

Hai Jin smiled, and continued to speak: "Nowadays, the outsiders are no match for death. As people in the city, your use value will naturally increase, which also means that you will be very busy."

"Spies, the less you move, the more concealed you will be, and the more you move, the easier you will be exposed. In addition, you are too busy, so you will inevitably show your feet. The leader came out to comfort the people, but in fact led the snake out of the hole, and then grabbed your tail, waiting for you to act. .”

"Then, you guys moved..."

Hearing this, the captain's face turned ashen...

"You... what exactly do you want?"