Chapter 4960

If it is said that the previous twenty miles away was still a point that Han Sanqian could accept and understand, then this point has even far exceeded his psychological expectations.

The distance from here to the base camp is at least a hundred miles. On such a front, you can't even say that the opponent's commander is cautious about the food point, but is completely sick.

If you asked Han Sanqian to guess where the food point might exist, then you might have thought about it a thousand times or ten thousand times, and Han Sanqian would never have thought of this.

This is indeed too much beyond the normal kind of plan.

Twenty miles is called a departure from the battlefield, or if the battlefield is small, then the distance of a hundred miles, you can say that it is not a problem at all on the battlefield.

There is simply a complete safety zone.

"Leader, isn't this a bit ridiculous?" Hai Jin commented cautiously: "This place is too remote, and it's not even within the actual control range of the group of enemies facing us."

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"The battlefield is here, but the replenishment point is hundreds of miles away. Not to mention the time wasted by going back and forth, even the soldiers are tired from running back and forth."

Han Sanqian looked at Huya. Although Han Sanqian didn't speak, it was obvious that he basically agreed with Haijin's opinion, but, after all, they were all his subordinates, and Han Sanqian was willing to believe what each subordinate said and view.

Huya frowned, thought for a long time, looked up at Han Sanqian, and looked at Han Sanqian with a pair of eyes: "Leader, from the deployment of troops and my understanding of the original superiors, I think this point is the most likely of."

"Yes, I can understand Haijin, including your various doubts, but you see, leader, although the opponent's troops are gathered in front of us in a neat formation, encircled from left to right, and formed layers upon layers, the last circle even attacked us. A huge encirclement circle has been formed. However, if you look carefully at the formation, you will find that there is a gap in the enemy's troops in the northwest direction?"

Han Sanqian recalled carefully that during the survey, there was indeed a very small gap in the enemy's overall strength at the right rear.

It's just that the gap is so small that Han Sanqian doesn't think it may have been formed deliberately.

If any of the teams didn't return temporarily, or the reserve army over there suffered some damage in the previous battle, this kind of situation might happen, so Han Sanqian didn't take this matter seriously.

"What does this have to do with grain points?"

Huya said: "Of course it does matter, the entire encirclement is neat and tidy, it's like the other party is a wooden barrel, and they want to hold water like us. Naturally, what they hope is that the wooden barrel is complete and intact. .”

"How can it be tolerated, there is a gap somewhere?"

Hai Jin shook his head: "Although what you said makes sense, but, to be honest, you are somewhat far-fetched."

Huya said: "It's really far-fetched, and I agree with that, but if I know our superiors and their behavior better than you. And if you notice a small problem here, then if you understand the terrain If you combine it with an analysis, you may be able to understand that my judgment is definitely not far-fetched."

Hai Jin wanted to say something, but Han Sanqian stopped him directly, and looked at Huya: "Tell me."

"Leader, if you pass by the primeval forest in this area, then you should know that it is almost all forest, right?"

Han Sanqian nodded, indeed.

"However, the forest belongs to the forest, and there is still a way in it."

After joining the caravan, they did have their own way to go to Yetian City.

"That's right. Road." Huya smiled.

Han Sanqian also understood Huya's meaning at once.

Yes, how could he forget such a thing?

There are relatively few forests around Yetian City, and there is enough open space outside the city.

But it doesn't mean that places far away from the city will be flat.

If the ten-mile land needs to cross mountains and mountains, then for a certain kind of Chengdu, such a twenty-mile land may not be much easier than a hundred-mile land.

Huya smiled lightly, seeing that what he said was almost the same, he quickly drew on the blueprint, the more he looked at his drawing, the more Han Sanqian couldn't help showing a smile on his face...