Chapter 1406

When all the people glared at Han Sanqian, the sound from the ward made the room quiet.

Every Su family's face was full of disbelief.

The treatment team led by the attending doctor almost fell to the ground.

"Don't make any noise. I'll have a rest." Simple five words, but full of air, and also with a slight dissatisfaction.

If this is said from other people, it will not surprise people, but the voice comes from the father of the Su family, which makes people feel unbelievable and even frightening.

Because the father of the Su family was almost sentenced to death by the attending doctor, how could he speak?

Moreover, the doctor in charge knew better than anyone that he could not breathe his last breath by relying on the instrument. He could not be conscious enough to speak.

Look at Han 3000!

The attending doctor looked at the ward, pushed Han Sanqian away and rushed into the ward.

Immediately, all the people in the treatment team followed into the ward, and everyone in the Su family was no exception.

When they saw that the old man on the hospital bed had taken off the instrument and his face was red, no one could believe it was true.

"How possible, how possible!" The attending doctor widened his eyes as if he had seen a ghost.

"What is possible? Do you want me to die?" The old man frowned and said discontented.

The attending doctor did have such an idea, because the old man's condition was determined by him, but now, the old man's condition is getting better. Isn't this a disguised explanation of his medical problems?

This is not a trivial matter for a doctor. It is likely that his career will be destroyed.

But the fact is in front of him, even if he is not willing to admit, there is no way.

"How good are you, master?" Asked the attending doctor.

"You can't cure me, can't you let someone else cure me?" The old man disdained.

The attending doctor repeatedly shook his head and said, "I don't mean that. Hello, this is certainly a good thing, but But how could it get better so quickly? "

All aspects of the old man's body function has been reduced, even necrotic. It is also because of this situation that the attending doctor will judge that he will not live long. But now, the old man is getting better too fast. What kind of magic drug can have the effect.

"It's better. It's none of your business. I'm going to have a rest. You all go out." The old man closed his eyes tired.

People you look at me, I see you, dare not disobey the old man's meaning, had to leave the room one by one.

At this time, the attending doctor remembered that the old man was cured by Han Sanqian, so he began to search for Han Sanqian's figure. But by this time, Han Sanqian had already left the hospital.

"People, others, where are people." The attending doctor ran away like crazy. He had to find Han Sanqian and know how Han Sanqian did it.

The Su family were silent, especially the old lady and Su Guolin.

Because the old lady is waiting for the old man's death to take over the power of the Su family. But now, her idea is obviously in vain.

Su Guolin, on the other hand, hopes to return to the Su family and the company after his death, but it is impossible now, because the old man is in good health, there is absolutely no possibility for him to return to the Su family.

"Su Guolin, are you disappointed?" Su Guoyao asked Su Guolin faintly.

Su Guolin suddenly raised his head, ferocious to Su Guoyao said: "Su Guoyao, what do you mean."

"Don't think I don't know. You want to return to the Su family after Dad's death. Now that dad is well, you must be very disappointed." Su Guoyao said with a smile.

"You fart, how can I hope dad dies." Su Guolin gnawed his teeth. Even if all the Su family could see it, he would never admit it.

Su Guoyao's mouth rose and continued: "it doesn't matter if you don't admit it. I know what you think in your mind. You can rest assured that I will never give you any chance to return to the Su family, and no one can help you. The future of the Su family is in the hands of Su Guoyao."

When he said this, Su Guoyao took a special look at the old lady.

He knew that the old lady valued Su Guolin more, but Su Guoyao also wanted to let the old lady know that the rise and fall of the Su family was in his hands, not that Su Guolin could change it.

The old lady did not dare to speak. After all, she was not qualified to teach Su Guoyao a lesson if she could not control the power of the Su family.

As Su Guoyao said, the future of the Su family is in his hands. Only Su Guoyao can decide whether to cooperate with Fengqian group.

At this time, the old man's voice came from the ward: "Guoyao, you come in, I have something to tell you."

With a smile on his face, Su Guoyao walked into the ward.Su Guolin is pale, usually the old man is called him, and only he is qualified to frequent in and out of his study, and now, the man he valued has obviously changed.

To a large extent, Su Guolin suffered his own fate today. If he didn't want to destroy the cooperation between the Su family and Fengqian group, he would never have been expelled from the Su family. He would even enjoy the honor of the Su family in the future.

It's a pity that Su Guolin has no time to regret now.

After entering the ward, Su Guoyao held his waist and asked the old man, "Dad, how are you doing? If you don't feel well, take a rest."

The old man waved his hand and looked lively and said, "I don't have any discomfort. I feel like I'm full of strength and endless strength. It's like I'm a few decades younger."

Hearing this, Su Guoyao was a little surprised.

Han 3000 can cure the old man, that is already a miracle, but the master's current state, can not only cure so simple ah.

"Dad, how did he do it? Even the doctor said you couldn't do it. He could cure you so quickly. Would he give you some elixir?" Su Guoyao asked curiously.

For this matter, the old man promised Han Sanqian that he would never disclose it to anyone, and he himself did not know how Han Sanqian was doing to make him better.

"I have no answer to this matter. You don't have to be curious. The most important result is that I'm ok." Said the old man.

Su Guoyao nodded again and again. If the old man was ok, he would not have to worry about other things. This is the real good thing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!