Chapter 2602

Dust and smoke billowed on the ground, so that people couldn't see what fell down at all.

But there was a "green gas monster" before, and they were afraid that the monster in it would fall. They wanted to come forward to watch, but they didn't dare to get too close.

Soon, the crowd gathered more and more, almost three floors inside and three floors outside.

At this time, the dust and smoke began to dissipate, and the things on the central ground began to appear more and more.

"Oh, fuck you, I fell to death." At the same time, the thing also issued a very depressed cry of pain.

"Fuck you, Han 3000. I know I'm not merciful. Your mother's, ouch, my ass!"

As the abuse continued to ring, the dust dispersed. A disheartened thing, about the size of a gourd, kneaded his ass and stood up from the ground depressed.

When they saw this thing, some people were frightened and panicked, while others frowned. It was obvious that their brain was going through a storm.

It seemed that he was also noticed by the crowd. The gadget was immediately dissatisfied and said, "shit, what are you looking at? Haven't you seen the handsome man landing?"

"Well, except you two, hey hey..." when the gadget focused on Ning Yue and Shi Yu, the dissatisfaction on his face suddenly disappeared, in exchange for a silly smile on his face.

"You are..." seeing this gadget, Ning Yue couldn't help wrinkling her willow eyebrows.

It's always familiar, but not always.

"Me? Shit, isn't it? You don't recognize me? " The gadget was stunned. Then, he patted his little head: "shit, forget this fork. I look a little different now."

"Although it doesn't affect my handsome!"

"I, ginseng baby." Then the gadget pointed to his chest.

"Ginseng baby?"

"Are you ginseng baby?" The two women were stunned almost at the same time.

Although this gadget is indeed somewhat similar to ginseng baby, it is actually somewhat different.

In the past, the ginseng baby was really like a ginseng, but now, it looks like a circle on the top and a circle on the bottom... Gourd!

"Hey, hey, if it's fake, it's guaranteed." Ginseng baby smiled confidently.

"But now... How..." Shiyu was young and had nothing to hide from her. She said suspiciously, "how can she look like a gourd baby? Look at your face... How round it is now! "

As soon as this word came out, ginseng baby's confident smile solidified on her face and thought she touched her face while everyone didn't pay attention.

Yes, what's handsome? Now don't say that the face is round like a cake, that's the head. It's also round like a ball!

Handsome? Where did he come from?!

At that moment, renshenwa felt that her world was still

"Charm, the important thing is charm, yes, that's right!" Ginseng baby suddenly found an excuse to paralyze herself: "isn't my natural and unrestrained charm still there? As for my face, it's developing, developing and still developing. It's normal to be a little baby fat. "

"By the way, were you confronting the alliance leader just now?" Ning Yue suddenly remembered that if the monster in the green gas was ginseng baby, then naturally, the man who attacked Han 3000 just now is not this little guy?

"Hey, hey, what's up? It's just me. Can't you force me?" Speaking of this, ginseng baby is excited.

Like that, I'm quite confident that I can beat invincible hands all over the world.

"What? This little thing is the monster in the green gas in the sky just now? This... This... "The ginseng baby was forced, and obviously someone still bought it.

At least Du Shengsheng and Lu Yuan, who had never seen him before, were all stunned.

After all, with such a powerful monster, I can even confront Han 3000 in the air for so long. How can I have anything to do with this small thing like a gourd in front of me?

"Yes, it's me." Hearing the shock of others, renshenwa was very proud.

At that moment, fangfo stood at the center of the world

"How could it be you? You are not... Not... "Ning Yue can't reflect it, or the reality can't accept it.

"Hey, hey!" Ginseng baby smiled mysteriously: "do you want to know what's going on?"

And almost at the same time, Han 3000's head has also fallen down, the fastest update of the webnovel!