Chapter 2679


"What's going on? We're back where we were? "


"Hallucination, it must be hallucination, Moyang, you hit me!" Dao 12 shouted urgently.


Moyang's backhand is a slap, which makes him dizzy!

However, no one loved him, but stared at him curiously, waiting for his answer.

"You can't be fucking light? Shit! " Dao 12 shouted angrily, and most of his face was red and swollen by the dark sun!

"Pain is not an illusion?" Moyang frowned.

"No way not!" Ning Yue stared at her!

Stone people are an indisputable fact, but now they are all living people. How can they not be hallucinations?!

"I don't believe it." Wang Simin gave a soft drink, directly took out his sword and walked again.

The crowd quickly followed up!

What makes people wonder is that when a group of people walked into it, the "living people" didn't seem to find them. They didn't respond at all. Everyone was busy with what they were doing.

Despite their doubts, they don't provoke people, and people naturally don't want to waste time on them.

Through the crowd, I passed by the golden armor soldier array again. It was almost the same as the "people" outside. The soldiers were practicing, while the commander on the carriage was motionless!

Passing by, a group of people went towards the stone house again.


With the ugly sound again, everyone covered their ears and raised their eyes again!

"God, we're back where we were!"

"What the hell is going on?"

A group of people were shocked, just in the blink of an eye, but they suddenly came back from a distance where they had to walk for nearly ten minutes.

"It seems that there is power to stop us and keep us away!" The moon frowned.

"Power? You mean that strange sound? " Baixiaosheng in the Jianghu said strangely.

"That voice is so strange. I don't know where it came from." Moyang also said strangely.

"The more you stop it, the more it shows that the cabin is strange!" Wang Simin gritted his teeth and said, "this has strengthened my determination to go over."

"I can't go like that again. I have a way." The moon rises.

Then, according to Ning Yue's idea, 21 people in a row were divided into three groups, a total of seven groups, arranged from front to back.

When they reappeared next to the golden armor stone man array, a group of people stopped.

"We move forward seven times, I'm at the end!" Ning Yue nodded to Wang Simin.

Wang Simin gave a slight response and glanced at the Moyang and Dao 12 next to him. The next second, the three men rushed directly to the small stone house.


When the strange sound sounded, Ning Yue saw with her own eyes that Wang Simin, who had run to the middle of the center, turned into a light spot and disappeared.

"Did you find the source of the strange noise?" Asked Ning Yue.

Zhong Beihai shook his head. According to Ning Yue's instructions, when the first team passed through, they immediately looked around to find out where the strange sound came from.

But the other 13 people, with 13 pairs of eyes, did not know where the sound came from.

"Never mind, team two!" The frozen moon said coldly.

Lu Yuan nodded to each other and rushed over there again.

Then the third team, the fourth team, the fifth team

Until only Ning Yue and Zhong Beihai are left!

Still nothing.

The sound appeared out of thin air and dissipated without leaving any trace.

Ning Yue frowned and looked around depressed. Suddenly, she swept the strange looking man on the carriage!

"Strange!" Ning Yue immediately frowned. She always felt that he was strange, but she couldn't say what was strange!

"Ning Yue, it's almost time for us to start." Zhong Beihai suddenly interrupted Ning Yue's thoughts.

Ning Yue nodded and walked over with heavy thoughts. Then with the buzzing again, they returned to their original place again.

Seeing Ning Yue and others reappear in the same place, everyone's faces are not good-looking, but at this time, Ning Yue suddenly raised her head and suddenly surprised: "it's the vertical stone man!", the fastest update of the webnovel!