Chapter 1583

The void where the seven real people of the Three Realms Alliance are located.

When Shang Xia came back, he didn't hide his whereabouts, so Zuo Li, Kou Chongxue and others saw his disappearance from a distance.

"What did those two tell you?"

Kou Chongxue took the initiative to ask the doubts in everyone's heart.

Shang Xia roughly told everyone about the content of the communication between the three, including the last thing that Xiong Xin and Yuan Chan hoped to join forces with him.

After listening to the real person Qu Guan, he quickly asked: "Then did you agree? If we can join hands with Lingjun and Lingyu, then we should be more confident in the matter of targeting the star master." Is it big?"

Shang Xia shook his head and said, "It's not joining forces with Lingjun and Lingyu, but the two of them joining forces with me, which doesn't involve the sect forces behind it, the plane world."


Qu Guanren was at a loss for words for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Kou Chongxue sighed softly when he heard the words, and said: "That is to say, people in Lingyu Realm will continue to try to vent the torrents from beyond the sky to steal the origin of Yuanping Realm's heaven and earth, and Lingjun Realm will also continue to borrow the power of foreign forces to come Enhance their comprehensive strength in Guantianyu."

Shang Xia said calmly: "That's it."

Master Shao couldn't help but said: "Could it be that if they do this, they are not afraid of self-defeating and attracting wolves into the house?"

Shang Xia explained calmly: "In the eyes of the two of them, if they can successfully complete the promotion to the seventh heaven in time, all problems will naturally be solved; Struggling, in the end it is impossible to escape the fate of the star master after recovery, so the two of them actually don't care about what the Lingjun world and the Lingyu world have done."

After Shang Xia finished speaking, the real people fell silent, and even looked at Shang Xia with a little more complicated look.

In a sense, Shang Xia, Xiong Xin, and Yuan Chan are fellow travelers, and even the former is better than the latter two, which means that Shang Xia has far more reasons to choose than the latter two. It's their way.

Moreover, Kou Chongxue's understanding of Shang Xia is far higher than others, and he also understands that with Shang Xia's promotion to the seventh heaven, the local plane world is more bound to him than the other two are to their respective plane worlds. less.

Master Zuo Li said in a deep voice, "Then... what is Master Shang going to do next?"

Shang Xia smiled and said: "No plans, everyone is not familiar with each other, even though they have the same goal in targeting the Star Lord, they can only act on their own, besides, Shang's way of martial arts practice is also different from that of the two of them. different."

As soon as Shang Xia's words fell, several real people from the Three Realms Alliance all heaved a sigh of relief, and even had a bit of joy in their eyes.

Although they have not worked with Shang Xia for a long time, they have already been convinced by the personal combat power he has shown.

It is also because of this that they pay more and more attention to Shang Xia's own choice.

Immortal Zuo Li then asked: "Then shall we continue to enter the space of the sky barrier in Yuanping Realm, and weaken the Star Lord by destroying the original incarnation?"

Shang Xia said with a helpless smile: "After a while, you can try it out, or follow other people to see the situation, but it's better to be cautious. I don't think Star Master will continue to let me wait on the sky barrier at will. action."

Seeing that Master Zuo Li still wanted to say something more, Shang Xia continued: "Or we can wait a bit, after all, we just got the news from those two that Zhuo Gudao and the plane world that hosts the Xingyuan Dojo are far away from Yuanping Realm. It's not far away."

Master Zuo Li was taken aback, and said, "So fast? We haven't received any news yet."

In the next period of time, the seven real people of the Three Realms Alliance really did not wander around the Yuanping Realm anymore. Apart from their daily practice, these people even took time to leave the plane void of the Lingyu Realm to deal with some things in their respective plane worlds .

After all, among these seven real people, no matter which one is the leader in their respective planes and worlds, as long as they are willing, almost everyone has countless things waiting for them.

Kou Chongxue did not return to Lingfeng Realm, but went to pick up the fleet that was rushing to the Void of Lingyu Realm.

However, Shang Xia hurried back to Lingfeng Realm this time, because the news of Zhu Nang came from the secret realm of the No. The secret method taught successfully escorted an earth star that entrusted the two people's natal souls back to the Cang Law Realm.

And the Cangfa Realm, which had been forcibly promoted in the world, got this huge earth star that could be used to enshrine the original true spirits of two high-grade real people, and the foundation that was originally deficient was quickly replenished. The promotion to the spiritual world is getting closer and closer. Even the Ying brothers, the two high-quality real people, have been favored by the will of the Cangfa world. After the Dharma Realm is completely promoted, these two people will also be completely accepted by the original will of heaven and earth, and become the local Gaozhen of the new plane world!

So far, although Shang Xia seems to have completed the release of five spirit-fixing weapons in different worlds, in fact, the Cangfa Realm, which was his first spirit-fixing weapon, did not satisfy him to be promoted to seven stars. conditions required by the environment.

Because of this, Shang Xia later imparted the secret technique obtained from the Tianxing Pavilion to the two. In addition to allowing the two to gain a foothold in the Cangfa Realm as soon as possible, another important purpose is to allow the two to promote the Cangfa Realm to complete the spiritual world as soon as possible. promotion.

Now that the news finally came from Cangfa Realm, Shang Xia naturally attached great importance to it.

In addition to confirming the news, Shang Xia returned to the Lingfeng Realm, and another reason was that all kinds of high-level spiritual materials and objects he needed had been collected, and his incarnation outside the body could continue to be produced.

The production of the external avatar is a long-term effort, and the special meeting has to wait for the collection of various precious spiritual materials and spiritual objects, which makes the production process of his external avatar always intermittent.

This time, after collecting all the required spiritual materials and spiritual objects through various channels expanded from the academy, Shang Xia was finally able to complete the production of the external avatar in one go.

More importantly, once the external avatar with high-quality combat power is completed, Shang Xia can send it outside Guantianyu, and with the cooperation of Yan Ming, follow the five-incarnation deduced by Yuan Qiuyuan and Xin Lu. After confirming one by one with a star map, they finally found seven suitable big sun stars in the shape of a "big dipper", which could even replace Shang Xia to complete the extraction of a ray of source light from the big sun star to refine the original star.

In this way, Shang Xia is one step closer to completing preparations for promotion to the seven-star realm.